Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 950 Reporter\r

There is really too little news about Aisha. Mutant Academy is definitely a good place to protect privacy. Even the most powerful paparazzi cannot enter the Academy.

This makes Aisha the most mysterious of many stars, and she originally represents Mutant, so everyone is very curious about Aisha. This time Aisha suddenly appeared at an ordinary bazaar, and everyone's enthusiasm was mobilized, especially the reporters.

The bazaar has not yet started, and it is overcrowded.

The lawn outside the church simply cannot accommodate so many people, but the priest is not angry, and the bazaar represented by the large number of people can be more successful.

The reporters worked harder than anyone else, squeezing in the front of the crowd: "Miss Aisha, is participation in this charity sale related to new films?"

"It doesn't matter." Aisha said.

"So, why did you come to participate in this charity sale?" the reporter asked again.

"Because I lived in this community when I first came to New York many years ago." Aisha said.

Big news, I did not expect Aisha to be a resident of this community. People in the community never thought that there would be a big star here, and they regretted why they didn't pay attention. At that time, "The Snow Queen" had not been filmed, and Aisha had no reputation at all.

"Do you live with Mr. Liu Adou?" This is obviously a gossip reporter.

"I'm just like the relatives of Liu Adou and his wife. They care about me very much." Aisha said calmly, unaffected by the reporter.

Is Liu Adou married? There is no exact news for entertainment reporters, but it doesn't matter whether a director is married or not. It's just a pity that the news of the famous actress and the director cohabiting is gone.

"So did the script for "Frozen" take shape at that time?"

"You need to ask our director, I'm just an actor." Aisha actually learned to play football.

The camera turned to Liu Adou, and Liu Adou calmly said, "You can say so."

When the camera turns again, it is obvious that the reporters are more interested in Aisha. The star is the star, and the report star definitely has more ratings than the report director.

"Miss Aisha, do you have any plans to shoot a new film in the future?"

"Miss Aisha, do you have a boyfriend?"

"Miss Aisha..."

It was all about Aisha, and Liu Adou was almost squeezed away by reporters. The people behind are impatient. This is not a press conference. These reporters are in front. Doesn't this prevent them from having a chance to get close to the celebrities?

When everyone was fed up with reporters' idiot questions, someone finally asked a meaningful question: "Miss Aisha, are the merchandise of this bazaar all yours?"

Aisha replied: "Yes, these things are my previous things, but I haven't used them much. They are almost the same as new ones. I hope to find new owners for these things today."

"Will you sign on it?" someone shouted.

Aisha can still keep smiling: "If you want, I can sign the buyer as a gift." "All our income today will be donated by the church in this community to the New York City Orphanage."

Good deeds, everyone said to buy, buy, buy.

"Reporters, you are enough, get out of the way, don’t hinder us from buying things!" Some people can’t wait, but those things Aisha used, and even the clothes Aisha wore, how can others get ahead of others , I must buy it myself.

The reporters found that the strength behind them became stronger, and everyone was crowded.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze." If so many people have a stampede, it will be over. The priest picked up the horn to maintain order: "For the sake of God, please keep order."

In any case, it was also God's place. These Yankees still wanted to show God's face. The priest was yelling, and the commotion stopped.

But if you line up, the people behind will definitely not be able to buy Aisha's personal belongings. Isn't this life-threatening?

At this time, Liu Adou stood up: "Anyone who buys items at the bazaar can get the signatures of Aisha and I. As for Aisha's items, we can auction them, and the higher price will get."

Just do it, the priest has no choice, he immediately let someone make a space on the side of the church for auction.

The sacred place became a vegetable market.

However, everyone said that Liu Adou is very witty, so that they are not afraid that their things will not be sold.

The things in front of Liu Adou were put away again and let the priest take them for auction, and immediately lost a lot of people. Fans usually paid for something from the side and brought them to Aisha and Liu Adou to sign, which completely turned into an autograph session.

There is no way to become famous. Liu Adou thought about it and saw that someone was leaving after getting Aisha's signature: "Friend, I haven't signed it for you yet."

The man said without looking back, "I only need the signature of the Snow Queen."

Assault, Liu Adou was hit by tons.

When did Asuka and Ling Boli watch such a scene, they were amazed at Aisha’s fame. Asuka actively helped to auction Aisha’s things. When she watched a pair of ordinary jeans sell for tens of thousands of dollars, she opened her mouth completely. stunned.

But the people who bought it are still very proud. Aisha doesn't like trousers. This may be one of the few trousers that Aisha tried to wear. Even in action scenes like shapeshifting King Kong, Aisha is also a long skirt, even if she looks embarrassed, the long skirt is pulled into the machine and is torn, and she does not change her trousers. This shows Aisha's persistence. Rare is precious, these jeans are definitely worth this price in the hearts of fans.

Crazy, completely mad, even the pens that Aisha used have been auctioned for thousands.

Asuka discovered for the first time that the people on Earth in the peaceful years are really boring. Why not eat a few good meals with so much money?

Coming from a world where resources are scarce, Asuka's biggest hobby is to eat food that was previously unavailable. It is a pity that her economy is not independent now, and she has no pocket money to eat a Michelin chef. Seeing fans spending a lot of money now, Asuka just doesn't understand that there is no celebrity in her world with such a big appeal.

The fans who photographed the stuff did not feel distressed at all because of the lack of money. Instead, they looked excited and even happier than winning the lottery. Especially the fat man who photographed Aisha's jeans was extremely trivial and really doubted what he was going to do.

In short, this charity sale is definitely a big victory, but Liu Adou has received a lot of blows. Many people only like Aisha and don't really want his director's signature.

The priest was even more excited and slobbered, but this time he did good on behalf of God, and he would definitely go to heaven after he died.

The reporters did not let the fans around after interviewing Aisha. While everyone was queuing, they interviewed them about their love for Aisha and their support for Aisha. ..

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