Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 967 Funeral\r

Various media gathered around the rainforest that turned into a desert, originally called the lungs of the earth, because the rainforest can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen through photosynthesis. But now Day of Doom and Kidd have destroyed the rainforest and turned the rainforest into a desert that is responsible for the smog.

This is simply the death of environmentalists, and media reporters have also said that such a large-scale destruction requires an explanation from the Justice League.

So the two most important things recently, one is the Superman funeral held in the American metropolis, and the other is the destruction of the rainforest.

The American people didn't know how to commemorate Superman, an alien friend who didn't do his own favor, so they could only cherish the memory of Superman with a soldier's funeral of the highest standard.

Louise stood in black, standing in the memorial crowd, watching the guard of honor walk by Central Avenue. There were no corpses in the coffin, only half of the red cloak. Countless people are crying, they don't know who will protect them next, who will continue to fight against evil forces, and who will fight against evil aliens again.

Louise was very sad. She had an inexplicable relationship with Superman. She should have told Superman that she liked him earlier, but it was too late now.

"Loise." Clark tied a bandage to his head and handed Louise a handkerchief. I actually want to compete with my lover with another identity. If you think about it, Clark suddenly discovered that it is not a bad thing to bury Superman directly this time. Clark was a little jealous of Superman.

Louise took the handkerchief and wiped her tears, her sadness intensified: "Clark, why does Superman die? Why?" Superman is obviously a good person, why did he die?

Clark almost couldn't help telling Louise that Superman was not dead, and he was standing here. Thinking of Kidd’s stubborn expression of letting him rest and vacation, Clark knew that this was the result, but he was actually really tired, so he ‘reluctantly’ agreed to suspended animation.

Especially Kidd's sentence: If Superman dies, Clark Kent might be able to collide with Louise Lois.

Well, although Superman is extremely powerful, he is just a straightforward boy who grew up on a farm in Kansas. He has a crush on urban white-collar Louise, but he has no time to pursue. Now Kidd has concealed the truth about Superman's death, just giving him a chance to pursue his crush on the goddess.

"Louis, don't be sad anymore." Because sadness is a waste, I didn't lie in the coffin, obviously Kidd was tied to the watchtower and dried for two days.

"Clark, that's Superman who has been defending the metropolis. How can he not be sad." "Superman was killed by Doom Day to protect mankind." Louise shed tears and said, "You see everyone is so sad, you Why didn't you feel it?"

Clark smiled bitterly, because Superman was himself. Clark stopped talking. Let's make them all sad now. In fact, Clark is very happy inside. He usually sees the black Superman when he sees the support of Superman. It is rare that everyone supports himself now and looks at those sad lovers. , Clark was delighted inwardly.

In addition to strong strength and extremely high moral standards, simplicity is also a traditional human value. So seeing so many people sad because of their ‘fake death’, Clark felt uncomfortable in his heart, and died.

The funeral was solemn. The guard of honor covered Superman's coffin with the American flag, and built a statue and tombstone for Superman in the open space in the center of the metropolis. The big Superman logo is the name of Superman, there is no epitaph, but everyone knows the great achievements of Superman.

Superman's funeral was broadcasted all over the world through direct reports, and the United Nations lowered its flag at half-mast to mourn Superman. The greatest alien on earth has passed away, which is a huge amount of loss for the earth.

After the forty-eight salutes went off, Superman fell into the ground, but there were still many people who didn't want to leave. They held candles and surrounded Superman's tombstone. They could not leave for a long time. They expected a miracle to happen and expected Superman to fly out of the tombstone.

Luther stood on the Lex Group building, looking at the place where Superman's funeral was held. Although he always wanted to defeat Superman, but now Superman was killed by an unknown monster, so Luther never had a chance to prove that he was better than Superman. He was very disappointed. A punch on the glass, the feeling of grief and anger is not weak with the people at the funeral.

Perhaps the person who knows Superman best is Lex Luther except Batman. He understands all of Superman’s weaknesses and the simplicity of Superman’s lofty ideals. Just like a hillbilly, he clearly has strong power but adheres to outdated ethics. He even suspected that Superman's original planet, Krypton, was similar to the countryside on Earth.

Can't live without Superman, Luther frowned. Without Superman, his life would be missing more than half. That's right, you can't live without Superman. Luther put away his grief and turned to the sixth research department of the Lex Group.

Before that, he had created an immature Superman product, Bizarro. Now Luther wants to create a ‘Superman’ that is exactly the same as Superman. "Superman will not disappear here, Superman will become my property." Even if Superman is dead, Luther still did not give up his plan to compete with Superman. Even if he builds a fake Superman by himself, let Superman lower him Wait.

Luther's obsession is really terrible, but he will use all the technology to create a fake Superman that is not against him and can improve his image.

One week after the funeral, countless people still came to pay homage to Superman's tombstone. The hot spot of Superman's death was slightly reduced, and the world's eyes focused on the large area of ​​rainforest destroyed by the strange thief Kidd.

Shockingly, biologists and botanists gave a disastrous comprehensive report that the desertification of rainforests will seriously affect the earth's ecosystem and air quality. And all the spearheads were directed at Kaid, the thief Kidd, because the Day of Doom was killed, they can only find the living Kidd to be responsible.

"Kid, the strange thief, should have a better solution. It can definitely avoid the destruction of the rainforest and prevent the earth from being harmed on such a large scale." "I think Kidd did not do his best and slackens his sacred duty to let the earth and human beings. Suffered huge amounts of losses."

"I don't think so. Doomsday is the monster that killed Superman. Kidd must have paid a price to defeat him. How can you say that Kidd didn't try his best?" "Or do you think Kidd is better than Superman?"

"I mean, as a superhero, you should be more cautious in combat and consider the consequences of combat."

Controversy, it seems that every time Kidd cares about the news, it is accompanied by controversy, and this time is an unprecedented serious matter. The lungs of the earth were broken by Kidd, and the treasure house of animals and plants is gone. Such a loss is not the blame for the thief. Virtue can bear it, but now everyone has shifted the responsibility to Kidd. Kidd wanted to throw it away, but found it really difficult to throw it away. ..

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