Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 986: Juvenile Titan\r

"How do you feel?" Hui Yuan was doing all-round inspections for Kidd.

"Roar sucks more smoothly. I think the decayed organs will recover after a while." Liu Adou said, the life span of the internal organs was consumed too much by the last blow of the day of destruction, but fortunately, as long as he didn't die, he would be able to recover.

"According to this recovery rate, it is estimated that it will take another month or so, and you will be able to fully recover." Hui Yuan said like a doctor: "Don't mobilize the small universe before this."

"I know." The Day of Destruction had just been defeated, and he had to rest for a while.

It's a pity that there is no peace in Antarctica. Neo comfortably looked at the screen wall, and TV stations all over the world could receive it. Now he is watching the report on the Day of Destruction.

Doomsday died, but he killed Superman and left Kidd with a lot of trouble. The rain forest has been turned into a desert by the battle between the two. This alone is enough for the media and environmental protection organizations to say for a few years.

Under the general trend, Kidd has become an unforgivable sinner.

"Kid, don't you come to read the news?" Neo turned his head and said.

"What's so good, it's the same. It's not that I didn't have a good sense of control and turned the rainforest into yellow sand. They don't want to think that Destruction Day is so easy to deal with?" Kidd also disdain to explain to reporters, Destruction Day is terrible. Only the ones recorded by the reporter's camera will realize that it is not easy to eliminate the day of destruction after they really encounter it. When the final attack is made, the life-swallowing force begins to break through Kidd’s internal organs, trying to suck Kidd into adulthood. Fortunately, the rupture of the final spiral photon shattered all the cells of the Doomsday in time, but Kidd's internal organs declined, and the photon rupture finally swept the rainforest uncontrollably.

So the fact is that the direct criminal who caused everything is Kidd, but the indirect reason is that the Day of Doom gave him a tyrannical blow, making him unable to control his moves. In fact, Kidd felt that he had done a good job, and in the end he endured the pain of backlash and closed his moves, otherwise the entire South America would be destroyed by the photon.

So Kidd felt that he really had to explain, and he was also responsible, so he didn't explain it.

"But don't you wonder why such a powerful creature as Doom Sun suddenly appeared on the earth?" Neo said.

"Who can tell this kind of thing clearly, it may have fallen from the universe, or it may have been crawled out of the ground, or it may have been transmitted suddenly. These are not important anymore. The important thing is not to have it again in the future. Doomsday is such a monster."

Neo didn't believe it: "Aren't you really curious?"

In fact, he was still a little curious, but Batman didn't know the reason for investigation, so he didn't know how to investigate, so he didn't investigate. It can be seen that Kidd is also a lazy person, very dependent on other companions.

"I'm afraid this is someone using Doomsday to make trouble. If there are more Doomsdays, how can our planet resist?" Neo said.

Kidd knew that it was impossible to mass produce monsters of the Doomsday level, and that this kind of killing machine was already difficult to control. "That is an irrational weapon, it will only devour lives. If it were mass-produced, the Milky Way would probably not have so many civilizations. It would have been wiped out by the Day of Destruction."

Neo thought so too, "That's true, but are you really not going to make a statement about the destruction of the rainforest? Now the media strongly condemns it, and I hope you can explain it. Would you just let them pour dirty water?"

"Theoretically, what they said was correct. When I finally went into the battle, I only wanted to kill the Day of Destruction, without considering more consequences. If I think more about it, maybe I will consider sending the Day of Destruction to the universe before making a move. "

"But it's not a reason to blame you. It's a battle of life and death. If you relax a little, there will be no opponent to absorb life. Your internal organs are now declining, if you don't put a heavy hand, maybe your whole body will become a corpse. , Even if you are alive, you will become a living mummy. You should explain to them the power of Doom Day, even Superman was killed."

"Superman isn't really dead."

Neo smiled bitterly: "I'm just making an analogy. Even if Superman is not dead, he is beaten so hard to fight back, isn't it? If you didn't send Superman to the sun, Superman might really be buried." For Krypton As for the Starman plug-in, Neo didn't comment much: "In short, the day of destruction is the strongest single enemy that the Justice League has encountered since the establishment of the Justice League. Fighting against such an enemy, only destroying a rainforest is considered lucky."

"Neo, thank you for showing me up, but I really don't mind this kind of thing."

"Kid?" Neo was moved by Kidd's vigor, but he would soon be hit.

Just listen to Kidd said: "Since it has become a desert, it is better to let the United Nations lease this land to the Justice League. I think it's almost time for us to build a school for training new heroes."

"What?" Neo was taken aback: "What did you say? Are you going to build a school in the desert?"

"Yes, the land price in the desert must be very cheap now."

Can you think about it this way? Neo was speechless, but he was very interested in the idea of ​​building a school: "Should you train alternate members of the Justice League?"

"It's almost like that."

"Great, Mutant has Xavier's School for Mutant to learn to integrate into society, Avengers has a school for cultivating special agents, and now the Justice League finally has its own school?" Neo has always regarded himself as a member of the Justice League, if The Justice League really wants to build its own school, he raised his hands in favor.

"Everything will be there." Kidd also considered for a long time, and finally made such an absolute, the Justice League squad youth Titan should also be established.

Just as everyone is worried, Kidd is also worried. The earth will face more crises in the future, and the power of justice is too small, so it should be cultivated now.

Definitely Liu Adou also considers that his daughters need more friends, and Teen Titans will become a good playmate. It was almost time to prepare, and Liu Adou decided to do this.

"Nio, start searching for information."

"Okay, leave it to me!" Let you see the strength of the world's number one hacker.

Nightwing, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Billy Batterson... a personal name is retrieved, and the identity information appears on the screen. These will all be members of the future school. There are Hui Yuan Ai, Ying, Liu Nuonuo, and all their daughters have to be sent to school to study hard.

Neo didn't think about how Kidd knew so many names, but just because of this feeling of control, Neo was completely convinced. Sure enough, Kidd is not very reliable at ordinary times, but he never loses the chain when it is critical. ..

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