Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The ninth and seventy-fourth chapter eight dragons\r

It seems very primitive, and I don’t know if you can find a suitable teacher. If you can’t find it, please collect samples of the rain forest first. Collect samples, because you can't carry too many samples at one time, so there will be multiple crossings.

The main reason is that Liu Adou can't bear to do a great deal of damage to the parallel universe. Now Liu Adou is a kind of stupid way of planting plants and searching for a class of animals one by one. All things that are reduced need glass bottles. It's good to get dozens of them at once. If there are more portals, they won't be able to open. The portal through the key opened very small.

Because Liu Adou didn't like repetition, he came to a new world. In this primitive world, the condition of the rainforest must be very good, and you can safely collect samples.

It may be a bit too much to say primitive, but it is definitely not a developed era.

It was about the Northern Song Dynasty, spring. The time of a thousand years or so has brought some changes to the earth. The end of winter and the beginning of spring have been a good year. There is basically no greenhouse effect, and El Nino is not approaching. The grass-colored tree shadows, plum cold and mud-scented, is a good time for youth travel.

Kidd also walked about. The landing place was not very good. The mountains and rivers were crisscrossed and the roads were narrow and steep. He only found out about the background of the times from a small mountain village. Now he is about to walk out slowly.

On Earth One, there is no leisure or crowded tourist attractions. Now when you come to ancient times, it is natural to take a good tour of this great river and mountain, first have fun, and we will talk about business later.

At the moment Kidd has also changed his clothes as a scholar, wearing a scholar hat to block his hair, looking like a traveling scholar.

I don't know where I am going here, it seems that someone is calling for help. Could there be ghosts? Kidd was curious, and followed the sound source, only to find that the sound came from under the valley.

"It doesn't look like it's a ghost anymore." Liu Adou smiled: "It's an unlucky ghost who fell down the mountain."

Now that I have seen it, I naturally need to help. Liu Adou walked straight down from the edge of the cliff without turning his head back, it fell like a rock.

"Huh?" The people down the valley obviously saw something falling, and hurriedly shouted, "Don't throw stones."

I want to save you. I landed. The valley was more than ten battles deep, with a 90-degree right angle, and the walls were smooth, making it difficult for even the mountain people to get down. However, Liu Adou jumped down forcibly and stood gently between the valleys.

"Heroes?!" The people at the bottom of the valley knew that it was not a stone that fell from above, but a big living person: "The heroes heard the sound of my Roar, so he came down to rescue me?"

It's literal, but the hero is still quite right: "The hero dare not be, why are you here?" Seeing that this person was not injured, why did he fall down the mountain?

"Heroes, I'm from Dali, my surname is Duan. It's true that I fell off the mountain road because I was in a hurry. Fortunately, there is a dark lake under the cliff and I took this little life."

Duan Yu? Dali? Falling off the cliff? These three key pieces of information, plus the handsome face of the person in front, are more squeamish and whiter than other Korean Obamas. He didn't run away. Liu Adou knew that he must have run into the world of the martial arts novel "Dragon Babu".

Then this cliff should be the place where Duan Yu met his adventures. I was really lucky, and I met the protagonist when I walked around. Duan Yu seems to be unsuitable as a teacher. It is too pedantic, but he seems to be able to cultivate students' sentiment, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry classics, this little white face can know a lot, and being an extracurricular teacher is more than rubbing. But we still need to see if he has the qualifications, Liu Adou handed over, "Zai Xia's surname is Liu, Adou."

puff! Duan Yu quickly covered his mouth and didn't make himself laugh. It was so funny that someone used the nickname of Liu Chan, the lord of the Kingdom of Shu, to be the emperor. And it's called Liu Adou, isn't he afraid of being arrested by the government?

In fact, the Song Dynasty did not strictly avoid taboos, so Liu Adou screamed.

Covering it up is because Duan Yu knows that it is not good to laugh at someone's name, and that they are too light to save himself, so he can't be rude: "I hope to forgive me."

Liu Adou said hehe, but he was not stingy enough to continue entangled with Duan Yu's name. This was completely uncomfortable for himself, and Liu Adou was really afraid that he would cite the scriptures without Duan Yu, and Duan Yu would scold himself at that time. Ah Dou might not even understand it, so who made him read less ancient books.

"Liu Daxia, can you rescue me now? I need an emergency person." Duan Yu was originally a rebellious boy who ran away from home. He wanted to take advantage of the warmth of spring to come to Wuliang Mountain to see the scenery, but he did not expect to encounter rivers and lakes. In the fight between humans and weapons, he was a wealthy boy who had no power to restrain the chicken. Besides, it was unreasonable for a talented person to meet a soldier, so naturally he was captured.

Fortunately, there was a girl Zhong Ling who wanted to help, but the girl was also average in martial arts, but she was caught together with Duan Yu without helping. Instead, she raised a poisonous lightning mink and poisoned dozens of people. She gave birth. have to.

In order to save himself and Zhong Ling, Duan Yu was forced to swallow Duanchang Powder for seven days, and had to go to Zhong Ling's hometown to get the antidote and change his life within seven days.

So Duan Yu eagerly wanted to leave the bottom of the valley.

But Liu Adou's thugs waved: "No hurry, as the old saying goes: If you don't die in a catastrophe, you will have a blessing. Since you didn't die if you fell, there must be a blessing. Let's go to the cave and search for it."

Duan Yu's heart is broken. He is really in a hurry. This hero is good, like a spring outing, he has to visit the cave. But what can Duan Yu do? Now he wants to ask Liu Adou, so he can only cooperate, thinking that it won't take much time to see a cave.

At the bottom of the cliff of Wuliang Mountain, Langhuan is surrounded by blessed land, and there is a cave in the sky.

There are some old daily necessities in the cave, covered with dust, and there are many spider webs blocking the way.

Duan Yu didn't expect that there was something to search, and he was interested in checking one by one. When he went to the deepest part of the cave, he saw a lifelike jade sculpture of a beautiful woman, one-by-one in size: "Sister fairy?!" Meiyu was flawless. Such as condensed skin, coupled with superb engraving, this white jade figure of the body is breathtaking. It is no wonder that Duan Yu, the elegant and sentimental young man, can make up for the beauty of the model by looking at the jade carving without color.

Sure enough, it is the country of the mad demon Qin Shihuang? I did not expect that there is such a jade carving hidden in this corner, which is extravagant.

The jade carving is very empty, only the front futon is neatly arranged, seeming to say to the visitor: Do you want strength? Kob your head if you want it!

"I don't know why the fairy sister lives in this remote cave." Duan Yu saw that there are many women's items in the cave before, so he brain filled the story of the fairy sister's escape from the world.

But Liu Adou wanted to hit him: "Hehe, Sister Shenxian? I think it is the martial arts high-powered female devil. This cliff is tall and handsome, and it is difficult for a first-class expert to get off, let alone a woman. She escaped here, so it can be seen that she is not seen. People, in summary, are shameless martial arts masters, do you think they will be good people?"

"You, you..." Playing the piano to Niu is really disappointing. Duan Yu pretends to be elegant, and it is Xia Chong who can't talk to Liu Adou who is incomprehensible. ..

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