Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 975: Poem Number\r

If it were not for Liu Adou to get out of the mountain, Duan Yu really wanted to be separated from Liu Adou.

For such a beautiful jade sculpture, Liu Adou didn't even have the slightest vague and beautiful reverie. Duan Yu knew that he and Liu Adou were not the same.

Liu Adou smiled secretly in his heart, and he became so excited when he saw a semi-finished figure. If he brought you to the modern world, wouldn't it make your eyes stick out? As expected, this kid had never seen a beautiful woman, and he was adolescent, so his imagination was too rich.

Liu Adou did not argue, so he let Duan Yu continue to admire the jade carvings.

Kow a thousand times, for my advice.

Duan Yu looked carefully, and naturally saw the text on the semi-finished jade hand. "Sister Shenxian's words naturally have her reason."

In Liu Adou's stunned mouth, Duan Yugui knelt on the futon and knelt up like garlic. Is it really knocked a thousand?

Liu Adou transformed an automatic counter with the energy of a white light. Duan Yu went up and down, knocked one down together, and counted one.

The numbers on the counter began to beat, and Liu Adou sat aside and watched the numbers go up one by one.

"...One hundred seventy-seven, one hundred seventy-eight, one hundred eighty..."

"No, it's one hundred and seventy-nine. Don't knock it less. You kid will count the wrong number, or you lack education."

Listening to Liu Adou talking cool words around him, Duan Yu wanted you to come and knock. He is a prince who usually only knocks his head on his parents, the emperor, when he knocks so many heads, ups and downs, and every knocking posture is so standard, now he is dizzy and has a terrible headache, and he has to be distracted to count. It's easy.

Regardless of Liu Adou, continue to kowtow, this is for the fairy sister.

This child lacks heart and eyes, but this has the quality of being a teacher: honesty.

The more you get to the back, the slower you knock, dizziness, backache, backache, and foot numbness. It is not easy for a 19-year-old student who has not studied martial arts to persist.

Finally reached the order of nine hundred and ninety: "...Nine hundred and ninety-one, nine hundred and ninety-two..."

This is from midday to evening, a full two hours: "...a thousand..."

On the other hand, Liu Adou's counter was clearly one thousand and thirty. Without reminding, Liu Adou didn't say a word, which shows how dark abdomen he is.

The quality of the futon is not good, and a futon is broken after knocking it a thousand times? Such a product is absolutely unqualified to get No.1 Earth. As a qualified futon, it has to withstand at least 10,000 kowtows. It is the same as those keyboards that have passed millions of pressing tests. With a service life of one thousand times, this futon is a substandard product.

Regardless of this, Duan Yu didn’t eat for a day, and he knocked his head continuously for four hours. Now his feet are soft and he can’t even stand up, but he is curious to see a piece of silk cloth in the futon with his broken forehead. Drew it out.

Ling Bo stepped slightly, and Beiming's magical skill was obtained.

It's a pity that Duan Yu left home because he didn't like his father forcing him to practice martial arts. What's so good about martial arts? Fighting and killing is useless. What Duan Yu likes is the culture of the Central Plains and Buddhist ideas.

Moreover, Beiming divine art absorbs the internal strength of other people, and Duan Yu even dare not learn this kind of evil martial art. However, Lingbo's Weibu is quite strange, if he learns not to rely on Liu Adou, he can also get out of the valley.

But in the end, "If you succeed in learning, kill all the Xiaoyao school disciples", Duan Yu is even more frightened. Fortunately, he didn't practice it now, just watch it, and at a glance, he remembered all the two sets of martial arts with his excellent memory.

"Good martial arts, learn it, you can save people after you learn it."

"So unkind martial arts, it is not for me to wait for a well-learned person to learn. But this is the martial arts left by the fairy sister, I naturally want to learn, especially this Lingbo Weibu."

Damn, guys who don't have principles, this kind of person is the easiest to trick Chinese and Americans. Liu Adou knew the reason why Duan Yu ran away from home, but he didn't expect that he would change his mind now.

"Then do you still have the strength to learn?" Liu Adou smiled.

I'm running out of strength, and I feel tired standing now, and my stomach is so hungry. Duan Yu's stomach was empty and his head was dizzy: "Liu Daxia, what can I have?"

Sure enough, he was the innocent young man who had just walked out of the ivory tower. Kidd made a bottle of bread and a bottle of rice wine: "You can eat it."

Things that have not been eaten taste good, Duan Yu never suspected that bread is poisonous. Occasionally try fresh, the soft bread is delicious: "It's delicious, what is this to eat?" He, the prince of Dali, has never tasted: "This wine is also very good, why don't you eat it, hero?"

"I have a deep inner strength, and it has reached the bigu period." Liu Adou did not look up at the two martial arts secrets. Although Duan Yu knocked out the cheats, he didn't like Liu Adou, but he didn't mind showing it to Liu Adou.

Whoa whoa? Duan Yu actually didn't understand, but he seemed to be very powerful.

"These two martial arts are okay, but it is not the right way to attract people's internal strength after all. After you learn it, don't forget to use it only for bad people, and remember not to use it for good people."

Duan Yu nodded naturally, and his discomfort with Liu Adou was also lessened. He was indeed a hero. He jumped off the cliff to save people before, but now he warned himself that he was brave and courageous.

"If you are full, we will be divided into two groups in a moment. You move the soldiers and I will go to see the kidnapped girl in case she has any accidents."

Duan Yu nodded again and again, then stuffed all the bread in his mouth, and vomited down his belly with the rice wine: "I have eaten it." Thinking of the girl Zhong Ling who hadn't been rescued, he didn't have the mind to eat.

"That's good." Duan Yu grabbed Duan Yu's shoulder and flew directly from the cave to the mountain road.

Duan Yu was so shocked that he dropped his chin. This is light work, and it's too awesome, right? Does the light function do not need to use force, the light function turns directly in the air?

"Nothing to be surprised, I won't move the rescuers yet." Liu Adou said.

"Go, go." "Liu Daxia, you have to protect Miss Zhong Ling's safety."

"I know." As he said, Liu Adou had pulled the onion in the dry land and disappeared from the camera. Expert, how high is this martial arts? It's definitely a few floors taller than his father, no, it's more than a dozen floors. Duan Yu has never heard of people's martial arts function to such a magical level.

But now is not the time to think too much, Duan Yu immediately rushed to Zhong Ling's hometown.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Adou came to the Boundless Sword Sect. He said it was the Sword Sect, but in fact it was just a group of second-rate and third-rate martial arts practitioners.

Liu Adouxin said that this is the world of martial arts, and he can realize the dream of a swordsman. Wait, I was wrong. It was the dream of a swordsman from a different era. On Earth One, he used the lightsaber. He was also considered a swordsman, but now it was replaced with an iron sword.

No, iron swords don’t pretend to be forceful, but use wooden swords. Wooden swords don’t seem to be very pretentious. After thinking about it, I still use the wooden sword. Although the invisible pretence is the most powerful, where the second-rate and third-rate martial arts people can understand Wujian's high level of force, it is almost the same to pretend Wujian to the Qiao gang leader.

Therefore, Liu Adou broke off a budding straight branch from the Shuqing Number on the side of the mountain gate, and stepped onto the steps of the Immeasurable Sword Sect.

"A pot of wine in the flower room can comfort the wind and dust. Drinking from the country, Xie Ge wakes up all his life--"..

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