Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 984: Xiaoyao School Mode\r

"Ye Erniang, are you okay?" Everyone is the four evil men, and now the enemy is now, they have put aside their prejudices and joined forces to fight the enemy.

"This person is amazing, you are not his opponent." Ye Erniang's internal strength was sluggish and could not be used, so she reminded her companions that she was second in Ye Erniang. Naturally, she didn't come here indiscriminately, and the wicked also have a wicked temper. Ye Erniang's strength has to overwhelm the Nanhai Crocodile God and Yunzhonghe. She is not an opponent, and the other two are even more difficult.

"The wicked?!" Liu Adou looked at them: "Very good, dare to be bold, then I don't know if you are willing to bear your sins."

"Stop talking nonsense, Nanhai Crocodile God, let's go together." Yunzhonghe was so successful, thinking that he could not escape, so he pulled the Nanhai Crocodile God together.

"Go!" He hit the four wicked people, and dared to talk nonsense and hit him.

The two villains, one on the left and the other on the right, each used their martial arts to attack Liu Adou.

"It's useless, you guys are too slow!" Liu Adou suppressed, and at the same time stretched out his hands.

In the eyes of others, it was the two wicked men who smashed into Liu Adou's outstretched hand, causing Liu Adou to strangle their throats.

The strength was so great that the throats of the two wicked men seemed to be squeezed.

Duan Yu knew the martial arts of the South China Sea Crocodile God. He didn't pant for more than a dozen people, and he broke the enemy's neck when he killed him. Now he was subdued by Liu Adou. I really don't know this Liu Adou. How powerful is his martial arts?

Pushing, the two people only felt breathless, and Liu Adou flew out, panting on the ground.

"The internal strength of the two of you has also been completely blocked by me. If you still have the courage to be caught by the suffering master, you can continue to do evil if you are not afraid of being caught and unloaded or immersed in the pig cage." Liu Adou said.

"Let me kill them." Hearing that the three of them have no martial arts at all, Mu Wanqing said that he wanted to kill them for the people.

The three wicked faces were horrified, and Duan Yu stood up again at this time: "Sister Wan, don't."

"Duan Lang, they are all big villains, how many people want to kill and then hurry up. Duan Lang, today I will kill the people."

They are a Duan Lang and a Wanmei, and Liu Adou can't stand it anymore: "It's too cheap to kill them like this. It should let the world know that they have no skill and let the relatives of the victims tear them up."

"..." Duan Yu's heart was chilled, Liu Adou's proposal was simply too evil.

Zuo Zimu said: "Yes, how many people they killed, there must be many people willing to kill them, why not give the world a chance to take revenge, I will now let my disciples tell the world, Ye Erniang among the four evil men. , The crocodile god of the South China Sea, the crane in the cloud has no martial arts, they will definitely not survive next year."

Mu Wanqing also came back to her senses: "Hey, do you have a lot of ideas."

The three wicked people felt a big chill, thinking that they could not use their skills and were about to face their enemies. It was not as simple as a one-sword assassination. If they were caught by the enemy, they would definitely be tortured in every way. Death is not terrible, but the fear of unknown criminal law is also the biggest psychological torment for them.

Duan Yu didn't know what to say at all, but the attitude of the people around them agreed and he shut up, and he walked to the South Sea Crocodile God: "You go quickly, and you will not do bad things in hiding in the future." Still chanting the help of the South China Sea Crocodile God.

"The son!"

Duan Yu stood up, but there were two middle-aged big men who brought light work to the top of the mountain. They were the family generals of the King's Mansion of Zhennan. Duan Yuxi said: "Brother Fu, Fourth Brother Zhu."

Finally found the prince who ran away from home. Duan Yu is the only boy in the Duan family and the future heir to the throne of the Dali Kingdom. When he found him, the two of them let go of their hearts.

"My son, come back to Dali with us."

They were all found, Duan Yu could only smile embarrassedly, and then went home with Mu Wanqing.

"Hero, please go to the Boundless Sword Sect for a while, to repay the kindness of saving my son, and also to let us make up for the friendship of the landlord." Zuo Zimu said.

"I don't have time, I still have a lot of things to do." Liu Adou does have a lot of things to do. There is no benefit to staying in the Wuliang Sword Sect. It is better to go to the broader martial arts.

In fact, Liu Adou didn't have a clear purpose, and the world didn't have a suitable person to bring back to be a teacher. Liu Adou thought about it, and only Tianshan Tongmao is the most suitable. She has momentum, knowledge, and strength to suppress naughty students. He originally has educational experience and is a very suitable candidate. The only drawback is that he has a bad temper.

Qiao Feng is also good, but he is probably not suitable to be a teacher. If he wants to teach, he can only teach actual combat, and his level of education is not high.

Liu Adou thought of the Wuyazi of the Xiaoyao School again, and suddenly discovered that everyone who sat down on the Xiaoyao School could be a teacher, but they all had character problems.

Wuyazi is a Virgo obsessive-compulsive disorder, Tianshan Tong's grandmother is too cruel, Li Qiushui's personal life style is problematic, and her private life is disorderly. There is also a little sister and fairy sister who is no longer there. Their four senior brothers and sisters, all outstanding people, were accepted as apprentices by Xiaoyaozi, and they also had their own achievements.

Wuyazi Qinqi, calligraphy, painting, and Qimen gossip, astronomy and geography are all accessible, martial arts is still extremely high, almost perfect, but there is obsessive-compulsive disorder, everything is the most perfect.

As a master sister, Tianshan Tongmao practiced the Bahuang Liuhe solitaire, is proficient in medical theory, and is superb, but the personality is tyrannical and moody, but it can also protect shortcomings, which is an advantage.

As for Li Qiushui's practice of small Wuxiang Gong, he can imitate the world martial arts, but he is too jealous, because even his senior sister can count on jealousy, and his character is too bad. Moreover, in order to regain Wuyazi's attention, he also raises male pets, and even Wuyazi's apprentices seduce them. It can be said that it is omnipotent and the methods are unheard of.

Finally, there is their little junior sister, Li Qiushui's biological sister, and also the fairy sister of Langhuan Fudi under Wuliangshan, who has obviously passed away.

Then Wuyazi took in Su Xinghe and Ding Chunqiu again. Ding Chunqiu doesn't have to think about deceiving his teacher and destroying his ancestors. Su Xinghe's martial arts is mediocre, but he has mastered the master's biography, and he is also a good candidate.

Looking at the situation of the Xiaoyao School, it is very consistent with teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, giving full play to students' subjective initiative and tapping students' potential. Do you want to move the entire teaching style of the Xiaoyao School to Titan Academy? Liu Adou is still in hesitation.

If the school is good, the teaching philosophy is very important. The Xiaoyao school can teach masters of a generation without a cliff. There is no problem with the teaching method. It can definitely let students have fun in learning, but ignores the guidance of students' personality in the education process. So that the Xiaoyao faction has one after another the problem of brothers and sisters being mutilated and deceiving their ancestors.

If we can strengthen the education of humanistic feelings of unity and friendship among students, it would be very good to follow the set of teaching of the Xiaoyao School. Because the Youth Titans, like Protege, are very personal and extremely capable. The educational philosophy of the Youth Titans can tap the potential of the Youth Titans. ..

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