Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 985: Your Sister\r

He is your sister.

Duan Yu's heart collapsed. He went home well, and even brought Mu Wanqing to meet his mother.

Mu Wanqing has a beautiful face, and Duan Yu's mother, Dao Baifeng, is very satisfied with the woman her son is looking for. Duan Yu begged to finally get his mother to agree to return to Dali. Because Duan Zhengchun was so romantic, Dao Baifeng was separating from her husband.

However, when the family was reunited, I didn't expect that everything would change in a few days.

It turns out that Mu Wanqing was not an orphan without a father or mother. The woman who raised her and taught her martial arts was her mother-in-law, and her master’s real name was Qin Hongmian, and she was also one of Duan Zhengchun’s young lovers, and Mu Wan Qing is the daughter of Duan Zhengchun.

Because Qin Hongmian has been jealous and has been practicing martial arts hard, teaching Mu Wanqing to kill several women, among them Li Qingluo, Ruan Xingzhu and Dao Baifeng.

Before Mu Wanqing and Duan Yu met, Mu Wanqing and Qin Hongmian, whose master was actually his mother, went to Gusu to assassinate Li Qingluo, but Li Qingluo was the owner of Mantuo Mountain Villa. He lived in a secret place and had a lot of staff. Two The second-rate martial artist naturally couldn't find anyone, but was chased to Dali by Li Qingluo's men. The assassins Mu Wanqing and Duan Yu had encountered before came from Gusu City all the way.

Dao Baifeng is Duan Zhengchun's wife, Ruan Xingzhu, Qin Hongmian, Li Qingluo, and Gan Baobao are Duan Zhengchun's lover.

Among them, Baby Gan is Zhong Ling's mother, the wife of the Valley Lord of Ten Thousand Tribulations Valley, which is why Zhong Wanchou hates Duan so much.

When Duan Yu went out to play, he met two younger sisters, Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing, and they could only say that this was all fate!

Your circle is very messy, but now everyone's relationship is finally clear. Duan Yu and Mu Wanqing cannot get married, which is gratifying.

With Duan Zhengchun and Emperor Dali present, it is impossible to say who killed who. Duan Yu was dumbfounded, and the development of the situation was unexpected. He, a 19-year-old young man, couldn't help his father to be so cheating.

Mu Wanqing was also dumbfounded. She was already in love with Duan Yu, and suddenly came such a ‘Lover Becomes Brother and Sister’, and her little heart couldn’t stand it either. She looked desperately at the bewildered Duan Yu, in a trance as if she was isolated from the world.

Several adults were jealous there, and they started to tear themselves up. Dao Baifeng and Qin Hongmian were hostile to each other, and they all demanded Duan Zhengchun to show their attitude and tell them who is in his heart.

Duan Zhengchun was also eating the bowl and thinking about the pot, and didn't want to give up any woman at all, just to say that you are all my wings. No one can let it go. In the end, no one can keep it, because Duan Zhengchun's girls are too hot, and they can't tolerate the situation of serving one husband together.

These women are all the same. They want a complete man who belongs only to them and will never share them with any woman. But Duan Zhengchun likes the way these women love themselves to the point of madness. The more they look, the more beautiful they become.

Duan Yu and Mu Wanqing were suffering, and they were completely blinded by this blow.

At this time, Baby Gan also appeared. Since meeting Duan Yu, she missed Duan Zhengchun more and more, but seeing her husband give everything for herself, she also felt guilty. After her senior sister Qin Hongmian came back, Baby Gan knew that she would definitely come to find her lover, so she hurried over, and she saw them tearing.

Duan Zhengchun was really a master of love at the beginning, and the teachers and sisters went together.

Baby Gan is here to persuade Senior Sister. For the sake of a scumbag, Senior Sister has been widowed for more than ten years. Isn't it enough? She was afraid that the elder sister would be deceived again.

The situation is getting messy and it is totally unclear.

Mu Wanqing couldn't stand it anymore. First, the master became a mother, and then Duan Lang became an older brother. Then he discovered that the uncle also had an improper relationship with the scum. This ethical drama simply killed her. Let's go, leave this sad place.

Mu Wanqing was about to leave when she performed light work. Qin Hongmian saw her daughter walking away crying and did not chase. He even started with Dao Baifeng: "Junior Sister, you just came here. We will kill this fox together."

There was another ping-pong fight, which utterly disturbed the palace of the Zhennan King.

However, when they did it, the people who had been hiding in the dark finally did it, and a black shadow rushed past and grabbed the kid Duan Yu.

Seeing that his precious son was rescued, Duan Zhengchun was shocked and hurried to save him, but Baby Gan was obviously prepared to block Duan Zhengchun: "If you want his son's life, you can use Dao Baifeng's head in exchange." It turned out that she knew who the shadow was.

Duan Zhengchun's guardian was eager, not showing mercy, and restrained the two women in two strokes. Obviously, his martial arts were much better than his lover, and he was flirting back and forth before.

"I am sorry for you, but my son is not wrong, don't hurt Yu'er." Duan Zhengchun said affectionately.

"Senior Sister, don't listen to him, he doesn't have a word of truth in his mouth." Baby Gan said. Although she was acupuncture, she still wanted to prevent Senior Sister from being deceived.

Qin Hongmian stared at Duan Zhengchun, and found that his eyebrows were more stable, and he was more handsome than before.

"Xura kills with a sword, and you are a ghost. Kapok, if you want to hate me, when Yu'er comes back safely, I will go with you and leave it at your disposal." Duan Zhengchun prepared to use sweet talk and pry open the woman's mouth.

"Baby!" There was a strong wind outside the window. Gan Baobao's husband Zhong Wanchou was worried and his wife followed, and saw that they were all acupointed.

"Who are you?" Duan Zhengchun put a green hat on others, but he still doesn't know them.

Baby Gan introduced: "This man is my husband, Zhong Wanchou, the master of the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations. Your son was taken away by the four evil men and has nothing to do with us."

This has nothing to do, even the murderer knew, Duan Zhengchun frowned, really didn't know how to find his son.

Fortunately, the emperor of Dali has a relatively high IQ: "I will solve the acupuncture points for you to tell you that we are not bullied in Dali, and we must go to Ten Thousand Tribulations Valley within three days."

Emperor Dali told everyone not to speak, so he let Zhong Wanqiu and his wife and Qin Hongmian leave.

Zhong Wanchou waited for these surnames, "There is no good thing about surnames. If you have the courage to come, I also want to tell you that I can't just enter the Valley of Myriad Tribulations."

When Mu Wanqing left and Duan Yu was arrested, this really messy scene in your circle ended. Among them are wives, juniors, suffering masters, illegitimate daughters, and scumbags, all of which are very exciting.

The reason why the Dali Emperor released the people was to find someone to follow them to find the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations in order to save them. As expected to be the emperor of Dali, he still has an IQ. Ten Thousand Tribulation Valley is located in the Boundless Mountains, and if no one gives directions, it is difficult to find it. Emperor Dali used a long line to catch big fish.

However, just as they were on their way, Mu Wanqing who had left was also taken away, and a real good show began. ..

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