Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 992: Gathering in Gusu\r

"The son!" The followers rushed to protect the son.

Dugu Linglong was still a little stupid, but she didn't expect that a woman who could not know martial arts would beat Nan Murong.

"Take your son back, and rest for a few days." Liu Adou can't stand it anymore. How bad is it that he rolls on the ground in pain. I'm ashamed to say it's Nan Murong? "Also, you better look at your young master, I'm afraid he will commit suicide in shame."

"Liu Adou, if you win, you will win. Why do you ridicule." The attendant is the protector.

Yes, Liu Adou was hated to be honest. The reason why he is optimistic about Murong Fu is because Liu Adou has read the original work, and Murong Fu has to look for life when he encounters a setback, and then he seems to be okay again when others say two good things. It is strange that this kind of person can be successful.

"Let's go, let's find the next opponent." Dugu seeking defeat requires more opponents to become a real Dugu seeking defeat.

So in the following days, Jiuxian and Duguqiuqiu visited various martial arts schools, regardless of right or wrong going up is a challenge, going up to Shaolin and going down to unknown schools. Many people wondered how they drove on the road. Even a hard-earned BMW could not reach a thousand miles in a day, but Liu Adou and Dugu Linglong were still in Guangxi in the morning, and they were already outside the Great Wall in the afternoon. They were even more powerful than the gods.

In such high-intensity actual combat, Dugu Linglong finally had a hint of Dugu seeking defeat, and the moves were no longer just defending but not attacking, and the heavy sword was invincible.

Liu Adou used immortal wine as bait to let masters of various sects and Dugu Linglong compete, and all 18 weapons could be used. Dugu Linglong also slowly figured out some tricks to deal with various weapons in the uninterrupted battle.

Dugu seeks defeat, the young master who appears in the martial arts, the people in the martial arts are discolored, because she makes a sharp sword, and everyone also calls her Roar a sword demon.

"...The big black sword crow pressed and beat it over, and it knocked out a person's brain, making a big piece of red and white glued together."

"Bringing, where is it so powerful?"

"He is a sword demon, definitely awesome."

"Be quiet, there have been a lot of martial arts people in Gusu City recently. If they hear what you say, they will screw your heads off if they are unhappy."

Day-time workers, sitting in twos and threes under the big tree next to the city gate, looked at the martial arts people hurriedly on their way, and spoke quietly. That definitely, the sword in the hands of the martial artist is not a joke.

"What's going on?"

"I heard that it is Qiao Feng, the leader of the Beggar Gang, who has arrived in Gusu City. Now we are all here in North Qiaofeng and South Murong." Obviously, this person is well informed.

"Isn't the leader of the Beggar Gang supposed to be in the north?"

"I heard that Gusu Murong was suspected of killing the beggars, and the gang leader came to investigate specially."

"Hey, isn't this going to be a big deal? The one who came is unkind."

It's an investigation, but who wants to be suspected for no reason? Besides, if it was Murong Fu's murderer, then he couldn't be kind, and something must happen.

That's why Gusu Murong mobilized the strength of the four villages in Gusu City to return to Yanziwu to prevent the beggars from forcing themselves into Yanziwu. The Beggars wanted to seek justice for their dead deputy leader Ma Dayuan. They were aggressive and gathered the main fighting power of many southern towns. They looked like they would not give up unless the murderer was investigated.

Are the two masters of the North and the South finally going to meet? Martial arts people have cast their sights on Gusu Yanziwu.

However, when the two forces converge and collide, there is still an undercurrent surging, a force that is hostile to Qiao Feng, and a force that does not want Qiao Feng to be the leader.

Headed by Ma Dayuan's widow-in-law Kang Min, this scorpion-hearted woman, thinks she is beautiful, and the whole world should surround her, but Qiao Feng doesn't like her. With jealousy and hatred, Kang Min gathered Quan Guanqing and Bai Shijing who were also peeping at the position of the gang leader, to expose Qiao Feng's life experience.

Thirty years ago, outside Yanmen Pass, 21 Central Plains warriors ambushed into a Liao State carriage. However, he did not expect that the people of Liao were also masters. Twenty-one martial artists were killed by the Liao people. However, the wife of the Liao people died and he also had the ambition to jump off the cliff at Yanmen Pass. The baby in the swaddle was thrown onto the cliff, and this child was Qiao Feng.

In other words, Qiao Feng is a Khitan from Liao. Now Song and Liao have fought for years, and Liao has annexed the sixteen states of Yanyun in the Northern Song Dynasty. It can be said that the contradiction between Song and Liao has reached its peak, and the Han and Khitan are also hostile to each other.

In the public opinion, the Khitan people are the enemies of the Song Dynasty, so the problem is serious. Qiao Feng is the Khitan people but now he is the leader of the first big gang in the Central Plains. Didn't this send the beating stick to the enemy's hands? ?

So Kang Min immediately had an idea after learning about Qiao Feng's life experience. To blame, I can only blame the former gang leader Wang Jiantong for telling Qiao Feng's life experience to Ma Dayuan. He originally wanted Ma Dayuan to supervise Qiao Feng. If Qiao Feng did something harmful to Da Song, he would let Ma Dayuan, the deputy gang leader, punish Qiao Feng. Originally, Wang Jiantong also regarded Ma Dayuan's honesty and integrity, but he did not expect Ma Dayuan's wife Kang Min to be a vicious woman.

Ma Dayuan failed to speak after drinking, let Kang Min know everything, so undercurrents surged.

Outside Yanziwu, in Gusu City. In order to be more certain, Quan Guanqing put the elder Bai Shijing who supported Qiao Feng under house arrest. At the same time, he also invited several martial arts seniors who knew Qiao Feng’s identity to prepare for a justice unveiling conference in Yanziwu to expose Qiao Feng’s ugliness. With his Khitan identity, he drove away Qiao Feng and made the Beggar Gang his own. It can be seen that although they were both used by Kang Min, Quan Guanqing and Bai Shijing did not know each other. Bai Shijing was a hypocrite, and outsiders only regarded him as loyal to Qiao Feng, but did not know Bai Shijing's inner ambition.

Whether it is because of jealousy and resentment, lust and ambition, or for the Han Dynasty, Qiao Feng is their target. As soon as the time comes, all the shells will be shot at the boy of the righteous Yun Tian, ​​and all three of Qiao Feng’s Observing all the destruction, he has nowhere to stay.

The blood feud 30 years ago is still bloody 30 years later.

Qiao Feng didn't know all of this before he came to this prosperous Jiangnan, so he found a restaurant and started drinking. He didn't know how he came to investigate. In fact, he is the leader of the gang, and the real investigator is the beggar below. He is only responsible for the final attack and the confrontation with Murong Fu.

At the moment Qiao Feng gushed himself a lot of alcohol. Anyway, he didn't drink and drive during meal time, and he was not afraid to drink too much. Originally, he was going to meet Duan Yu, but the wicked had been chased and killed by his enemies everywhere, so Duan Yu would naturally not encounter the trouble of the four wicked again. He is now in Yunnan to be a good son.

So after drinking a full jar of ten catties of wine, Qiao Feng settled off with satisfaction.

"Helper, everyone is here." A beggar returned.

"Well, I will go to Yanziwu and wait tonight, we have to be there first." Qiao Feng said.


It seems that the time is about to come. The deputy leader Ma Dayuan was beaten to death by his own claws. Qiao Feng's first doubt was Murong Fu who could imitate others' martial arts to fight back. ..

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