Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 993 The Beggar Gang Undercurrent\r

The beggars are the retainers of the Murong family.

Naturally, no one can understand the two of them, one is to ask the crime, and the other is wronged.

If they didn't agree with each other, they started the fight, first singled out. Obviously, the four masters of the Murong family were powerful and knocked the rudder masters of the beggar gang to the ground. Then the Beggars carried forward their style, took out their best gang fights, and drove the four owners back.

The beggar gang descends from the gang master, it is the elder, and the rudder master is underneath.

After playing back and forth for two hours, it was noon, and they still stared at them with big eyes.

"My son originally planned to go to Luoyang to visit your gang leader Qiao, but now you will find Gusu first. Don't deceive people too much." Fengbo Evil was originally impatient and yelled loudly.

"If you don't agree, fight again!"

Azhu Abi and Wang Yuyan are all here, completely as the mascots of the Murong family. This makes the beggars of the gang of beggars very unhappy. Do you have three beautiful and beautiful girls? Does the gang of bully beggars have no girl mascots?

"Hahaha, everyone is in good spirits." But it was Qiao Feng who came. He saw that the leader of the Beggar Gang had already fought with the Gusu family, and he didn't stop it. It was nothing for men to fight. That's how Qiao Feng grew up and started fighting since he was a child.

"Lead Joe," the beggars said hello collectively.

What a man, although his own son is chic but too bookish, although the owner of the four villages is also loyal, but more loyal, only Qiao Feng, the gang leader of the world’s first gang, is a man who is really righteous and unworthy of Yun Tian. . Look at the sincere respect from those subordinates, only real men can get it. Azhu looked at Qiao Feng with a slightly confused mind.

After another round, Qiao Feng said, "Everyone, let's get down to Qiao Feng!"

"I heard about the name of Qiao's gang leader for a long time, and I saw it today." Baodi said, "It's just too much for Qiao's gang leader to deceive me and Murong with the beggars. Pick me up first!"

"The third child, I'll help you." Fengbo Evil also rushed over.

Joe gave a shout of hello to the lord, and fought with the two. Even if Baodi's turmoil is another ten years of practice, he will not be Qiao Feng's opponent.

Lost, "Clan leader Qiao, really amazing." Even if Wang Yuyan reminded him, Qiao Feng was still faster than them: "We lost."


More and more beggars came everywhere, and seeing so many people Qiao Feng frowned, it seemed that he was not the beggar who came. And looking at them with contempt, it seems to be aimed at themselves, why is this?

"Come on, surround them and tie up the dog formation." It was Quan Guanqing. He saw that the Murong family was not ready to reason, and was ready to fight again.

"Master of the rudder, stop." Qiao Feng stopped the beggars: "Everyone, we came to Gusu for the feud of Ma Dayuan's deputy gang leader, but I have been exploring Gusu for many days, and I understand a lot in my heart. I'm afraid Mr. Murong. It's not the murderer who killed the Ma deputy gang leader."

Even the Gusu family was stunned. Their son did not do it, but the gang of beggars was so aggressive that they wanted to wrong them so that they had to play, and now Qiao Feng came out to say something fair and let them see. A few higher. Sure enough, he is the leader of the first big gang in the Central Plains, and he is definitely not a general.

Ju saw that Qiao Feng was so objective, he was really brave and brave, and a real hero.

Quan Guanqing's face was cold, knowing Qiao Feng's life experience, he was sure of victory. In this increasingly acute ethnic contradiction, as long as a Khitan is exposed, it is definitely everyone shouting: "Clan Lord Qiao, you are shielding the enemy. Even if there are suspicious things, they should be arrested and carried out. Interrogation." Anyway, after knowing that Qiao Feng is a Khitanese, what Qiao Feng does is bad.

"That's right, Vice-Clan Leader Ma died under his own jerk. At first, I suspected Mr. Murong's'the way of the other, and the body of the other'. I thought about it for a few days, and there is a hidden secret in it, absolutely. It’s not that simple."

"Helper, are you trying to excuse the enemy?"

Qiao Feng didn't speak but glanced at everyone, and then said, "Why didn't Elder Bai Shijing come?" It was obvious that his men had already arrived. Qiao Feng became more and more certain that Quan Guanqing wanted to launch a conspiracy against himself. The other elders looked very strange. Qiao Feng asked, "Every elder present, please speak up. If it's not my Qiao who has done something wrong?"

Everyone was embarrassed.

It seemed that it was really doing things without telling me, and it was probably Quan Guanqing who took the lead, and Qiao Feng moved. Using your feet to use your feet to capture the dragon attack is to make Quan Guan Qing chuckle to the ground: "Go and ask the law enforcement to pass the sword to the two rudder masters." "If you confess your guilt quickly today, you may be able to take your punishment lightly."

Qiao Feng thought that Quan Guanqing was going to betray the Beggar Gang, completely unaware that the entire conspiracy was against him personally.

The law-enforcement rudder master is naturally the one who enforces the decrees of the beggar gang. The rudder master of the beggar gang is the only one in the beggar gang who has a weapon.

At this time, the Beggar Gang’s sense of responsibility is not small, and this kind of thing must not be ignored. After a while, ten golden knives were neatly lifted up and stood in the same black wooden knife holder.

The atmosphere in the Yanziwu woods suddenly became serious, and the beggars looked at their helper quietly. Even the Murong family members solemnly watched the beggar help the others to deal with their affairs.

Why in a while, from revenge for the deputy gang leader to infighting in the gang of beggars? This change is a bit quick and a bit exaggerated.

But outsiders can understand that the gang of beggars is the largest gang in the world, and naturally there are many big problems.

"It's not a good person to look at the beggar with wicked eyebrows, isn't it, Azhu." Abi whispered, and she could see that her friend Azhu was interested in Qiao Feng. But it's no wonder that Joe is so brave to help the hero, who will fall in love with him. It's a pity that Abi already has a son, and in this life Abi will only live for the Murong son.

"Be careful to be heard." Although Azhu also thinks Quan Guanqing is not a good person.

The new Gusu sub-rudder law enforcement beggars still don't know what happened, but they are all Qiao Feng's stubborn fans, and they all expressed that they would seriously deal with this matter that undermines the majesty of the gang.

"Quiet!" Qiao Feng stood in the center with the majesty of a helper, ordering and prohibiting, saying quiet and quiet: "Now everyone can talk about what is your performance today? What is your dissatisfaction with my Qiao Mou Quan Guanqing, you can speak first!"

"Okay!" Anyway, he took the trump card. After today, Qiao Feng will no longer be a beggar gang leader. He is completely afraid of what he is afraid of. He stood up and said: "I asked the gang leader, why did we stop us from arresting? A member of the Murong family?"

Qiao Feng wondered, is it because of this? No, their collusion must not be what happened today. It was definitely not just about what happened today. What happened just now was just an excuse for an outbreak.

"That's for the sake of my beggars' reputation for a hundred years. I don't want people to poke the backbone of the beggars and say that we don't understand the truth. Therefore, before we find out the truth, we and Gusu Murong are in the water and not in the river. Master of the rudder, what if you Just for this matter, it would be too anxious. Could it be that there is a ghost in my heart?" Qiao Feng's counter-attack. ..

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