Kamen Rider: Heisei Knights

Chapter 424: Destroyer

Time, space, defense, soul, life, reality, power, mind, evolution. The nine strongest stones in the world, if you get one and control it, you will gain indescribable power!

In order to **** the sacred stone containing immense power, the Raumzeit is about to come! Where will the future of the earth, the world of beholders, the underworld of Heim and the entire universe go? In front of the terrible enemy, the Kamen Rider stepped forward!


The four elves suddenly moved together and attacked the remaining four knights in four directions.

Wan Zhi accelerated, punching the fire spirit to the ground, and at the same time stopped the water spirit rushing towards Zhang Muzhi.

"Go to the beholder world!" Tong Sheng held up the earth and wind elves in front of him, and shouted at Zhang Muzhi.

"Go! The beholder world needs manpower!" Su Tao pulled the Wind Elf over and shouted to Zhang Muzhi together.

Zhang Muzhi hesitated, stomped unwillingly, and opened a teleportation array of eyeball heraldry in front of him.

"You have to be careful!" After explaining this sentence, he stepped into the teleportation formation.

When Zhang Muzhi left, Tong Sheng quickly retreated with Su Tao, and then raised his hand to block the dust storm blown by the wind elves and the earth elves.

"Wan Zhi! Bring those two guys here!" As Tong Sheng's voice sounded, Wan Zhi made a violent force and slapped the two spirits over.

In an instant, the three of them formed a circle around the four elves.

At the same time, Tong Sheng quickly activated the ability of the mobile phone bottle, and passed his thoughts into the minds of Wan Zhi and Su Tao: Wan Zhi attacked the water attribute, and Su Tao went to entangle the skeleton soldier!

"Good!" Wan Zhi exclaimed in excitement, took the magma glove from the driver, and quickly tapped the front button.

Su Tao shrugged helplessly, bypassing them and stopped in front of the Skeleton Soldiers: "Come on, they don't play with me every day, so I have to take your breath away!"

Then, she stretched her hand forward, and the voice-breaking attacker passed it along the pipe to her hand.

Wan Zhi waved his blazing flames and punched the unsuspecting water elf.

The intense high temperature instantly steamed the moisture on its body into a stream of steam.

At the same time, Tong Sheng activated the whale bottle and waved his hand vigorously in front of the other three elves, and the ghost of a whale swallowed them with a huge wave.

"Sample!" Tong Sheng smiled, took out the creator's trigger, quickly pressed it and inserted it into the drive slot, then grabbed the drive's handle and quickly turned it around.

"[CreatorGenius! (Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!) Areyou ready?]"

The golden build logo quickly emerged, merged with the two colored circles, and then quickly attached to Tong Sheng's body, replacing the white body with gold, forming black and red at the same time! Blue and gold skirts.

"[Genius creator! Perfect Bottle boy! BuildCreatorGenius!]"

Seeing this scene, Wan Zhi couldn't help laughing: "I said, buddy, you don't need to use the creator genius to come out, right?"

"Don't question the scientist's experiment!" Tong Sheng laughed, took out the wizard's full bottle, shaken it a few times, then turned the lid and inserted it into the slot behind the creator's trigger.


Accompanied by the reading sound, Tong Sheng stretched out his hand in front of the image, and a silver magic circle quickly appeared in front of him.

Tong Sheng stretched his hand into the magic circle and took out the wizard's brilliant battle axe from the magic circle.

Then, he stretched out his hand, quickly patted the palm-shaped device a few times, then held it in his hand, and quickly spun in mid-air.

With Tong Sheng's movements, the battle axe grew bigger and bigger, until it became several tens of meters high.

Upon seeing this, Wan Zhi quickly backed away, and at the same time, Tong Sheng violently swept towards the four elemental spirits.

"Boom!" In a loud noise, the four elves exploded with a burst of fire.

At the same time, Su Tao threw away the weapon, grabbed the handle of the driver and quickly turned it three times.

"[Once! twice! Third! Readygo!]"

All the phantoms of fruits appeared behind Su Tao, and with Su Tao's movements, a burst of colorful light was emitted at the same time.


Wherever the light went, the skeleton soldier was blown into pieces in an instant, and the white bones flew all over the sky in an instant.

Su Tao hid back with a disgusting expression: "It's so disgusting! Only those with brain problems will use this kind of subordinates, right?"

Looking at Su Tao's back, Wan Zhi couldn't help but smashed Tongsheng: "I said... Didn't I say that Su Tao is a support? How do I feel..."

"Who told you she was a pure assistant?" Tong Sheng smiled and patted his shoulder.

Just as they were talking, a shadow flashed out from behind them: "A wonderful battle!"

Hearing the sound, the three of them immediately looked back, but it was a person wearing a trench coat but covering his face.

The three of them glanced at each other, and Su Tao was about to come forward to question, but Tong Sheng pulled back: "Be careful! This person has a problem!"

"Smart!" The man slammed the windbreaker, his body quickly twisted, and soon turned into a dark monster with a steel hammer in his hand.

He shook the steel hammer fiercely, and the wind he brought up directly shook a crack in the ground.

"My name is devastate!" He slammed the steel hammer to the ground and pointed at the three people in a cold voice, "Hand over the **** stone, or... just destroy it!"

Tong Sheng was shocked, and quickly stopped Su Tao behind him. The opponent's goal was obviously the life stone in Su Tao's body!

"How could I give it to you!" Wan Zhi was furious, and immediately removed the magma glove from the driver, and slapped it hard at the devastate.

But this punch just made a loud noise on the opponent, and it didn't cause any damage, and even the devastate didn't even move a bit.

Devastate smiled suddenly, lifted his leg gently, and knocked Wan Zhi away directly with his knees.

"This guy... a strong defense!" Wan Zhi stood up from the ground, staring at the opponent in astonishment.

devastate grabbed the steel hammer from the ground and slowly walked towards them: "It looks like you really intend to...destroy it!"

Every step taken, that huge body will cause a huge crack in the ground!

"This guy... really deserves the name of the Destroyer Commander!" Tong Sheng's heart tightened, and at the same time his heart surged, and he began to think about ways to deal with the opponent.

Seeing Tong Sheng lost in thought, Wan Zhi and Su Tao looked at each other, and at the same time summoned weapons to attack devastate.

In front of Tong Sheng's eyes appeared the data of devastate left by Sheng Dingli.

"This guy... unexpectedly destroyed a highly civilized planet with just one person!" Looking at the introduction of the information, Tong Sheng's heart trembled.


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