Kamen Rider: Heisei Knights

Chapter 425: Defensive God Stone

Wan Zhi inserted the full bottle of flying eagle into the magma glove and hit devastate's chin with an uppercut.

Unexpectedly, devastate did not hide. Instead, he picked up a hammer and slammed Wanzhi's back fiercely.

Wan Zhi was in pain, and fell forward with a hammer, hitting devastate's body straight.

Devastate took advantage of the situation and made a big belly, and flew Wanzhi out.

Su Tao hurriedly accelerated, caught Wan Zhi, and then switched the Sound Breaker to the cannon mode: "How about shelling?"

As she said, she reached out her hand and quickly tapped the button of the bottle: "[Flame Storm Fist!]"

Su Tao grabbed the glove in her hand and inserted her backhand into the double slot above the gun mode handle.

"[AgilityFireStorm! Readygo!]"

Then, she raised the muzzle that condensed a ball of red, blue and green light bullets, aimed at devastate and pulled the trigger.


The light bullet was fired from the muzzle in a flash, causing a gust of wind and attacking the devastate.

But the opponent just waved his hand lightly and directly blocked the blow.

"Have you played enough?" devastate said coldly, "If you have enough fun, it's me!"

Speaking, he suddenly closed those gray eyes, and when they opened them again, the pupils had already turned red.

With a move of his mind, two dark red rays of light were emitted from his eyes and directed at Su Tao and Wan Zhi.

"Oh!" The two were shocked, and quickly jumped off at the same time, flashing in two directions, and the light hit the ground.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, a big pit with a diameter of 20 meters was directly exploded on the ground!

Wan Zhi and Su Tao were shocked. At this time, devastate has already turned its goal to Su Tao.

He turned around and slowly walked to Su Tao and said coldly: "Give me the life stone!"

"Don't think about it!" Su Tao snorted, and quickly stepped back, ready to counterattack.

However, the red light appeared in devastate's eyes again: "Then kill you... and take it out of your corpse!"

"Stop!" Wan Zhi shook the handle of the driver quickly, leaped forward, and kicked at devastate accompanied by the fire dragon.

However, a surprising scene happened when devastate slightly raised his hand, ignoring the fire dragons and pinched Wanzhi's feet.

With a sudden force of his arm, he threw Wan Zhi away. Wan Zhi's whole body was like a kite with a broken line, and he fell straight to the ground far away, smashing the ground out of a big hole.

Su Tao swallowed her saliva, and pinched the Poison Raider with both hands.

Although she was a little frightened in the face of such an unbreakable enemy, she understood that she had to keep the life stone no matter what.

Because the life sacred stone is not only something that the big master in front of you cannot get, it is also the only hope for resurrecting Tong Baisong in the future!

However, it was too late, devastate focused his mind, and fired two dark red lasers from his eyes.

Su Tao hurriedly speeded up to avoid her, but a scene that surprised her appeared: the light turned halfway and shot towards her again.

Seeing that the light was about to hit Su Tao, she herself closed her eyes and waited for the pain to come.

However, the imaginary feeling did not come. Su Tao slowly opened her eyes, but Tong Sheng opened the diamond shield and stood in front of her.

"Tong Sheng..." Su Tao was stunned for a moment, her face flushed involuntarily. Although the drama of the hero saving the United States is very old-fashioned, she is still moved.

Tong Sheng snorted coldly, his hands slammed into force, and the diamond shield suddenly expanded and enveloped the light: "Dare to move her? Make a will first!"

With that, he turned around, grabbed the diamond shield in his hand and threw it towards devastate.

The diamond hit the devastate directly and exploded quickly at the same time, returning all his light back.

Before he could react, Tong Sheng flashed in front of him at an almost terrifying speed, picked him up in one hand, and then slammed his arm into the air.

Upon seeing this, Wan Zhi immediately got up from the ground, leaped forward, and pushed the devastate with a punch behind the flying wing.

After the fight, he realized that he had made a huge mistake: "Oh my God! Over there is Pandorata!"

"What nonsense? Chase it!" Tong Sheng was anxious, and quickly opened the flying wings behind him to take the lead and flew towards Pandora Tower. Su Tao and Wan Zhi also quickly opened up their wings and chased them.

devastate slammed heavily on the ground next to Pandora Tower. Although he did not cause much harm to him, he became angry: "Damn human being! How dare to humiliate me like this!"

There were countless holes in the surrounding ground with his anger!

When he got up, Tong Sheng and the three of them chased him.

"Look at me!" Before Tong Sheng put the plan into their mask, he took the lead in rushing over.

"Devastate!" Tong Sheng screamed, a cloud of white energy gathered in his fist, and punched the defenseless devastate.

Devastate didn't dodge or dodge, and directly took the punch with his chest.

However, he did not notice that a smile flashed across Tong Sheng's face.

"Crack!" Accompanied by a crisp voice, devastate's breastplate cracked a hole, and then it shattered directly!

Before he could react from the surprise, Su Tao and Wan Zhi kicked them down from mid-air and directly hit him in the chest.

"Ah!!!" devastate screamed, the whole person flew backwards, hit the wall of Pandora Tower, and then fell down and hit the ground.

Su Tao leaned down and picked up the broken breastplate and took a closer look, and suddenly realized: "That's it! You turned his breastplate into plastic!"

"Yes!" Tong Sheng smiled triumphantly, "Don't forget that the ability of the creator's genius is..."

Before Tong Sheng finished speaking, Wan Zhi took over the words helplessly: "Change the molecular structure of the object and convert it into other substances! You have said it hundreds of times!"

However, just as they were talking, devastate actually got up from the ground again.

With a light wave of his hand, his big hammer flew from a distance and fell straight into his hand.

"You... these... humans!!!" devastate suddenly seemed mad, waved his hammer, and slammed it against the ground.

With every hammer hit, the ground shook violently like an earthquake.

"No! Stop him!" Tong Sheng was shocked and wanted to go forward, but the ground under their feet had been shaken out of a huge crack.

Tong Sheng gritted his teeth and quickly pulled Su Tao and Wan Zhi back.

The ground quickly cracked a huge hole, hundreds of meters deep!

However, everyone could clearly see that a stone with a faint cyan light appeared in the dark ground!

"The defensive sacred stone!" Everyone was shocked. Tong Sheng remembered the data showing that sixteen years ago, Tong Baisong, Di Zou and Sheng Dingli used the defensive sacred stone to complete the gravitational field to protect the earth.

There is only one reason why they use the power of defensive stones to create gravitational field wind: that is, the power of defensive stones is...absolute defense!


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