Two days have passed since the witch incident, but Shotarou still has that incident in his heart.

——What's going on with "Li Fengdu"? Who created such a hellish city, and what was his or their purpose?

Shotaro learned from his partner Philip's search that all the buildings in Rifudori were constructed by 'road' doping bodies using their own flesh and blood. Therefore, they must constantly eat people to replenish their energy, otherwise they will lose energy in the event of a lack of energy. They themselves become part of the road.

Just like the other three "paths" knocked down by him and Terui Ryu that day, the reason why the Yakuza did not melt was because he had not used it for a long time and had not assimilated into the memory.

Unfortunately, due to the side effects of the memory, he has gone crazy and cannot obtain information about Lifengdu from him.

And Shiya, how is she doing in the police station? Can I see her again in the future?

Also, the mysterious detective next door, the Kamen Rider who uses the 'trigger' memory...

"What are you thinking about?"

A cup of rich and fragrant coffee was placed in front of him.

"Thank you...big guy!"

Shotaro stood up angrily, standing in front of Lan Guanghong with his hands on his hips, only to find that the other person seemed to be a little taller than him.


Silently taking two steps back, Shotaro held up his hat and said angrily: "You run here every day, don't you have your own office? Besides, I haven't received any commissions in the past two days~"

"It's okay, I have it."


"Is Philip here? I need his help in retrieving something a little bit."

With that said, the blue light and red door opened the secret door familiarly and walked towards the basement where the large transport vehicle "Tough Guy Boiler" was kept.

Shotaro:? ? ?

"Why are you so skilled! Hey, wait!"

...The basement below the office existed as early as the period when Shotaro's master Narumi Shokichi was active. Even the 'Tough Guy Boiler' they currently use was modified from Narumi Shokichi's 'Skull Rusher'.

There are many secret passages connected in front of the basement, allowing Shotaro to reach every corner of Fengdu at the fastest speed at any time. In addition, because the secret and quiet environment here is very suitable for reading, Philip often stays here to read.

Normally, if Shotaro is in the office but Philip is nowhere to be found, just go down and look for him.

..."The memory used by the prisoner is 'Manga', and its ability is to lock humans into comics and turn them into characters in the paintings, and obtain some special abilities from these characters."

Through the clues that Lan Guanghong investigated in the past two days, Philip quickly retrieved the detailed information of the enemy: "According to the content of the published comics, this dopant already has the power of great strength, explosion, and flight. It is a very powerful person." Here’s the tough guy.”

Shotaro continued: "Fortunately, it was discovered early, otherwise it would have become more difficult."

"That's right~."

As they spoke, the two of them turned to look at Lan Guanghong, who was groping for the tough guy's boiler.

"Hmph, you did a good job, newcomer." Shotaro held up his hat, grinned and said, "But it's still too young. If it were me, just one day would be enough."

He thought that the latter half of the sentence was too low to be heard, but he didn't know that Lan Guanghong could actually hear it clearly.

The corner of Lan Guanghong's mouth twitched twice, he fumbled for a thermos cup from the blind spot of everyone behind him, and slowly drank the tea.

And deliberately pointed the side of the cup that said "medium rare" at Shotaro.

Shotaro: ...This guy! ! !

After taking a few deep breaths and exhaling the unhappiness in his heart, Shotaro lifted his legs and climbed into the "Tough Guy", preparing to set off to count that person's sins.

Turning on the engine, he suddenly turned to Lan Guanghong and asked: "Hey, why don't you come together? This is your commission."

Lan Guanghong waved her hand and refused: "No, I'm just a famous detective. If I don't have such powerful power as you, I won't cause trouble."

Shotaro was no longer polite, stepped on the accelerator and left from the secret passage.

After successfully tricking the half-experienced detective into helping out at work, Lan Guanghong smiled slightly, stretched out and prepared to go back and catch up on some sleep. As a result, as soon as he turned around, he met Phillip's burning eyes.

"I'm very interested in you~, can we chat?"

"Okay." Lan Guanghong narrowed his eyes and touched his chin with interest: "I just happen to have something I want you to see."


Well, why do I suddenly have a bad feeling!

Cartoonist Horikoshi Kohei is a rather unscrupulous guy, as evidence of his crime can be found with just a little investigation.

Shotaro came to the door and quickly found out his flaws, and the other party immediately took out the memory in embarrassment.



Insert the memory into the neck interface, and the next moment countless pages with pictures are wrapped around this person. As the data flows in, he becomes a "comic" doped body like a messy and layered book page.

Waving his right hand that turned into a pen, Dopant yelled wildly: "Stupid guy, come and cleanse your sins in my comics!"

"Hmph, this is the line I should say." Shotaro put on his belt and took out the Joker memory: "I can't condone such behavior by hurting innocent people just to satisfy selfish desires... No, it's us !”

"Come on, Philip!"

[Joker! ]

The doped body was startled, thinking that Shotaro had some tricks up his sleeve, and stood still cautiously.

Then, a few seconds passed.


"Hey! Philip, where are you?"

This is no joke! Hurry up and transform!

He anxiously pressed the memory in his hand continuously.

[Jiuka, Jiuka, Jiuka~]

The doped body: ...

"Tsk, it turns out you are just trying to scare me, come in!"

It waved the pen in its right hand, and a large ball of ink spurted out of the pen in an instant, sweeping towards Shotaro.

At this critical moment, the other side finally responded to his call.

[Cyclone! ]

Shotaro breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly pressed the wind and inserted his trump card, and then pulled both sides.

[Cyclone Joker! ]

A strong hurricane suddenly rose, sweeping away the incoming ink.

In the wind, Shotaro complained: "Really, Philip, what are you obsessed with again? I was almost sucked in by the other party."

The side of the wind was silent for a while, and then a voice that was completely different from usual came out.

"Um, sorry, it's me."


"Blue Light Red! You, me, we... What the hell is this!!!"

He was so excited that he was a little incoherent.

And Blue Light Red's response to this was——


"Hey, you head, hey! Where is Philip?"

"He fell asleep... Don't ask, let's fight first!"

The hurricane dissipated, and Blue Light Red raised his right hand and pointed at the impure body: "Sa, count your sins!"

Shotaro:? ? ?

Hey! I should raise my hand to count!

Why did the control of the body also go to the right!

Chapter 200 New Assistant/Resurrection of the Priest


Controlling the strange body, W jumped up, rolled in the air, and then turned into a flying kick to kick the enemy.

"RiderKi... Ouch!"

Falling to the ground by the opponent's blow, Blue Light Red was speechless and gave up control of his body.

Shotaro quickly rolled around the opponent's foot, dodged far away and half-crouched on the ground and said angrily: "Hey! What are you doing!"

"Ahem, a little unaccustomed, be careful!"


A huge fireball flew past the knight's face, and Shotaro dared not be distracted and faced the enemy with full concentration.

According to Philip's speculation, the enemy currently has great strength, explosion, and flight capabilities, and to deal with such an enemy...

"Shotaro, use hot metal!" Blue Light Red took out the fiery "Heat" memory.


Although he was a little unhappy to be said first, he had to admit that Blue Light Red was right this time.

[Heat Metal! ]

After the transformation, the half-red and half-silver W picked up the metal iron rod and smashed it towards the doped body.

The heat in this form can make W not afraid of high temperature explosion, and the hard metal just restrains the opponent's huge force, making the ability obtained by the doped body from humans instantly useless.

After a while, with Shotaro's excellent skills, Brother Xiaotong, who had not yet been transformed, was knocked out of its body.

"Ugh! Damn Kamen Rider!"

Seeing that he might really be knocked down if he didn't use all his strength, the comic doped body finally used the last ability: flying!

It suddenly broke free from the gravitational restraints and flew into the air, throwing a large number of explosive fireballs at W, laughing wantonly: "Hahahaha, idiot, you can't hit me now!"

Waving a long stick to knock down the fireball, Shotaro looked at the doped body flying in the air and said with a headache: "Tsk, trouble."

Faced with such a situation, the only way he could think of was to replace the flying component of the Tough Guy with a flying component so that he could chase in the sky, but the component was installed in the Tough Guy boiler and couldn't come over for a while.

What to do?

At this time, Lan Guanghong said confidently: "Don't worry, I have a plan."

"How to do it?"

"Do this!"

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


The next second, he understood.

The blue electromagnetic cannon pierced through the sky and hit the opponent before the doped body had time to react, instantly destroying its right hand.


The severe pain made it unable to maintain the ability to fly, and it fell from mid-air with a scream.

"Good opportunity, Shotaro!"

"I know! Please stop talking, I feel so awkward!"

Shotaro angrily inserted the memory into the slot of the long stick.

With the sound effect of "Metal. Extreme Drive", Shotaro swung the weapon with flames burning at both ends and hit the falling doped body heavily.


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