After the violent explosion, a thin, middle-aged man with long hair rolled to the ground in a mess, and the memory on the verge of being broken ejected from his body.

"Huh~, it's not difficult to deal with. The next step is..."

"That's the police's job, isn't it?"


Looking at the girl who suddenly appeared and squatted down to pick up the broken memory and put it into the evidence bag, Shotaro was stunned.

The next moment, he suddenly reacted: "When, when, when!"


"Hmm." Shi Ya looked at W and suddenly took out a small notebook and flipped through it: "Red and silver are now hot metals."


"Wait~wait! How do you know about W?"

Shi Ya blinked: "Huh? You don't know yet, right?"

Lan Guanghong also responded at this time: "That's right, Shotaro, don't you know?"

Shotaro:? ? ?

"What do you mean? I don't understand it at all!"

"It's very simple." Tokiya held the diary in front of him with both hands, letting Shotaro read the words clearly.

Shotaro took a closer look and suddenly his eyes darkened.

It clearly says "Specially made by Asukiko Narumi! The secret note of Kamen Rider W!"

"I... want to be your detective assistant."


"What did you say?!!!"

Soon after, Shotaro returned and learned the truth from Ya Shuzi.

It turns out that Ryu Terui temporarily released Toki Mei on bail under the special regulations for paranormal crimes in order to know the true identity of the memory she held and more information about that city.

However, Tokiya has no memory now, so Terui Ryu asked Ashuko to take her into the office as a detective assistant, saying that it was convenient for observation and punishment.

Of course, this is what these two people said, but everyone understands the meaning~.

When Lan Guanghong came just now, she didn't see Ya Shuzi. In fact, she went to pick up Shi Ya at that time.

After learning the truth, Shotaro turned his head away in displeasure, "Really, that guy Terui Ryu did something unnecessary again... Hey, wait a minute!"

"How did you know about this? At that time, you clearly became W." Halfway through his words, Shotaro glanced at Philip, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, and then changed his words and asked, "By the way, why can you also become W?" !”

"What!" Yashuzi was shocked: "Xiao Lan transformed? Into W!"

"Why? I've never heard of such a thing!"

"Ah, actually I don't quite understand it either." Lan Guanghong scratched his head in embarrassment, pointed at Phillip and said, "Just now Mr. Phillip and I studied the oolong tea culture, and for some reason he fell down, and then there were Suddenly a belt appeared."

"At that time, I heard Shotaro's voice and felt that he seemed to be in a hurry, so I took off the belt and put it on myself to try." Lan Guanghong hammered his palm and said happily: "Hey, guess what, I Transformed!"

"Oh, that's it...did you think I would say that? Who would believe such nonsense!"

Lan Guanghong spread his hands: "Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway."

Shotaro choked immediately.

"Well, compared to this matter, I think you should pay attention to this lady first." Lan Guanghong pushed Shi Ya in front of her, waved to Shotaro behind her and said with a smile: "Ciao~"

Shotaro, Tokiya:...

Neither of them said a word, but they suddenly blushed at the same time.

Back in the living room of his home, Lan Guanghong took off his coat and put it on the backrest, then sunk his whole body into the sofa.

"Oh, I hope Tokiya is really a good woman, otherwise Shotaro may never want to fall in love again in his life."

"Huh?" He sniffed and frowned, "What does it smell like?"

The smell of batter came from the kitchen.

Who uses the kitchen utensils here?

Don't tell me!

Lan Guanghong's eyes suddenly widened.


Chapter 201 The Priest is Greatly Satisfied/Gorgom’s Past

Bedroom on the third floor of the residence.

Beside the wide open window, a beautiful woman with a voluptuous back wearing casual clothes stretched out her white jade-like arms and felt the breeze blowing on her face.

The sun shines on her long pale golden hair that is slightly blown by the wind, reflecting the faint golden outline. At first glance, she looks like a goddess.

"What a pleasant wind."

Faria retracted her hand and smiled sideways at Lan Guanghong who rushed upstairs.

"I kept you waiting for a long time, Guanghong."

"You~." Lan Guanghong's breathing became a little heavy, and she was speechless for a moment.

After a while, he breathed a long sigh of relief to calm his excitement, and showed a bright smile.

"Welcome back,!"

Faria suddenly turned over on the big bed, held his face in her hands and pressed against him with her eyes closed.

(Do not pass here)

(Anyway, everyone knows what happened, so I won’t add this paragraph, but please don’t worry, the subscription is 10 coins whether or not this paragraph is included.)

(It has brought you a bad reading experience, but it is not my fault, so I will not apologize [funny]!)

Faria cut the silk thread around her mouth with her finger and smiled: "It's still the same erotic as always, bright red."

"Obviously you were the one who came first!" Lan Guanghong wiped his mouth and suddenly remembered the pot of paste in the kitchen downstairs and asked, "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah!" Faria nodded pitifully.

Lan Guanghong smiled crookedly: "I'll give you something to eat below."


...Slurp, slurp~

After swallowing the mutton soup noodles that Lan Guanghong had just cooked, Faliya ate three bowls in a row, and then she touched her belly with satisfaction, which was not bloated at all.

"Huh~, great, I can finally eat normally again!"

Lan Guanghong proudly put his hands on his waist: "How is it? It tastes good!"

"Well, it is true." Faliya wiped the milky white soup from the corner of her mouth and praised: "The soup is thick and smooth. It is the most delicious noodles I have ever eaten."

"Humph, of course, don't you look at who I am!" Lan Guanghong pulled open the chair and sat opposite Faliya. Somehow, his expression suddenly became a little nervous.

Faliya naturally saw his change and asked: "Do you want to know your past? Lord Black Sun."

The simple change of the name "Lord Black Sun" represents that she has now entered the identity of the sky priest of Gorgom and is ready to fulfill her duty of guiding her future king.

Lan Guanghong took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"Yes, tell me everything you know about me."

Who he was in the past, what kind of person he was, now it's finally time to reveal it.

Unexpectedly, facing Lan Guanghong who was mentally prepared, Faria shook her head gently: "Sorry, I don't know your past."

Lan Guanghong: ...


"You were sent to me directly by the Lord of Creation. He didn't tell me about you, and you never told me about your past before you met with the accident."

At this point, Faria crossed her hands on her chest and bowed her head slightly, as if she was saluting.

"So I'm sorry, I can't give you an answer about this."

Lan Guanghong was speechless for a long time.

But for some reason, he felt a lot more relaxed.

"It's okay, let's talk about the King of Creation and Gorgom. I always feel that you are not the same as the Gorgom in the play."

Thinking of Gorgom in the special effects drama of Kamen Rider Black, Faria's face became a little strange.

"Well, actually the difference is quite big."

From her subsequent explanation, Lan Guanghong gradually understood the image of Gorgom where Faria was.

In short, the Gorgom she belonged to was on a planet where the technological civilization was completely different from modern society, and unlike the evil weirdo organization that intended to rule the world in the play, it was a hidden mysterious organization.

The hierarchy within the organization was strict, and the highest position was undoubtedly the Creator King, followed by the Creator King's successors Black Sun and Shadow Moon, and below them were the three great priests.

The three priests of this generation were the Sky Priest Li Hume, the Earth Priest Garom, and the Sea Priest Balaom.

The three priests had the same status, but their relationship was not very harmonious. Balaom was okay, he was a taciturn strong man who was devoted to improving his strength, and he rarely interacted with his two colleagues, so there was no friction, but Li Hume and Garom were simply incompatible.

Garrom, who was like an old man, had always disliked Lixum, who was casual by nature. When the King of Creation announced the start of the Century King Trial, this dislike escalated to hatred.

Because Lixum and Baraoom became the guides of Black Sun and Shadow Moon respectively, but he, who always boasted of his hard work and great achievements, had nothing...

Even if the next King of Creation was born, it would have nothing to do with him. Now, Garrom could not sit still.

So he boldly set his sights on the two candidates who had not yet transplanted the Emperor Stone, and finally chose Blue Light Red as the target.

On the day of the Emperor Stone implantation ceremony, a person bribed by Garrom intended to perform a taboo brainwashing operation on Blue Light Red, making him a puppet of Garrom before he became the Century King.

Lixum, who discovered the truth, broke into the ceremony site in time and stopped the taboo operation. Unfortunately, the memory of the Black Sun candidate had been irreparably damaged at that time.

Garom, who had been observing secretly, saw Lixum break in. He knew that if the Creation King knew about this, he would definitely suffer a lot, so he simply went all out and suddenly jumped out when Lixum relaxed her vigilance.

Sneak attack!

A claw pierced Lixum's abdomen, but the severe pain made Lixum furious as never before, and she turned around and started a desperate battle with Garom.

In the end, the fierce battle between the two triggered the Emperor Stone's instinct to protect its master, and sent the new Century King to the world of Revice. At this time, the seriously injured Lixum finally couldn't hold on. After Garom took away the Sky Stone, her body gradually disappeared, but her soul followed the Century King and went to that world together.

Next, it is the story of the amnesiac boy and the devil idol...

"So that's it, damn Garom, unforgivable!" Lan Guanghong clenched his fists in anger.

"That's right. If you have a chance, please tear him into pieces!" Faria also clenched her fists: "Don't worry, in Gorgom, no one can attack the Century King except the Creation King. He can't fight back even if you hit him."

"Oh, is that so."

Lan Guanghong remembered the scene when Faria snatched the Sky Stone from the pterosaur monster pretending to be Li Hume. At that time, she said such words. So this is what she meant.

Hey, wait!

"Hiss~, does that mean that you can't resist me either?"

Faliya was stunned, and suddenly narrowed her eyes, and a dangerous light seemed to flash in her pupils.

"Lord Black Sun, what do you want to do?"

Chapter 202 The Forbidden Technique of the Priest/Idol Crisis

"Hehehe~." Lan Guanghong smiled but did not answer, directly picked up Faliya by the waist, and strode to the bedroom upstairs.

Faliya did not resist, but stretched out her arms to hug Lan Guanghong's neck and smiled softly: "Since you have decided, you must satisfy me well, otherwise, I will not end it."

Faced with such provocation, Lan Guanghong raised the corner of his mouth disdainfully: "Humph, little priest, today I will let you taste the power of my Dinghai Shenzhen!"

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