"Don't even think about running away!" He twisted the front of the car violently, and a stream of flames shot out from the rear of the car, rushing towards the direction of Grunge like a rocket on land.

The special locust disguised as an ordinary modified car quietly sent a message: "Boss, are we a little too conspicuous like this?"

"Human life is important, and we can't care about it so much now."

The Zi Group is a very low-level group among the Gurungi groups, and they basically only rely on physical combat. Lower than them are the Bei Group, which is just a miscellaneous soldier, and above them are the Mei Group, which has special abilities, the elite Ge Group, and the strongest En Group.

However, being low-level also has its benefits. Grunge of the Zi Group does not need to follow special rules when playing a killing game called "Kikiru", as long as he kills a fixed number of humans within the specified time.

That's why Blue Light Red rushed to the scene at a conspicuous high speed. In fact, it was quite slow. Don't forget that the special locust can fly over walls and walls at full power.

But that would be tantamount to exposing his identity in front of the Time Management Bureau. Lan Guanghong didn't want to do this until there was an emergency.

He didn't know that Baz, a locust species, was very confident in his own strength, so he was not satisfied with ordinary killing. Instead, he set a special rule for himself that the Charming Group only started to have.

That is: only dropping humans from heights to death.

And he doesn't just kill people when he sees them. He jumps between floors to select prey that he likes.

At around twelve o'clock, in Koishikawa 4-chome, Bunkyo District, Locust finally found his next target - an urban OL wearing a short skirt.

With a whoosh, the OL was forcibly taken to the rooftop of a high-rise building before she could react, and the sound of hot breathing came from beside her.

Turning around stupidly, she saw the most terrifying creature she had ever seen in her life.


Suddenly reaching out to grab the other person's neck, Locust Gurungi ignored the other person's frightened expression of crying and holding her body high in the sky outside the rooftop.

"Death, Lindo (Gurongi)!"

Throwing her hand away, the urban beauty spun and fell from the building.


Gurungi stepped on the railing on the edge of the rooftop with one foot, ready to enjoy the beautiful scenery of human beings falling into pieces, but suddenly he found a speeding figure flying towards the fallen people.


Lan Guanghong stepped on the special locust and jumped up, hugging the woman before she fell, then turned around and used his back to offset the impact of the fall.


The centrifugal force brought by the motorcycle and the force of falling from a high place caused Lan Guanghong to slide forward for a certain distance when he hit the ground hard. Fortunately, given his constitution, the internal wounds were healed within a few breaths.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Lan Guanghong helped the woman up and activated hypnosis to soothe her extremely frightened heart.

Soon, the woman's mood calmed down, but she still asked with some fear: "That monster..."

"Destroy it now! Don't worry, our police will protect you!"

Patting the woman's shoulder, Lan Guanghong stood up and pulled off the torn police uniform.

"NMD, how dare you hurt an innocent girl? Do you know what a vicious thing you are doing?!" He angrily raised his middle finger at Gulangi on the roof.

"Come here!"

The locust species couldn't stand such a provocation, and immediately fell freely from a high altitude with its arms folded, crashing into the blue light like a cannonball.

Blu-ray red:?

He twisted his waist and accumulated all his strength on his feet. When Grunge was about to land, he suddenly flew up and hit the monster's face with a flying kick.

Gurungi did not raise his hands to defend himself, obviously very confident in his physical strength.

"Huh, stupid Linduo, you don't even know how powerful our Gurungi's body is..."


With a crisp sound, Grunge flew out at a speed that was no less than falling, and went straight through a truck compartment filled with cargo. After passing out from the other side, it hit the opposite building.

His whole body was stuck in the wall, and he couldn't get it out.

Grunki, half of his face exploded:? ? ?

"Is this Linduo?!"

"It's so dangerous! I almost got hit!" Lan Guanghong waved his hand and suddenly remembered something. He took out the surviving walkie-talkie from his waist and reported: "This is Nagano. I encountered Gurungi at Koishikawa 4-chome, and I am now fighting with him. The other party is fighting and asking for support.”

"Copy that, we'll be right away...wait a minute, what are you doing?!"

Chapter 300 It’s better for me to use a gun

The locust species Gulangji feels regretful now, extremely regretful.

He regretted that he was easily provoked, and also regretted that he had underestimated Linduo's power. I didn’t expect that besides Kuuga, there were such brave warriors in the world.

At this moment, his body was dripping with blood, one of his insect-shaped legs was broken, and he was as scared of death as the woman who was thrown down the stairs just now.

Grunki's pride and warrior will have long been forgotten, and now he just wants to escape.

But what frightened him was that he found that he could not escape the clutches of this Linduo warrior.

He jumped with all his strength and before he had jumped two meters, he felt his remaining leg being grasped by a pair of hands as strong as iron pincers.


He could already guess Lan Guanghong's next attack method. Not surprisingly, he was holding his leg and swinging it back and forth on the ground.

Why do you know so clearly?

Because the other leg was broken like this! ! !

Grunji guessed it correctly, and the next second, his eyes were spinning.



Grunki's back fell hard into the ground, and spider web-like cracks spread. He couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of green blood again.

Before he could scream in pain, his body was lifted up again, and after being thrown half a circle, he landed on his front.


The sound was different because there was no spine on the front and the sternum had long been broken.

A shirtless young man pinched the weirdo's legs and slammed them back and forth like a mallet. This was what they saw when the Metropolitan Police Department's support arrived. They all froze on the spot and even forgot to raise their guns.

Among them, the most shocked person was none other than Officer Ichijo Kaoru.

As mentioned before, he was the first police officer to discover and face unidentified life forms, and he knew very well how terrifying these weirdos were.

With just one blow, he was seriously injured and on the verge of death. If a passing white warrior hadn't saved him, he would have died in the line of duty.

Now you can imagine the shock in his heart when he saw that a weirdo who could easily kill humans was being ravaged by a human.

"That's Officer Nagano!"

Ichijo Kaoru still had fresh memories of this colleague who had just entered the Unconfirmed Life Investigation Bureau yesterday.

"Such a strong body, is this really the power that humans can exert?!"


The policemen were stunned. The weirdo's other leg was also broken. He lay on the ground and howled twice before making no movement.

Lan Guanghong threw away the insect's legs, turned on his detection eyes and glanced at Gurungi, and found that the other party was still alive, but in a state similar to shock.

It's just that the opponent's current bloody state made him unable to find a place to continue his attack, so he could only say in disgust: "Tsk, you saved a life."

"Quickly, arrest the unidentified life forms!"

Ichijo Kaoru quickly asked people to work, while he pulled out a spare piece of clothes from the car and came to Lan Guanghong.

"Nagano, put this on first."

"Thank you...ah, I can do it myself."

Putting on a jacket, Lan Guanghong took the initiative to get into the car without waiting for the other party to speak.

"Let's go back to the Metropolitan Police Department."

Kaoru Ichijo:......

There was silence all the way. Kaoru Ichijo, who acted as the driver, seemed to be concentrating on driving, but in fact he was a little worried in his heart.

As far as he knew, Gurungi could mimic humans, as was the case with the bat species he encountered before. That monster killed the archeology professor Manabe and replaced him, almost killing his friend Sakurako Sawatari.

Now, this colleague has shown strength far beyond that of humans. Is he also disguised as Gulungi?

Or... someone like Yusuke Godai?

Compared to Ichijou's complicated brainstorming, what Lan Guanghong wanted to do was much simpler.

——"It seems that I forgot something important."

What is it?

"It's me, boss!" The resentful voice of the special locust came from the bottom of his heart: "You forgot me at the scene!"

Blu-ray red:!

Ah yes! I am used to the special locust being able to act independently, and I have forgotten that now it cannot behave differently in front of everyone!

"My fault, my fault, I'm going back to pick you up now."

"No, I've been picked up by someone. I'll sneak back by myself at night."

Blue light red:......

Damn it, someone wants to damage my car? !

Just as he was about to get angry, the Special Locust suddenly sent another message: "Damn it, he actually wants to ride me!"

"...Ahem, I knocked the thief unconscious, boss, why don't you call Miss Faria to ride me back."

Lan Guanghong was speechless for a while, then took out his cell phone and sent a text message to Faria.

As soon as the text message was sent, the destination arrived.

The car stopped at the door. Just as Lan Guanghong was about to get out of the car, Kaoru Ichijo suddenly said: "Nagano, how about we go to the hospital first to see if you are injured?"

"No, I have been practicing since I was a child and I know my body very well." Lan Guanghong smiled brightly: "I just want to finish the report and get off work as soon as possible. There are still people at home waiting for me."


"No, it's my wife." Lan Guanghong pulled out the photo from her wallet: "Look, she is beautiful."

"Well, she is indeed a rare beauty!"

Ichijo Kaoru responded with a smile, and most of his inner doubts were reduced.

No matter how much he pretends to look like a human, he can't fake that happy smile from the bottom of his heart. Therefore, Nagano is probably just a human with extraordinary talents.

--Um? Did he just mention spiritual practice?

..."What practice?"

"The Cosmic Boxing Technique is a fighting method learned from an expert. It can effectively improve the physical strength of humans."

In the office, Lan Guanghong sat next to Ichijo Kaoru and said casually: "I didn't expect this punch to be so strong. Officer Ichijo, you don't know. When the unidentified life form jumped down, I was really scared. I subconsciously I kicked it and found that he was just like that."

Ichijo Kaoru was speechless for a long time, and then he suddenly asked: "Is that cosmic boxing technique you mentioned difficult to learn?"

"It's not difficult. If you can resist a jeep collision, you'll be considered a beginner. Fighting a bear with your bare hands is considered a beginner. If you can throw and play with unidentified life forms like me, you'll be considered advanced."


Ichijo Kaoru swallowed back the words "Can you teach me?" silently.

Sure enough, using a gun suits me.

"By the way, officer, how's the report going?"

Ichijo Kaoru rubbed his sore wrist: "Reports are not easy to write. Have you never written one before?"

"No, I don't follow this in the countryside, I just know there is this process." Lan Guanghong leaned over and laughed, "So Yitiao-san, please write it for me as well."

Yitiao Xun:!

I think you want me to work overtime until dawn!

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