Looking at Ichijo Kaori's face full of reluctance, Lan Guanghong quickly clasped his hands and begged: "Please, Ichijou-senpai! Please help me, I'll treat you to a barbecue tomorrow!"

"Oh~ there's really nothing you can do about it."

Ichijo Kaoru waved his hand helplessly: "Go ahead, but let me tell you in advance that I will not be merciful when ordering tomorrow!"

"Oh! Just keep it on me!"

Lan Guanghong patted his chest and raised the corner of his mouth slightly to reveal a weird smile.

Chapter 301 Ancient Secret

Yakiniku Taro.

This is a well-known barbecue restaurant with rave reviews. It specializes in the freshest ingredients and ancestral secret dipping sauces. It is a rising star in the world of clay barbecue.

The above are the original words of Blu-ray Red.

"But there's not a single customer. No, not even the store manager or waiter. This store hasn't even opened yet!"

Lan Guanghong brought two plates of still-beating fresh beef and dipping saucers, and said with a smile, "Don't worry about these details, come and try my secret dipping sauce."


Ichijo Kaori keenly grasped the essence of this sentence.

"Is this your store?"

"Yes, I hadn't decided what to do at first, but I decided to make barbecue after get off work yesterday."

Kaoru Ichijo:......

So in order to save money on a barbecue, you opened your own barbecue restaurant to treat guests?

With more than ten years of experience in the industry, a well-informed police officer was also devastated by Lan Guanghong's operation.

But the aroma of sizzling beef fat dripping on the charcoal soon attracted his attention.

"Oh~, it looks very appetizing."

"Yeah, try it quickly."

Yi Yao Xun put a piece of meat into his mouth, chewed it twice and immediately said with joy, "It's delicious."

"Not bad. Eat it while it's hot. I'll cut it into two more plates."

"Wait a minute." Ichijo stopped him: "Wait a minute, I have two friends coming, let's eat together."

Afraid that Lan Guanghong might misunderstand that he was going to kill him, Ichijo then explained: "They are all related to the unconfirmed life form incident and are of great help to our search, so I want to introduce them to you."

"I understand, just wait."

Lan Guanghong probably knew who he was talking about. They should be Sakurako Sawatari, an expert in interpreting ancient ruins, and... Yusuke Godai.

Are we going to see Kuuga himself now? I feel a little excited~.

In his expectant eyes, a pair of doubtful men and women pushed the door open, and their eyes lit up when they saw Ichijo Kaoru.


"Oh, you are here, Ms. Sawatari, Godai." Ichijo Kaoru stood up and greeted with a smile: "Here, let me introduce, this is my colleague Nagano Oiko, he is a person who can defeat unidentified life forms head-on. "

"Eh? So powerful!"

The man excitedly stepped forward and held Lan Guanghong's hand: "Hello, I am Godai Yusuke."

The girl next to her bowed slightly: "Archaeology at Seongnan University, Sakurako Sawatari."

Blue light red:......

It was indeed them, and as expected, their appearance was completely different from the one in the show.

Sakurako Sawatari, the short-haired energetic girl in my impression has become a straight black senior girl with straight hair. Yusuke Godai is a short-haired young man who can be easily seen as a hot-blooded idiot.

However, the smile is still quite sunny, which fits the character of Godai in his impression.

"Mr. Godai, what do you do?"

As soon as the words came out, Godai's smile suddenly became a little embarrassed.

"Ah, um... I'm working in a coffee shop now, delivering food and stuff."

Lan Guanghong cast his doubtful gaze on Ichijo Kaoru.

"Ahem, like you, he is a special talent who can deal with Gulungi head-on."

"Oh~ that's it." Lan Guanghong suddenly realized, holding Godai's hand tightly: "This is the first time we meet, please take care of me."

"Please take care of me."

Two strong hands clasped together, this is the historic meeting of RX, the last knight of Showa, and Kuuga, the first knight of Pinghei!

——Though neither of them are from the TV world.

"Let's chat for a while, Mr. Ichijo, I have made a great discovery."

Sakurako Sawatari sat on the chair and opened her notebook, and the three men put their heads close to it.

"The true name of the unconfirmed life form is 'Gurungi'. They are a tribe that existed in ancient times. They obtained special abilities beyond human beings by performing the 'Spiritual Stone Ceremony', and their appearance also changed dramatically. "


"Yes, according to the records on the stone tablet, this is a tribe that enjoys killing." Sakurako Sawatari pursed her lips and continued: "Killing a certain number of prey within the specified time, the high-level Gurungi also Specific conditions will be added, this is their 'Kikilu Game'."

"The prey is us humans?"

"Well, in ancient times, humans were called Lindo. What happened next was a little complicated."

Yingzi controlled the computer to sort out a few runes and explained: "Linduo also performed the 'Spiritual Stone Ceremony', and the warriors who guarded Linduo were born. The name of the warrior is..."

"Empty me." Lan Guanghong thought silently in his heart.

"Agito." Sakurako translated the warrior's name.

Blu-ray red:?

Wait a minute! Gurungi used the spirit stone to become a monster, and the human used the spirit stone to become Agito?

What about empty me? Where did Sora come from?

Also, is this Agito the same Agito I know? Is there a black god in this world? !

"...Then things get more complicated. A warrior has also appeared on the Gurungi side to protect Lindo, and that is Kuuga."

Blu-ray red:? ? ?

Empty self, is Gurungi?

"In short, he is a traitor. He raised the flag of rebellion against his fellow tribesmen..."

"Betrayal or something like that is too ugly~" Godai, who inherited Kuuga's power, interrupted with a smile: "Such a gentle person must have thought that both parties could understand each other, so he stopped the killing of the same race."


"Why speak for him as if you have met him."

"Ah?" Godai was not good at talking, so he could only scratch the back of his head and giggle: "Ah haha~ How could it be possible, Zedu, you are thinking too much."


Your suspicious expression has given you away! Hey!

Seeing everyone's strange expressions, Godai quickly changed the subject: "What about this 'Spiritual Stone'? Is there any record of its location on the inscription?"

"No, it only says that the spirit stone was originally held by Linduo, but was later taken away by Gulangi."

"Is it also said that the spirit stone is now in the hands of Gurungi?" Ichijo Kaoru straightened up with a serious look on his face: "If the spirit stone still exists in the world now, it will be troublesome."

"Sir, you are right." Lan Guanghong pushed his eyes: "It is necessary to investigate!"

At the same time, in a large quarry in the suburbs, a crane was working rumble.

"Be careful you idiots! Don't hurt my treasure!"

The fat man in prison guard uniform wiped the sweat from his face and smiled flatteringly at the man next to him who was wrapped in a black robe: "Sir, look at us..."

"Shut up!" The man in white robe interrupted him impatiently, his eyes fixed on a clear boulder more than three meters high hanging from the ground.

"Finally found it, the spirit stone (Gurongi language)!"

"In this way, Agito, the only one who can deal with us, will also become our slave (Gurongi language). Hum...hahahaha!"

Chapter 302: Cheetah Girl Before She Begins

On the other side, in a dilapidated botanical garden somewhere, two human figures gathered here.

"A new game has begun."

The woman with a rose tattoo on her forehead and silver hair dressed like a lady popped out the mechanism in the ring and pierced the belt of the cheetah Gurungi.

"Thirty people in two days."

"Ha~" The cheetah species was covered in hot steam, and its body gradually transformed into a petite girl dressed boldly in the white smoke.

"In this way, I will be promoted to the Charming Group!"

"Don't underestimate Linduo. They are different from the past and have a variety of weapons."

Recalling what her companions had told her about the killing of Locusts, Rose Girl said with a solemn expression: "A warrior who cannot change but can suppress the Zi Group was born."

The cheetah species didn't care, and arrogantly said with his hands on his hips: "Soldiers of Linduo? You can't even touch me, and the same goes for Kuuga!"

Rose Girl:…

Really, why do every group have such brainless guys? They are the boss and I are the second, and even Da Guba is no match for me.

Have you forgotten how it was physically sealed by Kuuga in ancient times?

Unwilling to communicate with such an idiot, Rose Girl waved her hand and left: "Go and complete the game, Cheetah."


The girl held her hand like a cat's paw, opened her mouth and licked it twice to reveal her sharp little tiger teeth.

"...Hunting begins!"


Godai sniffed and pulled the corners of his clothes to make the thin clothes cling tighter to his body.

"Mr. Nagano, how far is it?"

Lan Guanghong pointed to the vaguely visible mountain in the night and said, "It's not far. Just climb over the mountain in front and you'll be there."

Fifth Generation:?

"Haha, just kidding. There is a market two miles away. You can buy the freshest fish and meat there."

"It scared me to death!" Godai breathed a sigh of relief: "But Mr. Nagano has to travel so far to buy materials early every morning, and has to go to the police station to work at eight o'clock. It's really not easy."

"It's nothing. I have quite a lot of energy. It's you, Godai, who insisted on following me when I told you not to come. You must have caught a cold now."

"Ahaha, after eating so much barbecue, I should help out..."

The two of them were walking and chatting until their attention was attracted by a girl walking towards them.

He is about 1.5 meters tall and only reaches the fifth generation's neck, which is even further away from the blue light red.

What attracted the two of them was not the girl's appearance, but her dress.

In the early morning, the chill is the coldest time, but the girl's upper body only has a few straps that are not warm at all and a leopard print scarf to cover her key parts. Below she wears extremely short leather pants with a layer of leg length underneath. Different leopard print bottoms.

The feet are bare.

Godai had never seen this scene before, and he immediately took off his clothes and put them on the poor girl.

Lan Guanghong grabbed him: "Idiot, it's Gurungi!"


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