Before figuring out the situation, Cody did not dare to act without authorization, and after letting the mole robot restore the hole to its original state, he got on the Minoran and dragged the iron box back.

"These lines are just a life support system, it's okay, bring it down."

After Banner had carefully checked and confirmed, Cody brought the rocket down.

But at the moment when the wiring of the rocket's whole body was pulled out and left the ordinary looking chair, a pulse wave, centered on the seat, spread outward at an extremely fast speed, and Cody instinctively felt bad.

The palm immediately released a red light, trying to block, but the spherical diffusion area, coupled with the speed was too fast, Cody could not block all the energy release.

"Zeya, can you detect the pulse wave that just spilled out?"

"Yes, the current direction of proliferation covers parts of Europe."

"Did it have any impact?"

"Everything is normal at the moment!"

Hearing Zeya's words, Cody's heart temporarily relaxed a little, and then ordered

, "Zeya, focus on observing the affected area, if there is any abnormality, remember to report it to me in time."


"Cody, what's wrong?"

Xingjue looked at Cody's inexplicable movements just now, very puzzled.

"Just now after the rocket left this chair, a pulse wave was launched, I couldn't stop it all, I was worried that this was the supreme evolution and what the hell was doing."

"It's okay, with us here, that supreme evolution can't turn over any waves."


Returning to the laboratory with the rocket, Cody became an Aquarius apostle again, and the blue water stream attached to the rocket's body, and after just a few seconds, the rocket slowly opened his eyes.

What came into view was the adorable face of the otter,

"Leila? Am I dead? I didn't expect we to meet again. Hearing

Rocket's words, Laila rolled her eyes in her heart, this idiot is still so unable to speak.

"No, you're alive and well! I'm also alive and well, you saved me from the mouth of the great white shark, you forgot? "

Great white shark? What great white shark? Are there still marine creatures in the animal kingdom?

Rocket's words were a little inexplicable, and after speaking, he sat up from the bed and looked in the direction of Cody and the others.

First his expression was startled, and then he protected Laila behind him, picked up the kettle on the table, and aimed it at several people.

"Humans, don't come here, Leila, did they catch us! What do they have to do with Supreme Evolution? Several

people and Laila were completely stunned, even Grote showed a puzzled expression, and tried to step forward to hug the rocket, but was poured with water by the rocket screaming.

"Rocket, you don't remember us?"

Star-Lord asked.

"Rocket? Are you calling me? I haven't named myself yet! However, this is indeed a good name~"

After realizing it, everyone probably understood that Rocket was amnesiac, and from what he knew Lyra and what he just said, his memory may be stuck at the point where the rebellion occurred and he fled the earth.

"Rocket, it seems that you have amnesia, we are all your friends, if you don't believe me, I have here a photo of us together, a video, and a lot of evidence that can prove our relationship."

Cody approached Rocket and handed Rocket a cell phone.

The rocket cautiously did not answer, Laila took it instead of him, and after the misunderstanding was solved, Laila was also very interested in the rocket's experience in the universe.

Half an hour later, Rocket looked up from his phone and habitually pulled his ears

, "Well, I believe you." Friends, sorry, I forgot.

"It's okay, the past is gone, forget it, but can you let me check your brain?" I suspect that the cause of your memory loss may be intentional by the Supreme Evolution.

"Okay, whatever."

With Rocket's permission, Cody put his hand on Rocket's forehead, a faint yellow glow lit up on his eyebrows, and Cody then closed his eyes.

After a few minutes, Cody lowered his hand

, "This supreme evolution seems to be particularly fond of the memory cutting trick, and after the rocket left the earth, all memories did disappear." Including the subconscious, is this his ability?

"Those memories won't get in the way of his plans, maybe he's just deliberately disgusting." Xingjue said a little angrily.

"It's okay, aren't you all here? And Leila. Lost is lost, I don't care. The

lack of memory seems to have calmed down the rocket's temperament.

From this day on, the two of them like the most favorite thing every day is to hold hands and hang out together in disguise, like an ordinary couple.

I don't know when some negative news about Sokovia refugees began to appear on the news from time to time, at first limited to petty theft, then slowly developed into violent injuries, until the latest news finally detonated the world news.

An underage Sokovia orphan brutally killed seven members of his foster family, two elderly people, two middle-aged people, and their three children, the youngest of whom was only 2 years old, and all of them died of open disembowe.

After a forensic examination, it was found that everyone's hearts were missing, and in the pots and pans in the kitchen, some cooked human tissue was found.

Such shocking news, as the suspect's photo was exposed by an unafraid media, fell into greater controversy, the boy looked helpless, because of the very hard life in the past, his body has some thin limbs, swollen belly characteristics of refugees.

How could such a person kill such a wealthy and well-built family? You know, the man of this house is still a retired officer.

This matter is not over, a more shocking news has appeared again, this time, the reason is horrifying, because the entire criminal process has been completely recorded and livestreamed.

Here is a local Internet celebrity pet café, with more and more special software on L-Phone, the café owner is very fashionable, and has recently launched a very popular live broadcast.

And this time it was photographed that a family of three came here with a little girl.

Later, it was confirmed that the little girl was also an adopted Sokovia orphan, and when she was playing with the dog, she suddenly fell to the ground without warning, and then around her body, she actually grew legs that were completely different from humans, these legs were covered with black pointed hair, and two fangs stretched out from her mouth, quickly tearing and biting a dog next to her, it was a large dog, but it took the little girl less than two minutes to kill, after killing, the little girl tore open the dog's chest with her fangs and swallowed its heart.

Fortunately, there were no casualties this time, only two large dogs were killed, and then the little girl was solved by Kamen Rider who rushed in.

Cody didn't kill her, but bound her with the power of chaos because Cody wanted to figure out what was going on.

Only these two cases were broadcast on the news, but what the audience did not know was that Kodi had recently solved more than 20 such things, all of which were affected by the pulse wave, all of them were Sokovian people, their age was generally under 18, and all of them had different biological characteristics, and some adults, although they did not change physically, but also showed very extreme emotions.

The purpose of supreme evolution seems to have finally been revealed.

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