The red light, dragging the little girl, through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the laboratory, Cody came to the mirror world, and the location of the Cody family villa in the mirror world has now been completely bulldozed, and a modern biomedical laboratory has been built.

Anyway, there is no shortage of anything here, and there is no need to worry about any unnecessary trouble.

Came to the laboratory, took the elevator, and came to the first basement floor, at this time, the entire area here has been completely isolated, and there is a transparent force field shield inside, wrapped in more than 20 living lives.

They are the mutated Sokovians captured this time.

Two tubes extend from their bodies, one leading to their mouth and nose, which releases a special calming gas, and one is rooted in their blood vessels.

Putting the little girl into the empty seat in the back, before she had time to scream, two pipes, connected to her mouth, nose and arm, put the girl into a deep sleep.

"There is no need to bring them, the experimental samples are enough."

Hearing Cody's arrival, Dr. Morbius pushed open the door and walked in.

Among the big guys that Cody knows, the Blood Doctor and Banner have made a lot of achievements in biomedicine and genetics.

There was already so much going on with Banner, and Tony had pulled him into his satellite program that he couldn't spare the time.

Cody can only be cheeky and find this Nobel Prize boss to help.

"Where else can you take it? Can't be locked up like a monkey, right? Is there any progress? "

Also... Count it on!

Morbius hesitated for a moment before saying.


Cody just asked habitually, but he didn't expect it to really come to fruition.

Mobius saw Cody's surprised eyes, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl, and then explained

, "Their bodies have been genetically modified, and they are very perfect, I have done hundreds of simulation experiments, no matter which gene fragment I remove, their bodies will collapse in an instant, it's as simple as that, that technology is too advanced, I can't do anything ~

" "Perfect? Perfection shouldn't be like you? They have self-awareness and can control freely, but they look like out-of-control monsters, right?

Morbius shook his head

, "What I said perfect, and what you understand may be different, let's just say, I am a car with superior performance, and they are a painting, I can modify it at will, but as long as they tear off any place, the painting will be destroyed, it has nothing to do with this painting, whether the painting is good or not."

"So what do you mean?"

Morbius shrugged and pointed to himself

, "Out of curiosity, I injected them with a little of my activated cells, and it turned out that they inhibited the mutated parts of their bodies. So my guess is that if there are enough amounts, maybe they can reverse their mutation. It's equivalent to repainting them. Maybe you can turn back into a human being~

" Cody's eyes widened,

"Then what if they turn into vampires?"

Morbius sighed helplessly,

"You forgot? I'm not transformed, nor am I born into a bloodline, but I don't have this ability.

"Oh, yes."

Cody reacted after realizing it.

I didn't expect the activated cells of the blood tribe to be so useful, but there are thousands of people outside, and how many cells Mobius has, I'm afraid it's not enough.

Do not forget that there are also unactivated Sokovians scattered in other cities of the world.

This result is the consensus of everyone, that is, all Sokovians have been genetically modified in some way.

The conjecture is simple, these people are nothing special, and they have almost no connection with each other, at most they are neighbors.

And the Supreme Evolution spent so much effort, but decisively surrendered, there is nothing tricky in it, how is it possible?

If this speculation is true, then this supreme evolution is likely to leave a back hand, and one day another pulse wave will activate the remaining genes, and the world will not be in chaos. Cody is also not sure, and can find out and solve it in the first time.

After thinking for a while, his fingers flashed, and the ring of the rose woman appeared on Cody's finger

, "Morbius, do you want some stimulation?"


"Hmm! I can increase your strength a little, uh... Maybe it may also be weakened a little, I haven't compared it, so I don't know, but it's also a power from bats, do you want to try it?

"There's no danger, is it?"

"No, absolutely not!"

"Then try it, what am I going to do?"

"Pull up your clothes!"

Morbius did as Cody said, pulling up his clothes and revealing the standard 10-pack abs

, "Gee, the figure is so good!"

Everyone's muscle shape is different, for example, Cody, how to exercise, ninth and tenth abs, are not particularly obvious.

Holding back the small jealousy in his heart, Cody brought the ring close to Morbius's abdomen, and a black light flashed, and Gurangi's Kidru belt grew from Morbius's waist.

Subsequently, Cody inserted the ring into his belt, twisted it halfway, and black matter spread out of his belt, quickly wrapping Morbius in a long time.

Cody looked up and saw that Morbius's appearance had completely changed into Zi Strong Demon Gu, that is, Bat Gulangi.

However, it is estimated that the foundation of Morbius's original strength is placed there, and Morbius looks more like what he looks like after stealing the No. 0 belt fragment.

"How's it going, how does it feel?"

"Well, the strength does feel a lot stronger, but..."

Morbius returned to his original state on his own.

"Apart from feeling more like to drink a good meal of blood, my activated cells did not increase."


Cody was a little disappointed.

Morbius walked to the freezer, took out a bag of plasma, drank it to himself, and said until he finished drinking,

"Don't you have a bat-like belt?" I remember when the wings on your legs spread out, and you felt a homologous, but overriding me. Maybe that kind of power can too. "

The power of the Demon Emperor?"

"Is that the name? It's also apt. As

soon as Cody's mind moved, Kivat III appeared on Cody's shoulder, flew up with his wings, and attached himself to Cody, before stopping on the back of Cody's raised hand.

Lowering his little head, he bit at Cody's tiger's mouth, and the blood vessels on Cody's arm immediately bulged, and Cody's other finger crossed his arm, and a line of blood flowed out, just dripping into the test tube that Morbius took over.

The color of these blood is slightly different, with a hint of gold in red.

And smelling the smell of these blood, Morbius had no appetite at all, but instead developed an urge to escape.

After the blood flowed fifty milliliters, what flowed out again was ordinary blood, and with a gentle touch of Cody, his arm healed automatically.

"That's enough, right?"

"Enough is enough!"

Morbius carefully took out a little bit, diluted it with the solution, pumped it into a syringe, and injected it into one of the oldest children.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, the child's body with mouse characteristics underwent some changes, and those ears, pointed mouths, and tails belonging to mice actually began to shrink, and this process lasted for 10 minutes and stopped. The child's appearance begins to show.

Unfortunately, half an hour later, those features showed signs of regrowth.

I don't know if it's a matter of dosage or other reasons, so it's up to Morbius to study slowly.

Just now, Cody received Zea's notice again that a mutated girl had been found in Los Angeles, and Cody needed to arrive as soon as possible.

This is a new location, and the area of influence of the pulse that Zea has detected before is only in Europe, and if the Sokovians in this case are not from Los Angeles, Europe recently, then the situation is troublesome.

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