At the bottom of the sea, successive explosions have made this lost city, which has been stable for thousands of years, actually begin to falter.

"Sir, energy fluctuations have been detected, which may cause an undersea volcano to erupt at any time, completely destroying this place, and it is recommended to leave immediately."

Inside the steel suit sounded Jarvis's prompt.

"Nonsense, I want to too, but do you think it's possible now? This nasty little monster.

Tony cursed secretly, quickly dodging the sharp claws, and then the palm blasted out.

Closely chasing behind him at this time was an alien creature only knee-high in Tony.

This alien creature is naturally the rocket that was coated with mucus all over the Supreme Evolution just now, and there are many biological features on its body that should not exist, the tail that is as long as his body and covered with bony dorsal fins, naturally comes from Godzilla who is still sleeping, and those mucus are probably Godzilla's genetic fluid.

Supreme Evolution relies on the evolution machine, using his abilities from time to time to block Tony's way, waiting until the rocket fanned the flesh wings born behind to catch up, and then released the confinement, constantly teasing Tony.

If it weren't for the 01 steel suit being advanced enough, Tony at this time would either be torn to pieces by the alien creature turned by the rocket raccoon, or he would be captured by Supreme Evolution and become his next experiment.

The distress signal has been passed through Zea to Steve and them, hoping that the Marvel will arrive before he can help.

At this time, in this underground world, the real horror of the supreme evolution was revealed, and he blamed himself for being cheap, asking him to take out some secret weapon, and then all beckoned to him.

It was important to escape, but at the same time, Tony did not forget to use the cliché, after he pretended to be kicked to the ground by the rocket and dodged the attack of the rocket's tail, he asked embarrassedly,

"I am particularly curious, why this little raccoon, there are obviously so many beasts under your hands, several times stronger than him."

Supreme Evolution may also feel that Tony has reached the end of the strong crossbow, so he played the passive skill of "villains die of talking too much", which all villains will appear, and explained to Tony, "It's

very simple, he is the first animal I have modified, and the animal that I have modified the most, all my mature technologies have worked on him, and his brain is not self-evolving, it contains a clone brain from me, That's why I have 100% control over it.

The next thing I have to do is find out where those damn mutants are hiding, let the rocket absorb their power, and create the strongest biological weapon in the universe.

Tony's eyes froze, "And then?" Domination of the planet? Such an ideal is inevitably too boring.

Supreme Evolution glanced at Tony with disdain,

"Earth? Huh~ My evolution has long surpassed human beings, and the level of life is like a god for you, how did the small earth enter my eyes.

"It's nice to say, but all the bad things that have happened so far, which one didn't you do?"

The arrogant attitude of the supreme evolution finally provoked Tony's impatience, Tony no longer hidden, a sudden turn around punch, the steel fist hit the rocket stomach hard.

There seemed to be a momentary solidification in the air, and a stunned expression appeared on the rocket's face, and then its body fell from the sky, smashing a deep pit on the ground.

"The strongest biological weapon in the universe? Are you being funny?

Tony turned and looked at the Supreme Evolution, and then a terrible power brewed in his chest, and this time the target was the Supreme Evolution.

The expression of the supreme evolution stiffened visibly with the naked eye.

"Your life, or your machine, choose one, who will you choose?"

Tony's voice fell, and the chest cannon also burst out, and almost instantly, it drowned the Supreme Evolution and the machine in place.

The violent energy seemed to go straight through the center of the earth, and this cannon completely broke the last balance of the underground world, and hot magma gushed out from the ground.

Due to the Supreme Evolution's self-care, the hole sealed by him had been completely opened, and Tony took one last look at everything here, as well as the giant beast, sneaked the rocket out of the pit, and then quickly left here.

Part of the steel suit flowed out, wrapped the rocket, forming a simple pressure device, at this time, I really didn't care to check the appearance of the alien monster now, whether it could withstand the pressure of the bottom of the sea, if you don't escape quickly, you can only bury yourself at the bottom of the sea.

A coercive roar came from the depths, and probably at the last moment, the giant beast woke up.

"Sir, it's the behemoth, it's rapidly approaching us."

Inside the steel suit, two points appeared on the route navigation. Tony is represented in the front, and Godzilla is in the back.

"Behemoth? How could it be so fast? It doesn't matter, Jarvis, all energy, priority power system, full speed ahead, it's not a good thing to be caught by it. With

Tony's order, the steel suit began to change, and the flying device on the back extended out, shrouding Tony's several directions, forming a streamlined state of the lowest resistance, and then the energy ring of the foot changed from blue to red, and the surging power was emitted from it, and in an instant Tony's sailing speed at the bottom of the sea suddenly accelerated, throwing the giant beast far away.

The moment he rushed out of the cave, Tony turned around, and the fire covered the entire area, completely destroying the cave entrance.

The second it rushed out of the sea, the steel suit quickly returned to its original state, looking at the Marvel spaceship that was close at hand, Tony knocked on the window of the spacecraft

, "Brother, you're late~

" "What is in your hand?"

Steve's surprised voice sounded on the communication channel. Tony looked at the alien on his hand before saying

, "Oh, this is a rocket~

" "Rocket?"



Obviously, there was more than one person on the spaceship, and everyone saw what it looked like.

Opening the cabin, Tony grabbed the back of the rocket by the neck, threw him into the freezer, and then told them all that the Supreme Evolution had said.

The Marvel did not leave here immediately, it has been cooperating with Tony's satellite, monitoring the behemoths at the bottom of the sea.

Tony's blockade naturally did not play any role, and the giant beast that had recovered its sanity and strength also appeared, and it has been in a very violent state.

However, the good news is that the Supreme Evolution has not been detected, and even if he survives, he is afraid that he will have to go through some hardships to return to the world.

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