I have heard of the three caves of the rabbit, but I have never heard that such a huge ancient giant beast can also freely shuttle through the ocean.

It's been a week since Godzilla appeared.

In addition to the manic and angry tossing and turning of the underwater world in the first world, the giant beast that calmed down began to travel around the world.

At first, people had no idea how it did it, but occasionally it suddenly disappeared on the satellite, and after tens of minutes or hours, it appeared in another place.

It was not until the special Shumagea robot began to track its trajectory that it was discovered that there were many unknown passages in the depths of the ocean, just like the mountain tunnels built by humans, these natural undersea channels can quickly reach the other side of the ocean.

This clever monster seems to be using its own methods to familiarize itself with this rapidly changing world.

After a week of rafting, two locations became its most frequented spots.

One is the famous abandoned nuclear power plant of Mao Xiong, and the other is the nuclear power plant of an island in an island country, and the common feature of these two places is that the area is full of leaking deadly nuclear radiation.

The satellite system and Shumagia's close-up photography completely restored, Godzilla's reason for going to these two places, when in the hairy bear's nuclear power plant, Godzilla's body will relax on his back, the dorsal fin on his body is like a breathing lamp that slowly emits blue light, and when on an island, Godzilla will roll and slide freely like a dolphin, and the blue of the dorsal fin will be more urgent.

For so long, Godzilla, who woke up from his slumber, had not been photographed eating any pictures, and it was only at this moment that it became clear that this Godzilla was actually consuming these radiations.

But nuclear power plants are only a product of modern times, what about ancient times? Or it just feeds on energy, whatever it is.

Tony tried to throw it an old Ark reactor, and the Ark reactor was swallowed by Godzilla chewing gum, during which it only flashed a few times at a rapid speed on its dorsal fin, and then it spewed out another stream of substance from its mouth, and then patted its butt and continued to go to the nuclear power plant to eat radiation.

These ejected substances are palladium elements that have decayed and no longer have any radioactivity.

Two nuclear power plants related to the safety of all mankind, naturally their situation, has been monitored by special personnel, and when they found that the nuclear radiation in the blockaded area has dropped dramatically, the first reaction is definitely not ecstatic, because such a situation is too abnormal, there are only two possibilities for this situation.

First, radiation has indeed decreased, which is unlikely in the eyes of normal people, and these places may be forbidden to humans for decades and centuries in the future.

Second, for unknown reasons, the amount of radiation suddenly increased, and the detection instrument was damaged, and this is the first thing that most people think of.

The two countries urgently sent relevant experts to personally go deep into the local area to conduct situation testing, and finally the experts came out with tears in their eyes, the radiation did weaken, if this situation is maintained, it is likely that the radiation will be completely zero within two years.

This news alarmed the international community, and it is for this reason that a large number of media appeared, allowing Godzilla's figure to reappear in front of the world.

In just one week, this Godzilla's size has skyrocketed to more than double its original size, and it looks more like a prehistoric behemoth.

Perhaps in the culture of the island country, there have always been monster elements, after Godzilla appeared, its popularity once approached Kamen Rider, the monster has no copyright, and this monster also helps clean up the radiation.

So Godzilla, without his knowledge, became an ambassador of an island country, awarded the so-called National Citizen Award, and became a legal citizen of an island country... Beast? Peripheral products are sold out of stock.

Recognized as the creator of monsters and Ultraman, the god of tokusatsu, and the retired founder of Round Valley, Mr. Eiji Marutani also made a rare voice on his social media.

Publicly admitted, more than forty years ago, as a small photographer, he decided to create a monster tokusatsu because he personally photographed Godzilla. And attached is the photo he took that year, even if the photo is old, Godzilla's feeling of looking down on all living beings from top to bottom is still shocking, this photo of the old gentleman has never been released to the world, not even his family has ever seen.

Carnival belongs to ordinary people, on the contrary, all countries in the world are worried about this chart on the table, sent by Tony, Godzilla's undersea trajectory, landlocked countries are not worried, what is really worried is the countries that have the sea.

But such a behemoth, everyone does not know what to do for a while, just like Eiji Madaya said, Godzilla once appeared briefly for a while, but except for the high-level of several countries, what others did not know was that that appearance, Godzilla and another giant beast launched a decisive battle, and

the human fleet that the countries approached without authorization was completely destroyed by the two giant beasts. When the worst was prepared, Godzilla killed the beast, threw it into an active volcano, and disappeared without a trace.

And now, when the high-level found out that this thing actually ate nuclear radiation, that is, the worst plan prepared by human beings to defend him was only equivalent to sending vegetables to others.

But fortunately, now the world has the protection of the Avengers and many superheroes, if that Godzillan divides a little, then regularly put some nuclear waste to raise it~


After Cody woke up again, his body had fully recovered as before, and I don't know if it was because he deliberately added the nourishment of the power gem in the process of recovery.

Cody felt that now, without transformation, the blow with all his strength was infinitely close to the power of the iron fist. This feeling of power does make people feel a little fluttery.

"I don't know, what's going on outside now. Phoenix, can I get out?

"Of course. But..."

"But? But what?

"Do you want your original body to wake up too?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oops! Just say if you want to! "

“...... What the hell are you trying to do again?

"No, it's just, it's..." The

little fat bird fluttered the tips of his wings a little weakly.

"There is something to say quickly, and there is a fart to release quickly."

After getting along for so long, Cody has completely recognized this mischievous phoenix doppelganger, and will twist and pinch whenever it wants to make trouble.

"It's just, it's so boring to be stuck here, I also want to go out for a walk, can I borrow your body?"

Sure enough!

"What if you run away?"

"How is that possible? My power is now in your body and in the Ajituo space, so I can't leave you more than 100 meters.

"That's even worse! You have been following me, what if others misunderstand our relationship? "

Cut, think beautifully, you are not worthy of this phoenix..."

I thank you! "

I don't want to match it, okay?

"Just say give or not! If you promise me, I can give you a small benefit.

"What benefits? Let's talk about it first, maybe I'll say yes.

"I can tell you that the secret of another energy, this power, is definitely no less than the power of phoenix and chaos, and even... Something goes above and beyond. "


"Leprechaun power"

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