The three were woken up by the sound of banging on the cell door.

Seeing that people woke up, the person making the noise outside said, "Get up, you will be on the field in a while."

Cody glanced at the time, less than 3 hours had passed, the sky had not yet dawned, what is the game now? This Gao Tianzun has a brain disease, right?

When a few people walked out of the open cell door and followed the flow to the waiting area, they learned that Saka Star had arrived with an honored guest, and Gao Tianzun decided to welcome the guest with a temporary Smash Bros. duel match.

Smash Bros., as the name suggests, is throwing everyone into one field until the last few remain, or one.

And this is not a deathmatch, you don't have to kill the other party, at the same time, the previous players will not participate, this match, all newcomers.

"What's wrong..." Cody was speechless.

"Hey, how did you sleep?"

A familiar voice sounded behind several people.

Looking back, it turned out to be Valkyrie.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm your leader! If you win, I still have the prize to take, go, follow me, I will take you to get the weapons. In this competition, the top three will be left in the end, so if you really have some skills, stick to the end, the three of you perform and fight, and directly divide one, two, three.

"Hey, do you know what kind of guest is coming?" Such a reception is also required.

Cody gossiped.

"Oh, I heard that it is Gao Tianzun's brother, I don't know if it is a relative. As if it's called something... Collector, presumably his title. "

Huh... Collector? This is a narrow road!

The man hadn't met Thor and Banner, so Cody probably had to disguise himself if he didn't want to get into trouble.

In the on-site waiting area, everyone learned the rules, so the atmosphere was already a little tense.

Valkyrie led a few people to a weapon rack, hooked axe and fork halberd, here there are all kinds of weapons, and there are various sizes and weights to choose from, very "humane".

"I'll forget it. What do you think you need? We have to fight this battle, but I looked at it, they are all weak chickens, and the top three must be ours.

Cody said to the two, Thor nodded silently, and Banner nodded helplessly. But the two chose nothing.

Valkyrie was very helpless, and the people who noticed around him also secretly stared at them, persimmons must be soft pinch, alien race, there is no lack of burly and strong people, from the surface, Cody can only say "ordinary." A

distant voice sounded in the arena, which spread to every corner of the arena.

"Welcome to our sacred competition, I am the host of today, everyone just call me Gao Tianzun."

The holographic equipment cast a huge Gao Tianzun in the field, and the surrounding audience was already full of people.

"Let's have all the fighters on the field today."

With an order, a huge screen door rose in front of everyone, and everyone pushed and shoved and walked into the field.

Cody looked around, the audience was full of all kinds of cosmic people, the highest part of the gladiatorial arena, behind a huge glass, on the luxurious huge seat, sat Gao Tianzun and his guest collector.

Compared with the last time, on the surface, the collector has not changed, but it is impossible to think about it, the collector's years of hard work were completely destroyed after that time, he was not greatly injured, Cody did not believe it, but since the collector can transfer his place of residence from the skull of the god in advance, it shows that in other parts of the universe, collectors still have their own "caves".

After all, it is a universe elder, and this background is still there.

When everyone entered, the screen door closed again, and the sound of the game starting sounded in the field.

"Let's not talk about it, the game is officially on!"

Sure enough, as soon as the game began, Cody and the three of them were targeted without weapons.

But this time they miscalculated, and the depression in Thor's heart took advantage of this opportunity to completely explode.

Banner almost immediately turned into the Hulk, leaving his already scrapped clothes completely into rags, leaving only "black tech" pants.

And now Cody's physical fitness is no longer what it used to be, much worse than Superman next door, but it is almost the same as Thor.

Coupled with the battle for so long, Cody easily crushed all the people who rushed over, there was no need to transform at all, not even a trace of magic and powers, only using pure flesh, and soon there was a piece lying in front of him.

The crushing bureau of the three quickly attracted everyone's attention, including Gao Tianzun and collectors.

After the collector noticed Cody, he looked at it several times, but after enlarging the image, he found that he was completely different from the person in his memory, but he did not divert his gaze, but kept watching Cody's battle.

Cody's face was naturally covered with a layer of magical disguise, and no one could recognize his face except Thor.

The crushing lasted less than ten minutes, and there were more than 200 people on the field, leaving Cody, Thor and Banner.

The crowd erupted into strong cheers.

Other people who do the same business as Valkyrie have thrown jealous eyes at Valkyrie, these three people were brought by Valkyrie to Gao Tianzun, according to the rules, this game, the three of them won all, representing that Valkyrie can get fifteen percent of the total amount of audience admission and tips, such a large amount of money can make anyone jealous.

"Who is first and who is second?"

Cody looked at Thor and Banner and asked.

"First for you, I have a fight with Banner, speaking of which, we haven't had a fight yet!"

"Come on! Who is afraid of whom? "

Okay, then you guys come on~"

Cody shrugged and stepped aside.

The Hulk immediately roared and rushed towards Thor, who did not hesitate to punch forward.

The battle between the two is not intense, but who let the fighting style of these two people open and close, and the strength is great, in a few rounds, the ground and wall of the gladiatorial arena are almost completely destroyed, only Cody is leisurely, occasionally avoiding the battle between the two, changing positions, and continuing to watch the movie live.


The huge sound, along with the force field, prevented the two from fighting, and at the same time, this force field seemed to deliberately separate the three completely.

"The strength of the three warriors is unprecedentedly strong, I admire it, we don't have to waste time!" Our last champion and two favourites are also here today. Why don't we make a temporary play-off today to start the championship race! How is it? Gao

Tianzun's suggestion ushered in the approval of the mountain and tsunami.

"Gee, I'm still ready to run away after the competition, why is it another race..." The

canned mechanical beasts have already collected the intelligence, summarized it into the bracelet, and drawn a complete map, and Gao Tianzun's hangar, including the appearance of those spaceships, is clearly displayed on the map.

However, Gao Tianzun was not asking for the opinions of the three, and as the screen door opened, three figures appeared on the field.

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