Perhaps randomly, or intentionally, after the circular battlefield was divided into three, the two who walked towards Banner and Thor were the so-called favorites.

Cody glanced at the two people casually, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Gao Tianzun, is this a joke or what?

One is Kornger, the Warrior of Kronan, a stone man made of stones, and the other is Mick, a bug wearing a mechanical body.

That's right, in the movie, after Thor was imprisoned by Gao Tianzun, those two seemed to lack a brain stem, two funny characters.

And this one in front of him, there is a gold belt on his body, think about it, it is the last champion.

This champion is also quite strange, slimy and sticky, constantly dripping some black liquid, flowing under the feet, and then being absorbed back into the body.

When I walked, my whole body twisted and twisted, as if there were no bones.

Seeing it appear, the audience instantly erupted into huge cheers, and they shouted a name together,

"Kuntar! Kuntar! At

first, Cody just thought it was some strange alien race. It wasn't until he heard the name that Cody suddenly thought of a lot.

Maybe "Kuntar" is not familiar to everyone, if it is another name "symbiote", everyone will understand.

The one in front of him is obviously not parasitic to any creatures, but in this case, it is already very huge, more than two meters tall, and at the same time, it also imitates the appearance of a human being.

It shouldn't be! Symbiotes without parasites, aren't they all weak?

"Who will be my sacrifice?"

The symbiote just glanced at Cody without saying anything, then walked to the sidelines and asked loudly.


"Me me!"

"Choose me, choose me!"


spectators rushed to wave and scream at the symbiote, as if it was some great thing.

Cody was dumbfounded.

"Is this okay?"

The symbiote took a fancy to one of them, so he pointed at him, and saw that the man stood up excitedly, and then jumped down from the high platform, this vertical height, which can be a full 5 or 6 meters, the man's eyes did not blink.

When he approached the symbiote, the symbiote opened his blood basin and swallowed the man in one mouthful.

Then the body of the symbiote began to gradually solidify, until it completely became a strong man of about two meters, looking at the appearance, in fact, it looks like "venom", but this "venom" is purple to black, that is its body color.

After the change was completed, the "venom" turned to look at Cody, revealing a mouthful of fangs.

"Are you my food?"


So nobody?

"Who's whose food, not necessarily!"

The sound of the beginning echoed in the field.

In the other two tracks, Thor and Banner had already fought, while Cody and Symbiote watched the two fight.

As it turns out, a joke is indeed a joke.

Thor and Banner ended the fight almost immediately, punched a small friend, and were driven away.

The force field in the field was removed, leaving only Cody and the symbiote.

Who is it better to use to compete?

Now there are more belts, pick up, choose difficulty.

However, looking at the appearance of the opposite side dancing his teeth and claws, Cody suddenly sounded an "interesting" knight.

The thought flashed, and a belt like a motorcycle's head appeared on Cody's waist, turning the handle on one side,


The belt makes a sound.


Cody said its name, and suddenly, the blazing flames wrapped Cody's body, and the light and heat erupted, as if a small sun appeared in the field, and at that moment, the symbiote creature on the opposite side was frightened to take several steps back.

At the end of the light and heat, a rather wild red warrior appeared in the field, his whole body, white chest and other places of "armor", covered with scratches, green like eyes, back and arms, and black "fins". Like a lizard, like some kind of fish.

Cody did not hesitate, directly attacked, and a front flip jumped up and suddenly attacked the symbiote.

The symbiote looked huge, but it was extremely flexible, and Cody attacked first, barely touching him.

The symbiote seems to feel that his limelight has been stolen by Cody, and long bone spurs grow on his arms and back, extending forward, which is probably his main weapon.

The entire symbiote seemed to turn into a hurricane, spinning towards Cody.

"Dance of Death!"

From the cheers of the audience, Cody guessed that this trick, probably he had used before, was quite popular.

But, such bells and whistles, is it really good?

Cody does not dodge or hide, and after transforming into Amazon, Cody finds that his "besty" side has grown.

In addition, when facing the battle, the body will have a very obvious sense of excitement, in addition, Cody feels that he himself seems to have an additional "intuition".

It's like the kind of "intuition" that animals can sense the arrival of natural disasters in advance.

This is a change that would not have occurred before when using other belts and transforming into "animal" form.

So, "intuition" allowed Cody to see through all the attacks of the other party and his flaws.

At the next moment when the "hurricane" was about to touch Cody, Cody jumped up sharply and pulled out the handle on one side of his belt, which turned into a knife.

The blade slashed through the head of the symbiote "Hurricane", and then Cody grabbed and threw it, and the audience occupied by the symbiote was dragged out by Cody abruptly.

The "hurricane" body was beaten, and then it was greeted by a terrible roar from Cody, as if it were those sonic weapons, making the symbiote that had lost its parasite collapse on the ground like mud.

Including Gao Tianzun and the collector, all the spectators on the field did not even react to what happened, the symbiote, the last champion, just lost?

You know, the most ordinary events do not have deathmatches, just like warming up, the combatants in it are not worthy of the title, so what are the names of Thor, Banner, and Cody, these spectators should not know.

Some of the audience who were the first to react and the symbiote was simply defeated neatly, even wanted to shout Cody's name, but did not know to call the body.

But soon, they seemed to have negotiated one.

"Red Warrior!"

"Red Warrior!"

"Red Warrior!"


cheers gradually unified.

"This title is really ugly~"

Cody complained in his heart, but on the surface he still nodded towards the audience and waved his hand.

"It's incredible, our champion has actually been defeated, I announce, a new champion is born, and the glory belongs to the red warrior!"

Gao Tianzun set the tone, so this temporary event became a real championship match!

Cody walked towards the puddle of mud on the ground, grabbed it with his hands, and then ate the symbiote in three or two bites under everyone's incredible eyes!

However, it seems that this behavior made the audience become more enthusiastic.

Of course, Cody didn't really eat it, but locked it up in the knight's space.

Ever since Cody touched this symbiote, the phoenix has been chattering in his head, saying that this symbiote is not ordinary, and it seems to have a fragment of something in its body, which may be a treasure.

That's why Cody reluctantly performed for it.

"Broken bird, if you can't find the treasure, you will give me a personal bite to eat!"

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