"Hmph... Ha ~ hum... Ha~"

The surrounding golden purple light and shadow swayed, and in some dim cells, there was snoring from time to time.


The sound of slapping the wall came, accompanied by a woman's angry voice

, "Hey, Quill, wake up!" What time is it, you actually still sleep! Are you looking for death?

In the roar, the snoring stopped, and then a lazy voice came

, "Oh ~ Gamora, then what can I do, since I can't escape, it's better to sleep comfortably~" "It's

all to blame on you!" If you hadn't lost the necklace that Cody gave you, we would have been saved by now? Beside

Star-Lord, Rocket also glared at him, and on Rocket's head, a small tree man poked his head out and echoed,

"I am groot!"

The tiny branch palmed, one grabbed the rocket's ear, and the other waved towards Star-Lord.

"Hmph... Ha..." An

even more exaggerated snoring sounded from the side~

"Look, Drax is also asleep, why don't you scold him?"

Star-Lord pointed to Drax, who was standing in the corner of the wall, asleep with his eyes open, with a look of grievance.

"Okay, everyone, stop arguing! They said the time of execution was tomorrow at noon, so we still have about ten hours to figure out how to get out of here, and I believe we can.

Otter Lyra, who was in the same cell as Gamora, said.

"Okay, honey, I'll listen to you~

" Rocket was the first to respond, and Grote followed,

"I am Groot!"

"Hey, Groot, don't shout, that's my darling, not your darling, understand?"

“I~am~gro... ot!

"Hey~ you little tree cub, actually talk back, believe it or not, I spank your ass!"

"Shhh... Did you hear anything? While

Rocket and Groot were still fighting, Gamora's ears suddenly moved, and then Gamora's motions for everyone to be quiet, and then she walked to the wall outside, her ears pressed.

After a while, Kamora turned her head

, "It seems to be an explosion, who is so daring to directly attack the lair of these Sovirins." Aren't you afraid of that Adam? However, this may be our opportunity. Rockets, direct crit destruction, with their temper, now the Sovelins are estimated to be fighting in the UAV hall, there are no guards here.

"Okay, no problem! Look at mine. "


"Iago, didn't you tell me that the Marauders and that Ayesha High Priest are working closely together? So what are they doing now?

"This... I don't know, is it an uneven distribution of benefits? At

this time, outside the star field of the Sovelins, Cody and Iago were standing in the spaceship, watching the marauders fighting the Sovelin drones.

At the head is the familiar, courageous marauder mothership.

And the spaceship at his and Igo's feet is actually part of Igo.

After Iago's injuries recovered somewhat, Cody understood what was going on with Igo, he was indeed a living planet, but he could manipulate everything on this planet and change into any form.

To be precise, Igo's body and clothes, these exteriors, are all part of the living planet, and Igo's body is actually a mass of spiritual bodies.

So conjuring up a spaceship is not a difficult task.

At the same time, this spaceship relies on the power of Igo, flying at the speed of light or jumping wormholes.

But this also made Cody a little puzzled, with his ability, with his ability, to lead Star-Lord and them, escape from that Adam and Ayesha, is it not an easy thing?

How could it become, the others were caught, and he himself was absorbed by Adam's nourishment?

The battle lasted for a short time, and apparently in terms of equipment, it was still the Sovelins who were stronger.

Soon the Marauders took up their formation, and the Marauder mothership began to accelerate its escape.

Unexpectedly, Sovelin's drone army did not pursue this time. It's not like they're rewarding and comparing.

Seeing this, Cody turned back to Iago and said.

"Iago, I've changed my mind, let's go find the marauders first!"

"Why? Aren't you going to save Quill and them?

"No, of course salvation is to be saved, but I am also very sure that no matter who hurts Quille, that person cannot be brave."

"But..." "

There's nothing to do, don't worry, I know it."

"I hope so."

The pure white oval spaceship flew quickly in the direction from which the Marauder mothership fled.

Not long after they left, a golden light swept past the place where they had just stayed, and after staying for a while, flew towards the sacrificial shrine in the center of the planet.

"Adam, you're back? You look stronger! The

High Priest Ayesha had shed his ornate sacrificial robes, his hair loose, and walked towards Adam step by step, then stroked Adam's cheeks and blonde hair with his slender fingers.

"Escaped by that living planet."

Adam stood straight, and the words that came out of his mouth were very flat.

Ayesha's hand paused,

"What happened?"

"A guy who is not weaker than me has appeared and taken him away, but I will definitely snatch him back again, and that guy, I will also defeat him!"

"What does that person look like?"

"His face is covered in strange armor, and he carries a belt, and his power seems to come from that special belt."


Ayesha burst out laughing.

"I didn't expect ah, I didn't expect it, we looked for him for so long and didn't find it, and now he sent it to the door himself."


Adam was very puzzled by Ayesha's reaction, Ayesha stopped smiling and gently stroked Adam's cheek again.

"His arrival is a great good thing for you, and if you can obtain his power, then it doesn't matter if Star-Lord's DNA or the energy of the living planet are important. With his ability, you will lead us Sovirin to dominate the universe, and all races will become slaves of our noble Sovirin. Adam, when your opportunity comes, you must seize it! As long as you do this, my position as the high priest can last forever, and those who covet my position, I will put them to death one by one. No one can sit in my place! Seeing

Ayesha's somewhat distorted expression, Adam's eyebrows furrowed slightly, but then returned to expressionless.

"Knock knock!"

There was a careful knock at the door, and the maid's voice sounded cautiously.

"High Priest, there is an emergency!"

Hearing the voice, Ayesha resumed her previous posture, and only after Adam turned into a cocoon again and reached into the energy battery did she open the door,

"Haven't all those marauders repelled just now?" What other emergencies? "

Yes... It's those Guardians of the Galaxy..."

"What's wrong with them?"

"They took advantage of the battle just now, there were no guards, destroyed the cell, and then fled..."

"Just capture it, their spaceship was blown up by us, without a spaceship, how can they escape?"

"But... Before they left, they destroyed all the other cell doors, and now the prison district has begun to riot, and there are more than 50 death row prisoners who have not completed our task and are ready to be executed at noon tomorrow!

"These damn Guardians of the Galaxy! Tell the people of the legionnaires that there is no need to wait until tomorrow's execution, now send me drones, and kill everyone who riots, including the people of the Guardians of the Galaxy!

"But... High Priest, this doesn't fit..."

"Shut up, my rules are rules! Those who disobey are treated as traitors!

"Yes, High Priest!"

The maid hurriedly ran to convey Ayesha's order, Ayesha closed the door, walked to the mirror and sat down, faintly a few wisps of breath overflowed from her ears, Ayesha just looked at herself in the mirror, not knowing what she was thinking.

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