"Zea, is the Marvel leaving?"

"It's been a leap and it's expected to be where we're right now in 3 hours."

"Did anyone follow?"

"No, it's my Autopilot program that controls it."

"Well, okay, I see."

After communicating with Zea in his head, Cody turned to look at Igo

, "How about it, are you going to go with me to the Marauders' ship?"

"I'm not going, you trust them, I don't believe it." If it wasn't for their conspiracy with Sovelin, how could they have been caught?

"Didn't you see it just now?" They are fighting the Sovelins.

"Who knows what's going on..."

"Okay, then I'll pass, you wait for me."

The oval spaceship opened, and Cody was covered with chaos magic, flying in the direction of the Marauder mothership, and was quickly discovered by Brave, opened the hatch, and welcomed Cody in.

Cody's mental power always paid attention to Igo's movements, and sure enough, after Cody entered the Marauder mothership, Igo's spaceship left the place and did not know where it went.

Unfortunately, this spaceship is also physically transformed by Igo, which makes Cody completely unable to add any means of monitoring him. Any physical or magical means left on it will be detected by him, otherwise he can understand his true movements.

"Long time no see, Cody, are you here to help Quill and them?"

"Yes, Courage, what's going on?"

Cody wanted to hear the version from Yongdu's mouth, after all, that Igo was not too untrustworthy.

When Yongdu finished telling, Cody probably summed it up, in fact, the story as a whole is similar to Igo's narrative, but the difference is that in this version, the person who cooperated with the High Priest of Ayesha to pit Star-Lord became Igo.

It's just that Yongdu doesn't know why, as a biological father, this Iago would do this to his own children.

No, why is the plot wrong here?

You know, in the movie, the reason why Yongdu took in Star-Lord was because he learned of Igo's conspiracy, and it was based on this that Cody would trust Yongdu more than Igo, even if that Igo looked so miserable at the time.

But what if there wasn't really Iago here in the first place? But someone else?

"Yongdu, why did you take Quill away from Earth back then, who invited you to find Quill?"

"Such transactions are carried out in secret, and we don't know who the other party is? However, I did not have such a big industry and so many subordinates as I do now, and I was very careful in my work, and when we learned that we were going to send such a small baby to the Sovelins, we decisively fled. You know, at that time, Sawilin was still the head of the priestess, that old witch, but much more terrifying than this now, will kill you if you don't look good, but the bounty she gave is much more generous than this now. "

Sovirin? Since it was Sawirin who asked for Quill, and now Quill was taken away by the Sawerins, and his genes were extracted to create Adam. Then they should be doing the same thing.

"Yes! How did we not expect that! Hahaha, it seems that we are quite capable, enough to postpone the plans of the Sovelins for more than 20 years, this cow, I can blow for a lifetime.

"Don't be happy, then you know, Sorverin, why did you create that Adam?"

"Zuo is just expanding his empire, these powerful empires are all the same, the Kree, the Skrulls, aren't they?"

"Drip... Drip...... Drip..." a

hurried siren sounded in the cabin,

"What's wrong?"

Courage is a stirring spirit.

"It's not good boss, it's Severin's drone!"

On the driver's platform, a big man with yellow teeth shouted.

"Hurry up, get me into the wormhole!"

Yongdu commanded.

"It's too late boss, the space jump is locked!"

"Damn, hit me, load the main gun! Since they dare to come, I will let them all stay here!" As

soon as Yongdu gave the order, the cabin was immediately busy.

Cody was surprised that everything was in order.

Cody released his divine sense and searched everything around, except for Sawerin's drone, not far away, Cody also saw Igo and... Adam?

How could they be together?

For a moment, Cody seemed to have some eyebrows.

"The Marvel has arrived nearby, ready to listen to orders!"

At this time, Zea's voice sounded in Cody's mind.

"It's better to come early than to come, in this case, let them taste the power of our spacecraft." Zeya, annihilate all enemies while recycling available materials.

Cody gave Zeya instructions in his mind, and then said to

Yongdu, "Yongdu, I found you a helper, you can save a little ammunition~"


Before Yongdu could speak, he saw the monitor window, three glimpses, rushing at great speed towards the dense drone group of Sovilin, and instantly cleared three empty roads.

After hovering, Yongdu saw that it was three cleverly designed spaceships, their wingspan front end, radiating light, which was similar to laser melee weapons and other equipment, so that these three spaceships could turn into darts and destroy the drone.

Then I saw that the three spaceships continued to transform, directly turning into three robots, shuttling through the drone swarm in the same flexible posture, and clearing the battlefield in a few minutes.

The last three robots recombined to form a complete spaceship.

"Cody... You this ship? Sell or not? How much? Is 1 million gold enough? Courage

showed starry eyes.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, this spaceship is not for sale."

Asgard was destroyed, the acquisition of Uru metal became extremely difficult, those Asgard dwarf craftsmen were far away, without the Rainbow Bridge, it took too long to go back and forth, and now it is impossible to take out enough Uru metal from Thor to make another spaceship coating. After all, these metals still have to meet the daily needs of the Asgardians, and Cody can't be cheeky to ask for them.

Yongdu was about to "pester" him, but Cody stopped him, "

Our guests are coming."

Two figures, one gold and one white, quickly flew from a distance.

Cody pressed his hands to his waist, ready to go.

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