Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 30 Yingyue: Are you also a scientist?

"Emperor Chrysis is indeed absorbing the energy from the center of the Monster World. Because of this reason, coupled with the industrial development of the Chrysis Empire, the entire Monster World is on the verge of extinction. To save the Monster World, we must first kill Emperor Chrysis, and - we cannot defeat him on Earth or in the Monster World!"

Professor Leonard's thinking is very clear. It can be seen that he has been thinking for a long time. As he spoke, he turned on the computer, and several lines of special formulas appeared on it:

"After absorbing for a thousand years, the emperor's energy has reached an extremely terrifying level, and his life may have been connected to the Monster World. We must cut off this connection. Yingyue, I can only ask you and Kotaro for this matter."

"How to do it?"

"Another dimension transmission device! "

Professor Leonard gave a definite answer, and then he tapped the keyboard a few times, and the screen on the computer changed again, and several very sophisticated devices appeared on it:

"I have calculated that as long as the interdimensional transmission device is mounted on the amazing locusts and the special locusts, when you transmit energy at the same time, it will generate powerful transmission energy. At that time, you can transmit the emperor to the different space, where you can safely deal with him!"

"Different space?"

"However, this plan has a very dangerous consequence-when the emperor perishes, the power accumulated in the past thousand years will be fully released, and its power is unimaginable. If the evacuation is not timely, it is very likely to..."

Professor Leonard did not continue.

But the meaning is very clear. Emperor Chrysis is a huge bomb. When it dies, everything around it will be buried with it.

If this plan is implemented, the lives of Nobuhiko and Kotaro will fall into a huge crisis.

Although this is the only plan to save the monster world, Professor Leonard did not hide its danger. He did not want to use the kindness of Nobuhiko and Kotaro to calculate them.

After listening carefully to Professor Leonard's plan, Xinyan fell into deep thought and then asked:

"Professor, do we have to use two people? Can't I do it alone?"

"The strength of Emperor Chrysis itself is unimaginable, but according to the existing records, you can't deal with it alone. Moreover, if you want to make the transmission energy stably transmit the emperor away, it is better to start two devices together."

After hearing this, Xinyan fell into deep thought again.

The big explosion is actually nothing. In the finale, RX took the big explosion after defeating the emperor, and there was no problem in the end.

From this point of view, there is no need to worry about the safety of the two of them.

However, he couldn't make the decision for Kotaro. After a brief thought, he said:

"I will tell Kotaro about this plan, but Professor, you can install the extra-dimensional teleportation device on my amazing locust first."

"Not now, the extra-dimensional teleportation device requires a special energy core. Now, the teleportation devices in the guerrillas are used to transport supplies and personnel. Once two are separated, the logistics of the guerrillas will immediately have problems."

Professor Leonard shook his head, and then, he seemed to think of something, stood up with some difficulty, and said to Yingyue:

"I heard from the leader before that the Chrysis Empire seems to be building a special factory, and the extra-dimensional teleportation device has also been sent there, Xinyan, if possible, I hope you can cooperate with the guerrillas to complete the attack over there, and bring the teleportation device over by the way. "

"Factory? I see."

Xinyan nodded, then he looked at the dim tent, and seemed to think of something and said:

"Professor, how about I take you back to Earth to live, at least it will be safer there than here."

Indeed, the guerrillas' environment is too harsh. Even if Professor Leonard's knowledge level is top-notch in the entire Chrysis Empire, it is difficult to cook without rice. In this environment, it is extremely troublesome to complete the debugging of the interdimensional teleportation device. If you return to Earth, at least it will be much safer in terms of equipment and environment.

But Professor Leonard still refused:

"I am different from Sera and the others. My body cannot adapt to the climate of the earth, and... even if I die, I want to stay with my people."

"I understand, then I will leave first and rest early."

Xinyan gave a warning and turned to leave the tent.

Outside the tent, Sera sat on an ammunition box, carefully reading the letter from her lover. This girl, who was only 20 years old, had a face full of shyness and joy.

It was hard to imagine that this girl had been fighting a desperate battle with the army of the Chrysis Empire with a rifle not long ago.

When Nobuhiko walked out of the tent, he saw this scene.

And Sera also saw Nobuhiko. She carefully put the letter in her pocket in an orderly manner, then walked up and asked Nobuhiko:

"Have all the things been resolved?"

"I guess so. You have a really good relationship."

Nobuhiko teased.

Hearing this, Sera's cheeks flushed, but she was not shy like some women. Instead, she nodded generously:

"Because it was Joe's gentleness and bravery that made me join the guerrillas."

It can be seen that she is proud of having a boyfriend like Kasumi Joe:

"Joe also said that he and Mr. Kotaro are fighting against the Chrysis Empire on Earth, so I have to work hard too. After all, the wedding has been postponed for a long time."

"When that time comes, we will also send you our blessings."

"I look forward to that day. By the way, follow me. Your room is ready."

Said, Sera pulled Nobuhiko to a tent in the corner of the cave. Nobuhiko parked the motorcycle and went forward to check.

The tent is very spacious, about ten square meters, with bedding and furniture. It is clean and tidy, and it is obvious that the owner's intentions can be felt.

Of course, Nobuhiko could not be dissatisfied. After all, this is a single room. For Nobuhiko who has lived in a dormitory since junior high school in his previous life, this is already a very good condition.

Then, Sera introduced Nobuhiko to the schedule here, including the time and place for eating, the place for washing, and the place for handling domestic garbage, etc.

It can be seen that the person who designed this campsite has put a lot of thought into it, and all aspects have been involved, so that the entire campsite maintains a good sanitary environment.

Sera also took the initiative to help and made bedding for Nobuhiko.

In this way, Nobuhiko welcomed his first night in the monster world.

ps: In transition, I plan to finish the RX chapter in about fifty chapters.

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