Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 31 Water City

At the northern end of Clexis City, compared to the Wind Desert, which is full of poisonous gas and gravel, this place is a red land.

There is no vegetation on the exposed surface. Earth Knight Gaynor Randall stood at the highest point of the factory, looking at the red earth in front of him. Behind him, the huge city of Chrysis loomed.

"I haven't been here for a few years. Has the area around Clexis City become like this?"

Gaynor Randall murmured.

His fiefdom is adjacent to his brother's, both in the Desert of Winds, some distance away from the city of Chrysis, and this is a land called the Scarlet Wild. It is said that from hundreds of years ago, the iron element in the soil here has and salinity rose sharply, turning the entire land a dark red like blood.

This is also a land shrouded in death.

However, not long ago, this land ushered in the most precious source of life.

He walked off the rooftop and came to the factory for inspection. After seeing him arriving as a noble, the Chapu soldiers in the factory saluted one after another, and their actions were full of respect.

Gaynor Randall nodded in greeting and did not talk to the Chapu soldiers. Instead, he came to the energy supply department and began a routine inspection of the day.

"Lord Gaynor Randall!"

"Well, how's the condition of the teleporter?"

Gayna Randall asked, looking at the Cullen people in front of him.

Although the Cullens are not good at fighting, they are extremely good at science. More than one-tenth of the technical personnel in the entire Krysis Empire are Cullens. This excludes Professor Leonard and others who have the intention to rebel against the empire. After the tribe.

"Please rest assured, we are monitoring the status of the transmission device day and night, and there will definitely be no problems!"

The Cullen tribesman nodded repeatedly, with a flattering and confident expression on his face.

He knew very well the importance of the teleportation device. After all, this factory was also an extremely important part of the entire Chrysis Empire.

"That's good. Persia just finally did some personnel work. After working for so long, they finally gained something."

Gaynor Randall looked around and said with satisfaction.

The Cullen technician on the side smiled sarcastically and did not dare to answer.

Gaynor Randall can be dissatisfied with Persia, on the one hand, in the factory, and on the other hand, he is also a noble and has good strength, but the Cullen technician is different, he is just a dispensable little person.

Gaynor Randall did not pay attention to this. He warned again:

"There is news from His Majesty the Emperor. The water supply starting from tomorrow will be increased by 20%. Do you understand?"

"Twenty percent? But the supply from Earth..."

"Everything is subject to the will of His Majesty the Emperor. I don't want to repeat it a second time! I will contact General Jia Gu."

"Yes, I will modify the parameters immediately."

The Cullen technician nodded quickly, and after seeing this, Gaynor Randall nodded with satisfaction.

This factory is called the City of Water. In order to solve the problem of increasingly scarce water resources in the Monster World, General Jagu proposed this plan - to control the water supply factory in Tokyo, and then transmit half of the water sources to the Monster World to maintain Clacy. The other half was left in the water city on Earth to control humans.

Gaynor Randall became the head of the Monster Realm Water City.

He cherishes this task very much, because in his view, it is the stepping stone to his success.

After walking out of the control room, he patrolled the white water city, carefully exploring every corner to ensure that nothing was missing.

"I blame the captain of the Warcraft brigade... Posigan, you seem to be having a hard time."

Gaynor Randall looked at the gray sky and sneered.

Although he and Bosigang were in a superior-subordinate relationship, he looked down on Bosigang's talents. In his eyes, Bosigang was worthless except for his background, and he was not inferior in terms of talents.

"It's almost time to replace the captain's position."

Just when Gaynor Randall was immersed in the beautiful reverie of the future, a series of gunshots suddenly came from the distance.


Gaynor Randall was startled, holding a battle ax and hurriedly came to the source of the sound - the wall on the east side of the City of Water. Two Chapu soldiers fell to the ground, with a crossbow arrow stuck in their throats, and the others The Chapu soldiers were holding rifles and firing continuously at a distance.

"what happened?"

"It's the guerrillas!"

"Are those bugs again?"

Gaynor Randall said dissatisfiedly that since the last operation, anti-imperial guerrillas from various places immediately abandoned their bases and retreated to various areas to fight guerrillas. Although the imperial army pursued them in time and eliminated some guerrillas, they still Successfully evacuated.

Traces of guerrilla activities were also found nearby where the factory was built, so Gaynor Randall now hates it.

"Don't worry, it's just a bunch of rabble. Please be more vigilant and put everyone on alert!"

Gaynor Randall waved his hand and said:

"Inform the outer patrol troops and deal with these bugs. They were unexpectedly attacked on the plains. These guys are getting more and more disgraceful!"


Looking at the troops operating in an orderly manner, Gaynor Randall turned and walked down the guard tower and walked towards the control room, where he could have a panoramic view of every corner of the city through surveillance.

In his eyes, as long as they are fully prepared in the Water City, the guerrillas will not be able to make a difference. After all, for the anti-empire guerrillas who lack offensive equipment, the Water City, which also serves as a war fortress, will be a fortress that they can never break through.

However, when he just came to the control room, a Kulun technician reported to him in a panic:

"Sir, something is approaching the Water City!"

"Is it the guerrillas?"

"I don't know, it's very fast-it's going to hit!"

The technician's face was extremely panicked. Seeing this, Gainarandel was about to go forward to check, but a huge explosion came from a distance. He immediately ran to the computer to see-a cyan light rushed into the Water City, and the light dissipated, revealing the true appearance of the attacker-

--Yingyue lightly clicked on the Chrysis computer a few times, got off the motorcycle, and the joints of his calves rose and fell with his steps.


The iconic crackling sound reached Gainarandel's ears, which made him furious. He turned around and said to the technician:

"Highest alert!"

After that, he rushed out of the control room door with a battle axe and quickly came to Yingyue.

"You dare to come back! Yingyue!"

"Why not? I let you escape last time. This time, I will take back your life."

Yingyue's indifferent and relaxed words made Gainarandel even more angry:

"Okay, then leave your life too! Yingyue!"

After that, he raised the huge battle axe and chopped it down suddenly.

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