Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 32 RX Computer: Let’s go together!

The violent shock wave rushed towards Yingyue with the earth as the carrier.

Yingyue, who was keenly aware of this, jumped up immediately, dodged the attack with a leap, and took the opportunity to lock Gainarandel's neck with one hand.

And Gainarandel reacted quickly, holding a battle axe and suddenly pushed away Yingyue's right hand.

The two distanced themselves again.

Yingyue glanced at the mess behind him and teased:

"Is this really good? If you attack casually, this Water City will not be able to be saved."

"You are much more valuable than this city!"

Faced with Yingyue's psychological tactics, Gainarandel was unmoved.

At this moment, his angry mind became clearer. He knew that when Yingyue came to the Water City, the entire factory would definitely be affected, but if Yingyue was killed here, it would be worth it even if the entire Water City was destroyed.

What's more, Yingyue's arrival also sent a dangerous signal to the Cressis Empire-the Kamen Rider has acquired the ability to directly attack the native land of the Monster World.

"Interesting, let me try your ability."

The Shadow Sword fell into his hands again, and Shadow Moon took a fighting stance.

Seeing this, Gainarandel swung his battle axe vigorously. The battle axe over two meters long was like a mountain pressing down on his head, giving people heavy pressure.

There is no doubt that Gainarandel has an absolute strength advantage in close combat.

But unfortunately, Shadow Moon did not intend to play close combat with him.

"Shadow Flash--!"

Accompanied by Shadow Moon's shout, the power of the Emperor Stone enveloped Gainarandel's figure. Under the effect of this flash, Gainarandel had to stop and immediately release vibration waves to resist the flash.

And this was exactly what Shadow Moon wanted.


The flash stopped, the dagger flew out of his hand, and turned into a sword light and went straight to Gainarandel's head.

However, after a battle, Gainarandel was already prepared and flexibly blocked the attack with the axe handle.

"The same trick won't work on me--"

"Shadow Kick--!"

Ignoring Gainarandel's harsh words, a flying kick shining with a green glow fell from the sky, but the target was not Gainarandel's shoulder.


The terrifying power exploded on Gainarandel's shoulder. Although it was a basic operation for the monster of Cressis to defend against the knight kick, it did not mean that the knight kick could not cause damage.

The attack focused on one point, causing a crisp fracture sound on Gainarandel's shoulder. Coincidentally, this was the same arm that Shadow Moon injured last time.

In this case, Gainarandel's arm fell down weakly, and he could only hold the battle axe with one hand and swing it with all his strength.

"You are still as strong as ever, Shadow Moon..."

The piercing pain from the shoulder made Gainarandel's words tremble. The action full of flaws due to the loss of a hand was also keenly captured by Shadow Moon at this moment.

The cyan shadow light flew out of his hand and hit Gainarandel's chest the moment the middle door opened.

In the explosion, Gainarandel's body fell down.

"It's useless, Gainarandel, I'll take your life... huh?"

Just when Yingyue wanted to completely solve the opponent, several laser cannons fell from the sky and hit the surroundings of Yingyue, and the violent explosion forced Yingyue back.

Yingyue looked up - all the commanding heights in the factory had been occupied by a group of Chap soldiers, who were holding special laser guns and missile launchers and pointing them at him.

"I didn't expect it, Yingyue, this water city was designed to take into account the situation of internal invasion at the beginning, you can't escape!"

Gainarandel made a proud voice, and then, he gave an order, countless shells and lights fell from the sky, instantly covering the location of Yingyue.

A violent explosion rose inside the water city, which completely ignored the attacks of the enemy and me, and everything was just an action taken to annihilate Yingyue.

In an instant, the factory building that embodied the crystallization of the technology of the Chrysis Empire collapsed and fell in the explosion.

Genarandel smiled triumphantly, as if he had already seen the body of Shadow Moon.

But the next second, he was stunned.


A loud shout rose from the explosion--a silver figure rushed out of the explosion like a sharp arrow, and the laser hit him, bursting with dazzling sparks, but did not cause any damage.

Shadow Moon, just like this, went straight to the highest point of the factory under the attack of the Chap soldiers.


The arm blade of the elbow slashed across the head of the Chap soldier, beheading him easily, and then turned around and kicked a few whip kicks, kicking all the other Chap soldiers off the roof.

In just a few seconds, the soldiers on a commanding height were all cleared out. The speed was so fast that the other Chap soldiers didn't even react.

"Shadow Rays--!"

Ying Yue placed both hands on the Emperor Stone at her waist, and then suddenly raised both hands, and the blue shadow rays rushed in all directions, each shot accurately hitting the Chap soldiers at the commanding heights.

The explosion sounded, and the weak physique of the Chap soldiers became their death warrant at this moment.

One by one, the Chap soldiers fell heavily to the ground like rain, and turned into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared in front of everyone.

"This, this is..."

Gena Randall stared at this scene in amazement. He didn't understand why the carefully calculated deployment was completely unable to do anything to Shadow Moon. You know, that was the special weapon he brought carefully, specially equipped for the most elite troops of the empire.

But even so, Shadow Moon completely withstood it with the artificial skin on his body.

This is impossible!

As if seeing the doubts in his heart, Shadow Moon landed lightly in front of him and said:

"This is thanks to you. Your actions against me have made my power even stronger!"

Yes, Shadow Moon, who has awakened new power, has once again ushered in an energy upgrade (power up). Now, except for the weirdos, the conventional weapons of the Chrysis Empire are difficult to work on him, even laser guns.

After that, Shadow Moon walked towards Genarandall step by step. With the rhythmic click of the leg trigger, the silver warrior approached Genarandall like the god of death.

The Knight of the Earth seemed to have sensed the call of death and released his battle axe, but he did not beg for mercy or show fear. Instead, he took out the detonator with his remaining right hand:

"In that case, die with me! Shadow Moon!"

"Oh, self-destruct?"

"When Water City was first established, I set up a self-destruct device on the energy system. You will be buried with me and become the glory of my Knight of the Earth!"

Gena Randall roared, and then suddenly pressed the remote control.


"What? What's going on?"

Gena Randall's eyes widened. Water City did not explode. He pressed a few more times in disbelief, but it was still the same. The entire Water City was quiet and there was no explosion.

"Is it strange? As early as the first time I entered Water City, I cracked your system and countered it. Now, the control system of Water City has collapsed."

At some point, Shadow Moon had come to Gaina Randall, and the Shadow Sword shining with scarlet light came into his eyes.

ps: The RX computer, which was inspired by the Fighting Eagle, was used to crack Gorgom's equipment. It was really outrageous, but the name RX computer... couldn't be the origin of RX.

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