Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 33 The core is obtained and Chrysis is furious (update 1)


This time, there was no surprise at all. Shadow Moon did not have the habit of stabbing the kidneys like RX. He simply chopped off Gaynor Randall's head.

This strange Warcraft noble fell down heavily with unwillingness and anger.

At the same time, in the water city of the earth, the mechanical knight repeatedly pulled the trigger of the vortex shooter, and the beams accurately hit the strange robot Metahebi in front of him. In the violent explosion, the water city of the earth also It was completely reduced to ashes, which also marked the complete bankruptcy of the Chrysis Empire's plan to control water resources and invade the earth.

In the Water City of the Monster Realm, Shadow Moon walked out of the control room, holding two cores of the teleportation device in his hand. This was the biggest purpose of his trip.

As soon as he came out, Serra and the guerrillas came to join him.

"How about it?"

"No problem, the patrol team and all the Lords in Water City have been cleared. It's all thanks to you, Shadow Moon!"

Sera's face was still stained with gun smoke, but she was extremely excited.

Because of Shadow Moon, Water City's strongest combat force, Gaynor Randall, and the elite troops were all drawn inside, which gave the guerrillas an opportunity to take advantage.

They designed to annihilate all the patrols outside, and all the guards in Water City fell to the gunfire of the guerrillas.

Such a big victory is unimaginable for today's guerrillas.

"The battlefield has been cleared. Let's leave quickly, Shadow Moon."

"Okay, I'll cut off the queen."

Shadow Moon nodded, and then the guerrillas got on the truck in a well-trained manner - it was a transportation tool found in the City of Water. The truck was also filled with several large barrels, which contained the remaining clean water in the City of Water. , in a place like the Monster World, this is a resource more precious than gold, so naturally it cannot be wasted.

The decision to evacuate in time was obviously correct. After all, this place is very close to the city of Clexis, and it is a place that the Clexis Empire is extremely interested in. Less than five minutes after the guerrillas and others evacuated, a large number of Clexis The Sri Lankan Imperial Army has already approached here.

But it was too late, the place had been deserted, and there was no trace left.

That night, the roar of Emperor Clesis resounded throughout the city of Clesis, but in contrast, the guerrilla camp was a lively and peaceful scene.

Not only were all the troops in Water City wiped out, but a large amount of water resources and other precious materials were also recaptured.

The members of the guerrillas gathered together in the cave just like celebrating the New Year.

Sera even took off her combat uniform and put on the traditional Lijia costume that she treasured beside her, and happily performed a dance for everyone.

Just like that, the entire camp was plunged into a sea of ​​joy.

As the major contributor to this incident, Nobuhiko also became the focus of everyone's attention. Not many drinks were brought out. Even if it was not a lot, Nobuhiko was forced to drink several bottles.

Fortunately, the modified person's physique at least ensures that he will not get drunk.

The carnival lasted until late at night. Except for the sentry who was responsible for keeping track, all the team members drank more or less. After the carnival, they fell asleep beautifully - this night was also for them. The most peaceful night in recent times.

However, Nobuhiko didn't have much sleepiness. He walked out of the tent and took a walk in the cave. At this moment, he met an unexpected person.

"Professor? You haven't slept either."

“As you get older, you sleep less, and oftentimes, you’re more awake at night.”

As Professor Leonard said, he was in pretty good spirits, at least he didn't show signs of fatigue.

Then, Professor Leonard talked about the transformation of Amazing Locust:

"The transmission device can be installed tomorrow. I want to confirm it one last time, Shadow Moon, no, Qiu Yue Nobuhiko, are you really willing to accept this plan?"

Hearing this, Nobuhiko stopped and turned to look into the eyes of Professor Leonard. This wise old man's eyes were full of uneasiness and expectation at this moment.

Seeing this scene, he seemed to have thought of something and guessed:

"Are you scared?"

"Yes, anyone would be afraid. After learning that the world he lives in is about to be destroyed, and then just finding a way to save it, all of this happened in just one month, Akizuki Nobuhiko, sometimes I I’m really scared, afraid that this is a dream and everything will be the same when I wake up.”

Professor Leonard had a self-deprecating smile on his face. He looked at the quiet camp around him and continued:

"I know very well that my fellow guerrillas respect my knowledge. They have great expectations from me and hope that my inventions can reduce the casualties of the guerrillas. However, I am not a god, even if I have worked hard to find it The method must put our benefactor in danger, so that’s all I can do.”

"No, you don't need to feel guilty about this. The explosion of Emperor Chrysis will not have any impact on me. I know this very well. Moreover, it is also my duty to deal with Emperor Chrysis - this It’s my promise to one person!”

"Promise? To deal with Emperor Clesis just based on your promise... Nobuhiko, you are really a strange person."

"Maybe, this is the so-called borrowed ideal, but I don't care. Everyone will always take on some responsibilities when they live in the world, and I came to this world just to take on this responsibility."

Nobuhiko's words were full of determination.

Professor Leonard looked at Nobuhiko, and suddenly, Professor Wald's face flashed in his mind, and the words he heard from the surviving students echoed in his ears.

After a long time, he said:

"Perhaps Wald's words are biased."


"There is not only one savior, but two."

"······In fact, there has never been any savior."

Speaking of this, Nobuhiko also looked forward. In the rows of tents, the guerrillas who fought to regain their hometown fell into a dream. There were many of them, and they were not aware of the current critical situation of the monster world.

Nobuhiko also knew that after solving the Water City, the Cressis Empire would launch a more fierce attack on the guerrillas...

Inside the Cressis Fortress, Dasmada was questioning General Jagu:

"The Water City that was built with great difficulty was still destroyed by RX, General Jagu, your subordinates are as bad as ever."

"Dassmada! You don't seem to be qualified to say this, don't forget, even the operations led by you have never succeeded once."

General Jagu immediately retorted.

He was actually very unhappy, after all, in dealing with Kamen Rider, both of them performed equally badly.

However, Dasmada sneered this time:

"You'd better pray for yourself, General Jagu."

"What do you mean?"

"I just received a communication from the monsters. The Water City in the monster world was also destroyed. There is intelligence that Shadow Moon was seen..."

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