Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 568 Kamen Rider Blood (2nd update)

Maybe other people will be troubled by hostage tactics, but if a fighter like the Sea Fighter who can both liquefy and super speed is troubled by this type of hostage tactics, Shadow Moon would be a bit remiss. .

"What a powerful force. I'm afraid only the complete Ebert can fight you."

Yi Nengxian just stood up holding his chest, and the other two people also relaxed from the previous attack and gathered together.

However, Shadow Moon did not attack immediately. Instead, he turned around and looked at the surrounding crowd - Ineng Xianggang's control continued. Even after he was knocked down, all the citizens rushed toward Shadow Moon like zombies.


Ying Yue calmly waved her hand, and the radiance of the Imperial Stone enveloped her whole body.

The next second, the crimson sea warrior turned into a dark earth sacrifice. The crescent moon staff in his hand suddenly rose, and the bloody moonlight bloomed from the sky and enveloped the surroundings.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, all the controlled people seemed to have lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground one after another. Their breathing was steady, and some even snored.

After doing all this, Ying Yue turned to look at the trio of Yi Neng and Xian Gang in front of her. Without saying much, she slowly raised the crescent moon staff in her hand. On top of it, purple light suddenly appeared, and a huge The magic bullet showed terrifying power at this moment.


Several luminous bullets came out of his hands and headed straight for the trio in front of them.

However, the next second, a prompt sounded suddenly:

Ready to go!

Volcanic Attack! Acha!

Like a dragon's roar rising from the ground, or like a meteor burning with flames, the terrifying knight's kick fell from the sky and collided head-on with the magic bullet.


There was a sudden explosion, and when the flames dissipated, the sudden figure also revealed its true form.

"My ten thousand feet long dragon me?!"

That's right, what appeared in front of Nobuhiko was Kamen Rider Crozier in lava form, and more than that - he also held Pandora's Box in his hand.

"Hahahaha, you didn't expect it, Shadow Moon, this is our real plan!"

Seeing Wan Zhang Long Wo appear, Yi Nengxian's face showed a look of success. Then, he swayed forward and took a red plug-in from Wan Zhang Long Wo's hand. Ying Yue remembered that it seemed to be Parts that Kiryu Sento should bring.

Yi Nengxian quickly took off the driver from Wan Zhang Long Wo's waist, then inserted the plug-in and the energy bottle that had been prepared into his belt, and quickly completed his dressing.

Great Cross-Z Dragon!

Build Up!

(Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan!)*n

Are you ready?

Over Flow! Wake up CROSS-Z! Get GREAT DRAGON! Buraburaburabura Burah! Oops!

A long and cumbersome prompt sounded, and Ryuuga Ryuuga, Mitsuomi Gohara, and Ryoka Saiga suddenly turned into three rays of blood, which instantly converged on the body of Kengo Inō.


The blood light dissipated, and a brand new Kamen Rider appeared in front of Shadow Moon.

His head shape is obviously similar to Crozier, and the armor on his body has characteristics consistent with Ebert, hinting at his connection with Ebert.

After the transformation, Yi Nengxian just looked at the gestures on his hands and couldn't help laughing excitedly:

"I, Wan Zhanglong, are an important part of our mission. How could I let him leave so easily? You thought you caught us off guard, but this is also part of our plan!"

"Now, even if Ebert is resurrected and restored to a complete body, we have nothing to fear! Now I am - Kamen Rider Blood!"

"Emm, although the image is good, if you look closely, it's like an exquisite patchwork. Nothing is your own."

After carefully looking at Yi Nengxian's current appearance, Yingyue subconsciously complained.

However, Blood ignored it, as if to test his own power, his figure instantly turned into a blood shadow and rushed towards Yingyue, but Yingyue was not afraid at all. The magic circle under his feet was activated instantly, and his figure disappeared on the spot. It was in mid-air in a second.

With the ability to predict the future in five seconds, Shadow Moon raised the Crescent Staff, and a series of light bullets shot out like a laser gun. However, Blood's confidence was justified. Under such a dense amount of light bullets, As soon as he stretched out his hand, Crozier's exclusive weapon, the Sound Terminator, fell into his hands. Holding the sword, Blood waved a series of sword lights without hesitation. In an instant, a terrifying explosion instantly covered the entire sky.


The red flash broke through the flames, and the Sea Warrior holding two swords appeared in front of Blood. The knight's fist wrapped with fiery flames rushed towards Blood, but the latter was not afraid at all and punched out as well.


The terrifying impact spread to the surroundings instantly. Shadow Moon remained motionless, but Blood took a few steps back.

"It seems I'm stronger."

Shadow Moon sarcastically said, and then he crossed his hands at his waist. The brilliance of the Imperial Stone condensed on the daggers in both hands, and the penetrating power sounded at this moment.

Seeing this, blood did not dare to be careless and twisted the rotating rod on his belt.

Ready go!

Hazard Finish!

Great Dragonic Finish!

On blood's right hand, black power condensed, and even the space was distorted, as if a small black hole wrapped around his right fist. Facing Yingyue's dagger, he swung his fist without hesitation.


A huge explosion spread out from the two of them, and the floor cracked layer by layer.

When the flames of the explosion dissipated, the two figures had separated.

"You are really powerful. If you use your power to make an energy bottle, it would be very good, but unfortunately, I don't have time to play with you now."

Rubbing his chest, blood took out a pistol and pulled the trigger. White smoke quickly enveloped himself and Pandora's Box, and disappeared on the spot.

"Emm, does everyone have one of these?"

Seeing the other party take out the same smoke gun as Ebert, Yingyue couldn't help but complain. Then, he carefully checked the unconscious people at the scene. After releasing their control, he rushed in the direction where Kiryu Battle Rabbit left.


In the basement of the cafe, Kiryu Battle Rabbit suddenly woke up and immediately looked around. When he saw the familiar furnishings, he was relieved.

"Are you okay? Battle Rabbit?"

Ishido Misora ​​hurried forward and asked.

"I'm fine, wait, Manjo he-"

"Well, he was controlled by Ino Kengang, and Ino Kengang absorbed him and the other two envoys to complete the transformation. The poison in your body is the same as the poison in Himuro Taizan, and Pandora's Box was also taken away. Oh, by the way, he seems to have taken away one of your transformation components."


Hearing this, Kiryu Battle Rabbit subconsciously groped on his body, and then his face immediately became very serious:

"The dangerous trigger and the energy bottle of Dongdu were taken away!"

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