Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 569 Kiryu Battle Rabbit: Can you lend me your power? (Three more chapters)

"The energy bottles in Touto?"

Nobuhiko was a little confused when he heard this.

Kiryu Battle Rabbit nodded and explained:

"Touto, Saito, and Kitato actually have their own energy bottles. They are all things that were originally stored in Pandora's Box, but now, I'm afraid they have all fallen into their hands..."

"Is it the same for Saito and Kitato?"

Saruwatari Kazumi asked with a frown, and Himuro Gentoku beside him spoke at this time:

"I gave the energy bottles to Battle Rabbit before."

"So now they have obtained all the energy bottles, but what I can't figure out is that they also took away the energy bottles brought by Mr. Akizuki."

Kiryu Battle Rabbit said something that made Nobuhiko concerned, and he quickly asked:

"The energy bottles I brought Is there any difference in the measuring bottle? "

"Yes, that energy bottle is not in the original energy bottle of Pandora's Box, and all the substances in it have been exhausted and cannot be used at all. I really don't understand why they took it away. "

Kiryuu Sento rubbed his brows, but he didn't have time to think about these things now, and immediately stood up and was about to leave:

"No matter what, we must find a way to save Ryuga first..."

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded:

"You can't save him in your current state."

Hearing this, Kiryuu Sento's body suddenly stopped, because - this voice is Bernaju.

Kiryuu Sento turned his head and looked, and sure enough, Bernaju once again possessed Ishido Misora.

Generally speaking, Bernaju would not appear suddenly. She would only possess Ishido Misora ​​when she encountered the most critical situation. This time was no exception. "I can feel that the power of that person is now comparable to the complete form of Ebert. With your current power, you are completely unable to save him."

The cruel words instantly silenced Kiryu Battle Rabbit.

No matter what, he didn't want anything to happen to Manjo Ryuga. After all, to him, Manjo Ryuga was not a relative, but a partner who was better than a relative.

He must be saved!

Thinking of this, Kiryu Sento calmed down a little. He turned to look at Nobuhiko and pleaded:

"Mr. Akizuki, can you lend me a hand?"

"Yes? Sure, I'm on the same side with you."

"No, I don't mean that... Although it's a bit difficult to ask, can I study your body?"

"Oh, that... ah?!"

Nobuhiko blinked, and after confirming that the other party was not joking, he agreed to the request with a strange look on his face.


"What on earth are you doing? Why did you suddenly join forces with Dongdu to issue such a wanted notice? Who are you?"

"Sorry, Prime Minister, the future of this planet ends here... beep beep beep"

Listening to the voice in his ear, Nanba Heavy Industries' chairman, Namba Juzaburo, hung up the phone angrily, frowning:

"First, that bastard Albert was eliminated, and then three more appeared. Did this group of cosmic life forms invade the earth collectively?"

If someone saw the other person's current appearance, it would be difficult to associate him with the public impression of Namba Juzaburo.

This is also natural. At this moment, Namba Juzaburo actually changed his face - relying on Ebert's power to disguise himself as the Prime Minister of Xidu, Mido, and secretly ruled Xidu.

After receiving the information that the envoy he sent was actually Ebert's fellow tribesman, he contacted the envoy as soon as possible, but got the above reply.

Seeing this, Utsumi on the side immediately stepped forward and asked:

"President, do you want to send troops to Toudu now?"

"No, wait a minute."

Namba Juzaburo shook his head:

"These three guys may not be easy to deal with. Let the Toudu guys try it out first, and we can just watch the fire from the other side."

Then, he seemed to have thought of something and continued:

"By the way, I remember that his mobile phone is equipped with a locator. If it can be used, report the location information to the Build guys. I am looking forward to how they will fight."

After saying that, he picked up the Taiyaki on the table, as if to vent, took a big bite, chewed it with big mouthfuls, and his eyes revealed conspiracy and madness.

Utsumi faithfully carried out Namba Juzaburo's orders and turned and walked out of the office.


In the basement of the coffee shop, Shadow Moon, who had transformed into a sea warrior, was equipped with various instruments. Under the curious gaze of everyone, he kept repeating the liquefaction process. On the other side, Kiryu Sento was constantly typing on the keyboard, his eyes fixed on the data on the screen.

After an unknown amount of time, Kiryu Sento finally spoke:

"It's OK, Mr. Akizuki."


As soon as he finished speaking, Nobuhiko canceled his transformation, reached out to catch the falling instrument, and asked Kiryu Sento with some surprise:

"Do you want to analyze my power to deal with them?"

"Yes, but to be precise, it's not to deal with them, but to rescue Ryuga."

Kiryu Sento explained while looking at the data on the screen:

"I have Ebert's genes in my body, and with my current strength, it is almost impossible to rescue him head-on, so I have to use a trick. Mr. Akizuki's possession ability is very similar to the power displayed by Ebert, so I plan to use your power in reverse to separate him."

"But no matter how similar, my power is different from Ebert's, and the chance of success cannot be guaranteed."

"Well, I know, but... no matter how difficult it is, I have to try, I don't want to lose."

"It seems that you have a special relationship with him."

Hearing this, Kiryu Battle Rabbit couldn't help laughing :

"It's too corny to say that we have feelings, but he is indeed my important partner."

At this moment, Kiryu Battle Rabbit seemed to be lost in memories, muttering:

"That guy is a single-celled muscle idiot, easily deceived, but he can fight for someone's tomorrow, and he is my most important partner. The relationship between me and that guy was probably destined from the beginning..."

The past scenes appeared in Kiryu Battle Rabbit's mind, from the first encounter with Manjo Ryuga, to the encounter with the Slammer, and then fighting with Ichimu, they experienced a lot of things, and he remembered all of these firmly in his heart, turning them into the most precious memories.


With the fall of the last code, Kiryu Battle Rabbit pressed the Enter key, and with a burst of steam rising from the basement, a brand new blue energy bottle appeared in front of everyone.

"Manjo, I'm here to save you!"

ps: Sorry, this chapter is a bit stuck, and I have written it until now.

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