
Chapter 162 Jiao Yun

When Chen Mu arrived, he found that all the important people in the village were there, and Bowen and Cheng Ying had also been invited. Bowen and Cheng Ying still looked a little confused, and they didn't seem to understand the situation yet, but everyone else looked solemn.

Seeing Chen Mu coming, the clan leader looked around and spoke slowly: "We invite everyone here this time because we have something to discuss. We have confirmed that the Jiaoyun layer has been very unstable recently."

There was deathly silence in the conference room, and everyone in the village looked ashen. Chen Mu and the other three looked at each other in confusion. They didn't understand what the so-called glue cloud layer meant.

Bowen coughed lightly: "This is the first time I've heard of the glue cloud layer. I wonder what it is?"

It was Kit who came out to explain: "You three may not know something, but there is a very strange thing in the sky above our heads. We call it glue cloud layer. It is as invisible and qualityless as air, but more viscous, like They are like clouds floating high in the sky. The gelatinous clouds are boundless and no one knows how big they are."

This was the first time for the three of them to hear such a statement, and they all looked slightly shocked. Bowen had a somewhat disbelieving look on his face. If there was such a thing, how come he had never heard of it?

"The gelatinous cloud layer is as transparent as air, and it is very high above the ground. Its existence cannot be detected by the naked eye. Generally speaking, the gelatinous cloud layer is very stable and has no impact on our daily life." He suddenly said in a serious tone: "But, If the glue cloud layer becomes unstable, it will be a disaster for all living things on the ground!"

Kit's face was still calm, but a trace of worry could still be seen in his eyes. The three of them held their breath and listened carefully to Kit's story.

"Whenever it becomes unstable, it will drop many clumps of gel clouds. At first, it is just a very small one, but as time goes by, the falling clumps of gel clouds become extremely large. Fungi are large, sometimes hundreds of kilometers in diameter. Although they are intangible and qualityless, they are like transparent glue. Over time, all living things under the glue cloud will suffocate to death. Including us."

The expressions of Chen Mu and the others suddenly changed. terrible! There is no way to get out of the range of hundreds of kilometers.

"Not only that, Jiao Yun also has another characteristic, which is to absorb energy! Especially pure energy forms like energy shields will be quickly absorbed by Jiao Yun."

The expressions of the three people changed again and again. What is Ka Xiu most afraid of? That is, your own energy is absorbed. The core content of all cards is the utilization of energy. If Jiaoyun can really absorb energy, then it will undoubtedly be the nemesis of all card repairmen. Of all the professional card repairers, which one is not a pure energy attack?

"The unstable period of glue clouds usually only occurs once every one or two hundred years. Unfortunately, we seem to have caught up." Kit's smile contained a hint of bitterness.

Seeing the puzzled expressions on the three people's faces, Kit sighed softly: "The energy shields in several places in the village have been corroded by the falling glue clouds, leaving many small holes. The glue clouds that fell this time were all very small, and the largest one was One lump is only the size of a fist." After speaking, Kit handed over a glass bottle. Nothing could be seen in the transparent glass bottle.

"There is a gel cloud inside. Don't worry, it is not harmful to the human body itself."

The three people quickly picked it up and observed curiously. When the glass bottle came into Chen Mu's hands, he felt it was quite heavy as soon as he took it. The density of this glue cloud was very high. After thinking about it, he suddenly opened the bottle and threw in a one-star energy card.

An amazing scene appeared!

The texture on the surface of the one-star energy card disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. In less than a minute, there was only a blank card left in the complete one-star energy card, and all the textures on it completely disappeared. The texture on the surface of the card is very stable and strong, and it is difficult to damage it whether it is scraped with a knife or washed with water. But in this transparent and invisible glue cloud

The three of them suddenly took a breath of air, and the faces of everyone in the conference room who were originally looking bad now became even worse.

This was the first time Chen Mu saw such a thing. Although he was frightened, he couldn't help but secretly thought that this kind of glue cloud could be used to modify cards. I don’t know what Jiaoyun is, but it has such magical properties. He really wanted to take this bottle of glue cloud back and study it carefully.

Fortunately, he understood that this was not the time for research, so he pretended to listen carefully. In fact, psychologically, he didn't feel that his coming here had any practical significance. He always felt that he was a rookie in every aspect. He doesn't think of himself as a savior, and he never thinks that his ideas are better than others. But he is not unsophisticated. Since the patriarch has asked him to come, it shows that people value you. Regardless of whether you think you have the ability or not, you still have to give the other person face.

"We invite everyone here this time to think of a solution together. Especially the three guests, you are from the outside and your ideas are much more open-minded than us old guys. According to previous records, the falling of a small group of glue clouds is the cause of a large-scale phenomenon. A precursor to the fall of large-scale glue clouds." But he suddenly changed his tone: "However, if the records are correct, the time left for us should be about three to four months." He added: "This data Whether it is reliable or not, I don’t know.”

Bowen's face suddenly turned ugly. Doesn't saying this mean that he didn't say it?

"The records that have been handed down are only one record of the glue cloud disaster, so we have no way to make a more accurate estimate." The clan leader was very helpless.

"Is this record wrong?" Bowen couldn't help but ask.

Hearing Bowen's words, the faces of the old men in the conference room, who were already unhappy, became even more ugly. As soon as Bowen said the words, he knew that he had said the wrong thing, so he wisely closed his mouth.

Silence fell in the conference room.

Seeing that no one spoke for a long time, the clan leader said: "I and several elders have calculated that the best way right now is to move the whole village! But there are 100,000 people in our village, so we don't mean to accommodate ourselves. Also, we need to If we really move, where should we move? This jungle is full of dangers, and the soldiers in the village dare not go far. We still have about half of the women and children."

Everyone was silent. The migration of 100,000 people is still in this vast jungle, which is not easy!

"Since no one objects, I will give the order!"

"Yes!" All the elders leaned forward slightly.

At this time, the clan leader showed the decisiveness that a clan leader should have: "Baf, you organize the warriors and form them according to wartime. We are moving to the northwest. You first send a small group of warriors to explore the road ahead and leave marks along the way. .Retreat immediately in case of danger.”

"Yes!" Buff responded loudly with a voice like a bell.

"Conrad, I leave all the supplies to you."

"Yes." As soon as Conrad opened his mouth, the temperature in the conference room immediately dropped several degrees.

"Kit, you organize women and the elderly into family units, ten families into one group, ten groups into one team, and every ten teams into one unit, and try to organize them in the shortest time. Children under the age of sixteen are left alone. Make it into one. You also need to mobilize women and children to help Conrad collect supplies."

"Yes." Kit's eyes were as clear and calm as water.

As the patriarch issued orders one after another, the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became tense.

The clan leader suddenly turned to Chen Mu and said, "Mr. Chen, I need your help!"

Chen Mu suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He was only a teenager, and he felt uncomfortable being called "you" by an old man in his sixties or seventies.

"As long as I can help, you can give me your orders." Chen Mu's statement made the old men in the village look at him much softer.

After thinking for a while, the clan leader said: "It would be good if half of those who can survive this migration." As soon as these words came out, everyone else present could not help but show sadness on their faces. The patriarch’s words were not an exaggeration. The jungle is full of dangers, powerful beasts can be seen everywhere, and they have to travel a long distance. Moreover, no one knows how wide the disaster will cover. They have to go far, far away. The further you go, the safer you are, but the further you go, the more serious the attrition will be.

"We need weapons! The only one in the village who can make weapons is Alfonso, and he doesn't have much inventory. I hope Mr. Chen will stop his research and help us make weapons. With one more weapon, one more person may survive." The patriarch pleaded.

"Okay." Chen Mu agreed without hesitation.

The meeting was quickly dismissed and from now on every bit of time was valuable.

Chen Mu thought about it all the way back to the laboratory. After asking Alfonso, he learned that the villagers in the village generally used standard energy knives. Chen Mu had seen this kind of weapon before. The light spears like those used by Colin were no longer commercially available. Alfonso didn't make many weapons like this, and it was impossible to mass-produce them.

Although the clan leader said that one more weapon would be enough, but Chen Mu knew that one or two weapons would have little effect on the entire migration operation.

We must find a feasible way! Chen Mu secretly made up his mind that even for himself, he must try his best!

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