
Chapter 163 Prodigal Behavior

"Alfonso, please put down what you are doing for a moment." Chen Mu said to Alfonso as soon as he returned to the laboratory.

Alfonso was stunned: "What's going on?" He hadn't figured out the situation yet. Others stopped what they were doing. They had never seen Chen Mu in such a hurry. In their minds, Chen Mu was always very orderly and unhurried in his work.

"Bring over all the battle cards you made before and show them to me." Chen Mu said.

"Okay!" Alfonso cheered up. Although he didn't understand why Chen Mu was suddenly interested in jamming weapons, this was the field he was most familiar with. Jam, he likes this name, it makes him feel more professional. Does Mr. Chen want to develop in the field of clamping equipment? When he thought of this, he immediately became excited. Although card learning is difficult, you have to learn it from the beginning. If Mr. Chen can improve the jamming equipment, it will be more suitable for his development.

What kind of person is Mr. Chen? With his strength, Alfonso felt excited just thinking about it.

Without saying a word, he immediately led a group of people to his residence and moved back a lot of jammed weapons. Chen Mu specially set aside a large room to store these cards, and the room was filled to the brim. The most outrageous thing is that Alfonso actually dragged several large jamming weapons that Chen Mu had seen before from the auditorium.

These large jamming machines, which are almost five or six meters high, are intimidating just standing there. Standing below, the whole person will be shrouded in the shadow of the stuck weapon.

"This is a cluster cannon. It is very powerful. Even some ferocious beasts will be blown to pieces after being shot." Alfonso said with a little pride, this is his proud work. This is the treasure of the village. Many powerful beasts have fallen under this cluster cannon.

Looking up, Chen Mu couldn't help but admire. Last time he could only watch from a distance, but now he had to take a closer look. Such large weapons are not common even in Tianyou Federation. Who would have thought that in such an isolated village, there would be such a terrifying weapon?

"You come and dismantle it, and we'll study it."

Alfonso had been waiting for Chen Mu's words for a long time, and he excitedly began to direct the villagers to dismantle the cluster cannon. Seeing how easily a few villagers could dismantle those terrifyingly thick gun barrels, Chen Mu was secretly stunned. However, his attention was quickly attracted by Alfonso's explanation.

Chen Mu's understanding of the card system was much better than Alfonso's. He often understood many key points after Alfonso explained them briefly. Alfonso became more and more excited as he talked, and Mr. Chen's thoughtful expression showed that he was brewing some ideas in his mind.

A cluster gun was dismantled to pieces. Because the cluster gun was too large, it could only be placed outdoors. The villagers who kept passing by looked at the parts scattered everywhere with expressions of regret and distress. The cluster cannon is the most powerful weapon in the village, and each one is extremely precious.

Chen Mu had to admire Alfonso. Although in his eyes, this cluster cannon is still very crude and primitive in many places and can be further optimized and improved, Alfonso can make such a powerful weapon by relying only on the very primitive knowledge of cards in his mind. , his talent is beyond doubt.

Mr. Chen and Alfonso are crazy!

Whenever the villagers pass by this place called "Laboratory", they can't help but show strange expressions. Everyone in the village knew that Mr. Chen and Alfonso were addicted to taking things apart. The two seemed to want to go through everything before giving up. All the weapons Alfonso had made before were dismantled into countless parts. "Parts Warehouse" became the unique name of that room, because all the weapons were turned into a pile of parts. Even the teenagers who were studying with Chen Mu felt extremely distressed.

The weapons made by Alfonso have always been the most popular items in the village. It was usually very difficult to get one piece from him, but now it was all broken into parts. You can’t do this even if you are a prodigal! What's more, at this time, these weapons are even more precious. Many people even went to the clan leader, hoping that the clan leader would come forward to stop this most profligate behavior in the history of the village.

You know, these weapons are enough to arm more than two hundred people.

Chen Mu's eyes were bloodshot. He had been dismantling these optical devices day and night for several days. Now his brain felt a little numb. This was the third day after he removed the jamming equipment. He got into the room alone and stayed there for three days.

Three days without sleep!

He took a deep breath to clear his head. Fatigue hit him like a wave, and he felt like he could fall asleep standing up. He was standing in the hall of the laboratory with several rolls of drawings in his hands. All the staff in the laboratory stopped what they were doing and stood respectfully in front of him. These teenagers showed respect involuntarily. They did not expect that Mr. Chen, who usually seemed unhurried and unhurried, would work so hard!

They had already received news about the situation in the village. Although all of them were anxious, the order they received was to assist Mr. Chen and obey Mr. Chen's instructions unconditionally.

Today was the first time that Mr. Chen summoned them after the emergency alert in the village. They stood very neatly, but their expressions could not hide their excitement. They understand that their mission is coming! Seeing that the first person in the village was so busy that they couldn't touch the ground, they also eagerly hoped that they could help in some way.

The laboratory was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Chen Mu's voice was hoarse and dry: "Everyone should put down what they are doing and process these things." He handed over the drawings in his hand. After doing all this, Chen Mu was extremely exhausted and couldn't bear it anymore, so he fell asleep.

The laboratory immediately became busy, and no matter how lazy people were on weekdays, it was like clockwork at this time. Chen Mu had set the best example for them. Everyone was so moved that they burst out with unprecedented enthusiasm as if they had taken stimulants!

All the instruments in the laboratory are running day and night. These teenagers, who are only in their teens on average, are all high-spirited and working hard.

Bowen looked at the busy villagers and asked Cheng Ying: "Do you believe what the old man said?" From that day on, the atmosphere in the village suddenly became tense. Bowen couldn't understand how the patriarch, who didn't look like a confused person, could make such a hasty decision based on an uncertain guess. He still doesn't believe the so-called glue cloud disaster. If there is such a disaster, Tianyou Federation cannot be completely unprepared.

"Believe it." Cheng Ying nodded without hesitation.

Bowen turned his head in disbelief. He didn't expect Cheng Ying to answer so affirmatively.

Seeing Bowen's confused look, Cheng Ying smiled back: "They have no need to lie to us."

Bowen opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Cheng Ying's next words made him open his eyes suddenly. Cheng Ying murmured with some memories: "Because I have seen it before!" When she said this, there was a slight fear on her face, as if she had thought of something terrible.

Bowen's expression changed slightly.

Cheng Ying smiled bitterly: "Do you still remember the time when we were chased by the double hook beast? Our best choice at that time was to fly into the sky, but I stopped you, do you remember?"

"Well, I was a little strange at the time." Bowen said with some surprise.

"Once upon a time, I went with a team to complete a commission in the wild. That time we met a very powerful card repairman. He had a bad temper and had a conflict with us. He was very powerful, even more powerful than Chen Mu. ! We were almost wiped out. I was lucky, I just fainted. Card Xiu’s opponent also caught up with him, and his opponent’s strength was not inferior to him. There was a fierce battle between the two, and when I woke up, I happened to see They were fighting. Later, they all died!" Cheng Ying glanced at Bowen: "They flew to a very high place, then fell from the sky and died. I didn't find any scars on them. To be honest, I was so scared at the time. I will never forget those two twisted faces. Their death was exactly the same as death by drowning. Since then, I have learned that the sky is also very dangerous."

Bowen's expression completely changed.

When Chen Mu woke up, it was already two days later. The body is fully rested and physical strength is restored. When he opened his eyes, a strong sense of hunger arose spontaneously. Seeing Chen Mu wake up, Li Duhong, who was waiting on the side, quickly ran to get food.

"How's it going?" Chen Mu asked vaguely while devouring the food.

Li Duhong stood with his head bowed and said respectfully: "Two hundred sets of various parts have been completed, and the seniors are still working on them." Although Li Duhong is young, his thinking is already quite organized, and he is much better than Chen Mu back then. many. If this kid wasn't so vicious, he would be worth cultivating, Chen Mu couldn't help but think to himself.

After filling his stomach randomly, Chen Mu walked out of the room and came to the hall of the laboratory.

Seeing Chen Mu come out, everyone put down their work. Under the leadership of Alfonso, they all bowed and saluted: "Hello, teacher!"

Chen Mu had never been treated like this before, and he was almost shocked. He was only a few years older than these teenagers, and Alfonso, considering his age, could be his uncle. teacher? How can I, a rookie like myself, be the teacher of these people? Then I saw these young people standing with their hands solemnly, as if they were listening to instruction.

Chen Mu, who felt uncomfortable, coughed lightly: "Have all the parts been processed?"

Alfonso took a step forward and replied with great respect: "They are all processed." The parts designed by Chen Mu were all metal parts. For a village with advanced metal craftsmanship, this is their strength. Since Chen Mu did not specify the quantity, they processed two hundred pieces of each type of part at one go.

The design of these parts is extremely delicate, and it takes a lot of trouble to process them. Alfonso tried to assemble the parts, but never succeeded.

Even the experienced Alfonso couldn't tell what the functions of these parts were.

The teenagers all looked curious, waiting for Chen Mu to reveal the answer to the mystery.

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