
Chapter 164 I’m ugly and I’m not gentle either

Twenty-five kinds of parts were placed in front of Chen Mu, shining with the metallic luster of fresh processing, and each piece was shiny. Chen Mu picked up each piece and inspected it until he put down the last part, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. If the parts that took so much effort to produce did not meet the requirements of the sir, it would be enough to make these immature teenagers vomit blood. The vast majority of them are not good at metal processing, and this time they are basically rushing to sell products. Fortunately, the intelligence of these instruments is relatively high, and with Alfonso's on-site teaching, we can barely make these. The most tired person in these two days was Alfonso, who lost a lot of weight in these two days.

Chen Mu did not immediately start assembling these parts, but started making cards on the spot. Every material needed was already available in the laboratory, and this factor had already been taken into consideration when he originally designed it. Both time and manpower are very precious now, and there is no time for him to find new materials.

This was the first time Chen Mu made cards other than one-star energy cards in front of these teenagers.

After calming down, he was quite satisfied with his current physical condition. Taking out the materials he had prepared long ago, he took out the [Weak Water] pen set, and under everyone's gaze, Chen Mu began to make the cards.

The strokes of the brush were soft and smooth, and Chen Mu's movements were like clouds and flowing water, so smooth that these teenagers almost forgot to breathe. The slender pen tip dances gracefully like a superb dancer, and the lines that emit a faint light change as the pen tip extends on the surface of the card.

This scene looks so magical! At this moment, the hearts of the young people were completely conquered by this magic. They will never be able to forget this image that is burned into their minds throughout their lives.

Chen Mu's last stroke matched the starting point perfectly. The faintly luminous pattern on the card suddenly began to resemble human breathing, darkening for a while and then brightening for a while. This caused the teenagers to exclaim in low voices. After the light and dark changed repeatedly three times, the card dissipated all its light and lay quietly on the table.

What he produced is a Samsung card, a very unique and alternative Samsung card. To be more precise, it is a three-star wave blade card in an incomplete state.

If Chen Mu gives this card to any card cultivator, the only fate of this card is to be dismissed by the card cultivators and thrown into the trash can like garbage. No card cultivator would use this card, but Chen Mu didn't originally intend it for the card cultivator to use.

This card can form a wave blade, but Chen Mu erased all its flexibility. In other words, the energy structure of the wave blade released by this card is completely fixed, and its energy structure cannot be adjusted using perception. In fact, this card has no sensitivity to perception at all. No card cultivator will use a card that cannot be controlled by perception.

But Chen Mu made such a card.

By sacrificing flexibility, this card also gains features that other cards do not have. Its structure is simpler. As long as there is energy, it will form a wave blade with a specific structure and release it. It's like a fixed program, rigid as hell, but very stable. Its power is fixed from the beginning of production, and there will be no ups and downs. Each wave blade formed is exactly the same.

In order to improve its power, Chen Mu made a lot of efforts. When perception cannot provide help, its power is directly related to its energy utilization, and this needs to be optimized through calculation.

What structure can play a greater role than the chip structure in such a situation?

It seems that the financing structure was born for this situation. Chen Mu vaguely felt as if there was a window in front of him that was about to be opened. But whenever he thought about it carefully, he could never catch this glimmer of light. In the current situation, it is a very luxurious thing to calm down and think about things that have nothing to do with the current disaster. Fortunately, our classmate Chen Mu does not seem to have extravagant habits.

At this moment, he judged all irrelevant thoughts as distracting thoughts and threw them away.

Under the admiring gazes of the surrounding students, Chen Mu began his assembly work. All of these metal parts are very delicate. Of course, this is only limited to Chen Mu. In Alfonso's eyes, metal accessories with such precision should be classified as rough. Fortunately, it was a rough level, otherwise, no matter how high the accuracy was, he would not have been able to teach so many rookies in such a short period of time.

From this point, we can see the gap in metal manufacturing technology between the Tianyou Federation and the village.

Chen Mu moves very slowly, and sometimes he needs to stop and think. Everyone held their breath and watched Chen Mu's every move attentively, not afraid of making even the slightest sound. In the huge laboratory hall, only the sound of collision and friction between metal parts could be heard.

The card was placed in a metal accessory like a small square box by Chen Mu. Only then did everyone realize that the shallow groove in the metal accessory was originally used to place the card. There was a soft click, and the small metal box was locked completely. Chen Mu lowered his head and picked up the parts he needed from the table one by one.

After a while, everyone realized why they couldn't assemble it successfully, because these parts were not from one weapon at all, but from two or even several weapons. This made Alfonso, who had tried to assemble it many times, feel uncomfortable in his chest.

Chen Mu’s first finished product is finally completed!

Seeing the final product, everyone looked at each other, and some couldn't help but chuckle. This weapon, oh! God, if it can be called a weapon, it is too ugly!

The first impression it gives people is like a strange thing made of two metal plates put together. A flat metal plate of about one meter is placed horizontally. It is about ten centimeters wide, and its tail end is connected to a side of about thirty meters. Centimeter metal cube. The two formed a right angle, and at the inner bend of the right angle, a short metal rod stretched out.

"What, what is this?" Alfonso asked stammering. He did not expect that Chen Mu, whom he admired so much, would actually create such an ugly thing. The impact of this strange-looking thing on him was so strong that he stuttered a bit when he spoke.

"Weapons." Chen Mu glanced at Alfonso strangely, wasn't he asking knowingly? If we don’t make weapons at this time, what other things will we make?

Everyone was collectively speechless.

Chen Mu ignored them and picked up the first weapon he designed himself. This thing is really heavy! But after thinking about the villagers who looked like they were full of brute strength, he gave up the idea of ​​improvement.

There was no place to test weapons in the laboratory, so Chen Mu had to go to the wasteland outside the experiment.

Everyone in the room looked at me and I looked at you, and there was a moment of silence. At this time, following Chen Mu out requires a lot of courage. Alfonso was the first to step out of the laboratory, looking tragic as he died generously. When the others saw this, they could only grit their teeth and follow Alfonso.

That thing is really ugly and embarrassing!

"Oh, what are all of you going to do?" It was the first time that the villagers saw everyone coming out of the laboratory together, and they couldn't help but ask curiously.

Alfonso and others had black lines appearing on their foreheads, and they all remained silent.

Chen Mu didn't notice the strange expressions of Alfonso and others behind him. He came to a big tree. The diameter of this big tree was more than three meters, and its dense crown shed a piece of shade. He walked about fifteen meters away from the big tree and stopped.

Only then did the villagers notice what Chen Mu was holding. Suddenly, everyone's expressions became strange. Soon, the surroundings fell into an indescribably strange silence.

Alfonso and the others were eager to find a hole in the ground and crawl into it. What a shame! What a shame! Alfonso was filled with tears in his heart. He was a powerful man in the village, but he had never lost such a big person.

At this moment, Chen Mu gently pulled the metal rod that stretched short.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The front end of that ugly flat metal box suddenly bloomed with an astonishing light, and dark blue wave blades spewed out crazily from in front of the flat metal plate, looking like a dense chain of dark blue wave blades!

Alfonso and the teenagers stared dumbly at Chen Mu and the dark blue wave blades that could not hide their light even in the daytime! The strange expressions on the villagers' faces instantly turned into panic, and this sudden change made their expressions look even weirder.

Bang bang bang bang!

All the wave blades hit the same position on the tree trunk, and sawdust flew everywhere! The flying sawdust even hit some villagers and practitioners in the face. The tiny sawdust was so powerful that it hit my face painfully. However, no one covered their fragile faces with their hands. They were motionless, like rock carvings, without any movement.

Apart from the snapping sound of the wave blade hitting the tree trunk causing the wood fibers to break, and the sizzling sound of the wave blade cutting through the air, the place was as quiet as death.

Everyone was shocked!


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