
Chapter 165 Blue Moon Gun

The weapons made by Chen Mu shocked the whole village. Everyone knew that Mr. Chen had created a weapon of unprecedented power. If it weren't for the current state of emergency, Chen Mu's laboratory would soon be surrounded by countless villagers. However, as famous as this weapon's terrifying power is its ugliness. Every villager who had seen Chen Mu test the weapon with his own eyes all exaggerated it. To sum it up in one sentence, it was so ugly!

It's really ugly! Alfonso, who had seen its powerful power, could not tolerate such a powerful weapon being so ugly. In a sense, Alfonso is a good comrade with considerable aesthetic taste. He learned the function of each part from Chen Mu in detail, and soon he mastered all the structures of the weapon, except for the small card.

Alfonso could not be a good card maker, but he was a true expert when it came to metal mechanics. He re-optimized the structure of the weapon, which only took two days. There is absolutely no connection between the new weapon and Chen Mu's original item. Since Chen Mu had no interest in naming, Alfonso took over the job. The new weapon is named [Blue Moon Gun].

The body of the Blue Moon Gun is not blue, but pure black. According to Alfonso, he used some kind of alloy, and Chen Mu couldn't remember the long list of names three times. The gun body adopts a frosted process and feels very textured. What Chen Mu appreciates most is that it does not reflect light at night.

The gun body is about one meter long and is completely black. The front end of the gun muzzle is slightly curved and is drawn back like an ancient crossbow arm. And if you look at it from the front, the long and horizontal muzzle looks like a shark slightly smacking its mouth, which is chilling. The main energy box is placed on the back seat of the gun, and can be held very comfortably in the right hand. In addition to the main energy box, Alfonso also improved it and added a second energy box. The second energy box is located slightly toward the front of the gun body, so that the left hand can hold the second energy box very lightly.

Alfonso also adjusted the gun's center of gravity to save more effort.

What Chen Mu admires most about the improved Blue Moon Gun is its weight. Compared with the initial product he made that could only be called a model, the weight of the new Blue Moon Gun is only half of the former.

In Chen Mu's opinion, the Blue Moon Gun was still too bulky. But right now, he has no way to improve it further, because the heaviest part of the Blue Moon Gun is its energy box.

There is a small moonstone vein near the village, which is also the only energy mine here. The main material in the Blue Moon Gun's energy box is moonstone. The energy utilization rate of the Blue Moon Gun is very low. If the situation were not critical, Chen Mu would never make such a weapon that he considered to be too cost-effective. Ka Xiu's utilization of energy is generally above 80%. As for the Blue Moon Gun, it was only 40%.

An important reason for low energy utilization is energy box technology. Compared with energy card technology, its energy utilization rate is much worse.

But at the moment, Chen Mu can only compromise. One-star energy cards contain too little energy to be used in combat. As for the two-star and three-star energy cards, no one else can make them except myself. As a last resort, Chen Mu had to use energy box technology. This energy box technology is still a technology in the village, Chen Mu just uses it.

The damage value of the wave blade fired by the Blue Moon Gun is about two hundred. In his opinion, this result can only be regarded as unsatisfactory. The terrifying rate of fire in the eyes of the villagers was not worth mentioning in Chen Mu's eyes. Any professional card cultivator will release wave blades much faster than this.

The only thing that made Chen Mu feel that the Blue Moon Gun was not useless was that it could be used by ordinary people. If the power is low, use it smaller. If the rate of fire is slow, use it slower. A hero cannot stand in large numbers. If each person has one, it can also form a certain combat effectiveness. Anyway, they are not going to challenge professional card repairers.

In addition to the blue moon gun, the weapons designed by Chen Mu also include small cluster cannons, which are improved from the cluster cannon made by Alfonso. It only requires an adult man to carry it, greatly improving its mobility. Its power output can reach almost 500, and it is a range attack. However, it is also a large energy consumer, and consumes more energy than the Blue Moon Gun.

Alfonso also re-optimized the small cluster gun, reducing its weight by nearly one-third.

Alfonso admired Chen Mu so much that he fell into admiration. Teacher Xiao Chen can design two powerful weapons by just using his hands. They designed two brand new weapons in two or three days. Such speed was unheard of for them. Alfonso is very aware of the difficulties he faces in designing new weapons. In his opinion, Xiao Chen is as calm and relaxed as raising his hand!

Regarding Teacher Xiao Chen's strength, every student in the laboratory will not have the slightest doubt. Teacher Xiao Chen is more powerful than the most powerful card maker in the village so far. His superb skills make them look up to him and fill them with awe! The most incredible thing is that Teacher Xiao Chen is not much older than them. Everyone, including all the villagers, firmly believes that Teacher Xiao Chen has a brilliant future.

It is unrealistic to expect to become a genius like Teacher Xiao Chen. And becoming a student of such a card maker with a glorious future is equally proud and desirable, and is more feasible than the former.

From that day on, many villagers went to the village chief to plead, hoping that their children could study under Teacher Xiao Chen.

There is no doubt about Teacher Xiao Chen’s strength and knowledge. As famous as Mr. Xiao Chen's strength is his ignorance in aesthetics and his poor craftsmanship. The prototype of that powerful and terrifying weapon was so shockingly ugly that it had already become a laughing stock among the villagers.

All the students, including Alfonso, are determined that if Teacher Xiao Chen comes out with any new works next time, they will never take them out of the laboratory without improvements! This had nothing to do with secrecy, which they firmly believed would embarrass them.

"What do you think of this weapon?" the clan leader asked Elder Baff, his tone revealing an unprecedented importance. In front of them, there was a brand new Blue Moon Gun. This simple, smooth, novel and unique weapon attracted everyone's attention. They had heard rumors about this weapon for a long time, but this was the first time they saw the finished product.

Elder Buff is an authority in this field. After playing with it for a while, he quickly mastered how to use the Blue Moon Gun.

Putting down the Blue Moon Gun with some admiration, he said excitedly: "That's great! As long as we can assemble this weapon on a large scale, our combat effectiveness will increase several times!"

"How many of these weapons can we have?" Conrad asked coldly, asking the question that concerned everyone.

"Production is limited." The patriarch rubbed his brows with a headache: "Other parts are easy to handle. Its core accessories, that kind of magical card, can only be made by Mr. Xiao Chen." Due to Chen Mu's age, everyone now calls him , it is customary to add the word "小" in front of it.

Elder Buff couldn't help but admired: "This kind of card technology is really amazing. If only we could learn it!" Everyone couldn't help but nod in unison, even Conrad, a guy like ten thousand years of ice. He couldn't help showing an expression of approval.

"Let's get over the current difficulties first." The patriarch interrupted everyone's thoughts, and the conference room returned to silence. The glue cloud disaster is imminent. Recently, more and more small groups of glue clouds have fallen in the sky, making everyone nervous.

Chen Mu makes cards every day, and now his level of card making is far from what it used to be. Coupled with the [Weak Water] pen set, it is even more powerful. As for the preparation of Kamo, he left it all to those students. Although they are not very old, they are meticulous in their work. Moreover, Chen Mu discovered that as long as he gave instructions, these students would remember every word they said and there was no need for him to worry at all.

What a wonderful boy! Chen Mu sighed with a bit of an old man's mentality.

In this way, Chen Mu's efficiency has greatly increased, and the difficulty of these incomplete three-star cards is much less than that of ordinary three-star wave blade cards. For Chen Mu, it was a very simple matter. He can make forty core cards of the Blue Moon Gun and two core cards of the small cluster cannon in one day. He didn't need to worry about the other parts at all, Alfonso was impeccable in this regard. And in order to increase production, the clan leader added a group of more careful villagers to help.

In twenty days, a total of 800 Blue Moon Guns and 40 small cluster cannons were produced. Every weapon produced will be distributed to the soldiers in the village as soon as possible. They need to adapt to the new weapons as soon as possible.

At this time, it had been almost a month since the abnormality of the glue cloud layer was discovered. The activities of the Jiaoyun layer are becoming more and more frequent, the state is becoming more and more unstable, and the atmosphere in the village is becoming more and more tense.

Just yesterday, a gelatinous cloud about ten meters in diameter suddenly fell from the sky, frightening everyone.

Everyone realizes that danger is getting closer and closer to them. Even Bowen, who was initially dismissive of the so-called glue cloud layer, stopped talking.

The pace of work accelerated immediately, and the clan leader ordered that the first team would set off in five days. Everyone has packed their luggage, and the busiest people at this time are the villagers who are collecting supplies and making the final sprint.

Chen Mu didn't stop. In his free time these days, he was working hard to make three-star energy cards! For Ka Xiu, energy cards are equivalent to their food and ammunition, and he also needs to make final preparations.

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This section is to make up for yesterday. There have been a lot of chores lately and the updates are unstable, so please forgive me! Fang Xiang will try his best to make up for it.

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