
Chapter 172 Sived’s Thoughts

"Uncle Sivid." The kid shouted.

A big man at the front of the group of soldiers saw Lidu Hong, his eyes immediately turned red, his lips trembled, and he said excitedly: "Kid!"

For such a strong man, when he touched the kid's head, his big eyes couldn't help but fall down. The surrounding soldiers were all wiping their eyes, their expressions full of sadness. Sived looked at Liduhong with deep affection. He is a close confidant of the clan leader and has loved Li Duhong very much since he was a child. In Li Duhong's mind, Siwede is like a family member.

Li Duhong, who has been very strong these days, couldn't help but cry: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Elder Kit is also dead, and Brother Colin is also missing." The little guy became more and more sad as he thought about it, sobbing. . Before, everyone had made considerable predictions about the difficulty of this migration, but the reality was more cruel than they expected.

The sadness in the eyes of the soldiers was even stronger. Elder Kit had a transcendent status in the clan, and everyone respected him very much. And Colin is a leader among the younger generation. He may take over Elder Buff's position in the future. These two are important figures in the village.

"Don't be afraid, kid! Sived will protect you!" Sived's voice was choked, but extremely firm. Sived, who gradually regained his composure, raised his eyes and looked around. A look of surprise appeared on his face involuntarily.

"Kids, how did you get here?" Sivid couldn't help but ask. He didn't see a single soldier. Everywhere he looked, there were children. This is impossible! Without the escort of soldiers, it is impossible for this group of children without any protection ability to travel in the jungle for so long without being harmed. The surrounding soldiers soon discovered this, and they all showed expressions of disbelief.

No one understands the dangers and difficulties in the jungle better than them. Even they, those who have survived to this day, have experienced countless dangers.

"Mr. took us." Li Duhong rubbed his eyes with his small hands and said intermittently: "Elder Kit handed us over to Mister before he died. Mister took us with him until we got here."

gentlemen? In the village, the only person who is addressed as sir is Chen Mu. Westward's eyes moved to Chen Mu. He couldn't believe that Chen Mu could actually lead so many children without any ability to protect themselves here. Siweide has no prejudice against Chen Mu. On the contrary, he respects Chen Mu very much. Chen Mu is a very knowledgeable person, which is the consensus of the villagers. If it weren't for the Blue Moon Gun made by Chen Mu, less than half of them would have survived.

Siweide looked rough, but he was quite attentive. He couldn't figure out how Chen Mu led this group of children here even if he tried hard.

Along the way, these people have admired Bowen greatly. Bowen not only has strong personal strength, but also has a thoughtful mind. Unknowingly, he has become the leader of this team.

If what the kid said is true, then Bowen and Chen Mu are not on the same level at all. Chen Mu was able to bring more than two thousand children here, while Bowen could only bring two hundred elite soldiers here. The hardships along the way made Siwede once think that no one except Bowen could lead them to this point alive. However, when he saw this camp, which was still very simple, he realized that there were more powerful people in this world!

Elder Kit's vision is indeed vicious! Sived felt sincere admiration for Elder Kit who had the courage to make such a choice.

Alfonso came over at this time and when he saw Sivid, a smile appeared on his face: "Sivid, it makes me so happy to see you!" Alfonso looks like a different person now than before. The training during this period of time had wiped away all the sourness in his body.

"Alfonso!" Sivid said in surprise. He stepped forward, stretched out his arms, and gave Alfonso a heavy hug: "Man, it's great that you are still alive!" Everyone around him said The soldiers were all smiling. As long as Alfonso is here, they will have a constant supply of weapons, and they can rebuild a village!

Alfonso and Liduhong glanced at Weah not far away, plus Colin who had disappeared, and the deceased Elder Kit. The people in this department were all the most important people in the village in the future. ! Sived, who was familiar with the clan leader's style, immediately judged the clan leader's importance to this tribe. Chen Mu was actually in this tribe. This discovery made Siweide secretly shocked. Is Chen Mu so important to the future of Wanqi's lineage in the patriarch's heart?

No one could have imagined that the seemingly honest and honest Sived would have so many thoughts in his mind in the blink of an eye.

In just a moment, Sived immediately made a trade-off in his mind. So many years of experience tell him that the patriarch can never be wrong! When Sivid was very young, the patriarch took over the most powerful position in the clan from the previous generation of patriarchs. Sived stayed with the patriarch for ten years. During these ten years, he deeply realized how wise the patriarch was.

What's more, the clan leader will definitely think very carefully about such an important decision. He suddenly realized another question, why didn't the clan leader put Bowen and Cheng Ying in Chen Mu's tribe?

Could it be...

Thoughts were spinning in his heart, but Sived's face showed no emotion.

Alfonso patted Sived on the shoulder with emotion, and then said to the other warriors: "Elder Kit has handed us all over to Mr. Kit. Before the patriarch arrives, Mr. Xiao Chen will become our leader, and the little ghost will What objections do you have to becoming our future clan leader?"

Bowen's face suddenly darkened. He didn't expect Alfonso to interfere. The soldiers looked at each other, and they were slightly agitated. No one has any doubt that Xiao Gui will become the future leader of the clan, but Chen Mu will be the leader, which makes it difficult for them to accept it for a while.

These days, they have become accustomed to obeying Bowen's orders. Although they have heard of Chen Mu, they have never seen Chen Mu's ability to coordinate the overall situation, so naturally they cannot be convinced. However, although Alfonso's tone was calm, there was an air of no doubt. What's more, Chen Mu's identity was designated by Elder Kit. Even if someone wanted to object, they would never dare to say this. However, everyone fell silent for a moment, and they all turned their attention to Sivid. Before Bowen, Sivid had always been their leader.

Siwede also felt a little thorny. He knew very well the importance of this issue to the future of the clan! Sivid himself does not have much ambition, otherwise, he would not take the initiative to hand over leadership to Bowen, who is more capable. Suddenly he caught a glimpse of Weah, who had always remained silent, and his expression changed slightly!

A chill suddenly came up in his heart. When Xi Wei saw Weah at first, he didn't pay much attention. And when he saw Weah again, he suddenly understood the patriarch's determination in this matter!

This patriarch, who is known for his wisdom, is not just a good guy. The clan leader's iron-blooded methods at that time made Siweide's memory particularly fresh. The patriarch only moved his hands three times in his life, and these three times, almost all of them were bloody. This seemingly amiable old man used extremely harsh methods against his opponents. It was from his hands that the discipline of the villagers rose to a very high level.

Weah's silence didn't seem to be much different from usual, but Siwede caught the cold light that was deeply hidden in him. Weah, the patriarch's inseparable guard, always carried out the patriarch's orders meticulously. If he objects, will he take action?

Sived swallowed his saliva with difficulty and tried his best to keep his face calm. The strong pressure made him feel like a light on his back! He knew that his choice would directly determine the fate of the camp.

Weah's hands that were naturally hanging down were slightly raised up. This movement made Sivid's heart suddenly tighten.

"Uncle Sivid, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?" Li Duhong asked with concern. He had an innocent look on his face and a sweet voice, but he seemed to be pointing out something: "Elder Kit's decision But even grandpa won’t object. Grandpa also said that sir will lead us on a new path."

Sivid seemed to be awakened all of a sudden. yes! No matter Elder Kit or the clan leader, their wisdom is not comparable to mine, so what qualifications do I have to oppose? Sived suddenly woke up. Could it be that Bowen's performance during this period completely conquered him? He suddenly became vigilant. No matter what, he was part of the clan, and he could not disobey the clan leader and elders' orders. This concept was deeply ingrained.

Sivid suddenly bowed deeply and said in a very respectful tone: "Sivid obeys!"

Those soldiers looked at me and I looked at you, and they bowed at the same time: "Yes!"

Bowen's expression suddenly changed. He didn't expect that he had tried so hard to establish his own prestige and authority among these people these days, but it was so fragile and vulnerable.

Bowen felt like he was about to lose his mind. What would happen if he could kill Chen Mu at lightning speed? Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of Weah staring at him coldly, like a basin of ice water being poured from head to toe, and he suddenly woke up. While in the village, he discovered that Weah had been secretly observing him. Why was this guy staring at him? Bowen suddenly felt a little nervous.

Chen Mu was surprised to find that the problem he was worried about just now was solved in the blink of an eye. Seeing Alfonso looking at him with a smile on his face and Li Duhong's sincere joy, he suddenly felt warm in his heart.

It turns out that they have been supporting me!

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