
Chapter 173 Discovery

Although some people may have doubts, no one will stand up foolishly. The prestige that Bowen had established these days was far from enough to compete with the deep-rooted ideas in the hearts of these warriors.

The arrival of more than two hundred soldiers suddenly increased the strength of the camp. The warriors who have survived to this day are all elites. They are far higher than ordinary warriors in terms of discipline, obedience, and personal combat effectiveness. And these adults are very familiar with how to get food.

Chen Mu found some of their methods very magical. Only then did he realize that each of the supplies he carried contained seeds that could be used to grow food - gray radish. These grayish seeds require energy to activate, and they grow quickly and produce edible fruit in a short time. Gray radish is actually a parasite. They need to live on living plants, such as trees. They predatorily steal the nutrients they need from plants and survive in a very short period of time.

Fortunately, everything is lacking here, except for fresh plants, and towering trees can be seen everywhere. For a time, all the trees around the camp were planted with these light gray seeds. Gray radish looks like glass beads covered with a layer of gray, each one is about the size of a mung bean. It is said to have a rubbery texture and is quite elastic. But it is just said that the seeds of gray radish are packed in sealed bottles, and tools must be used to access them, and they cannot be held directly by hand.

Chen Mu saw the cultivation of gray radish for the first time and was very curious.

The soldiers dug thumb-sized holes in the tree trunks, put gray radish and small pieces of moonstone into them, and poured water on them. On a large tree, about hundreds of gray radish can be planted, and it takes three days for them to mature.

The larger trees around were all planted with gray radish. After asking Siweide, Chen Mu learned that in the village, planting gray radish has always been the task of adult soldiers.

Gray radish is an extremely aggressive creature and is somewhat dangerous, which is why only adult warriors can come into contact with them. Gray radish has not been planted in the village for a long time. Gray radish will cause extremely serious damage to the surrounding environment, but as a wartime material, it has always been stored.

This also led to the fact that no one recognized the bottles of gray dill seeds, and they were not recognized until Siwede and the others arrived.

Three days later, the seeds of these gray radish fruits will produce bright purple fruits. The fruits of gray radish have a very high starch content and are edible. They have no other disadvantages except for the relatively bland taste.

The most urgent problem at hand was solved, and Chen Mu breathed a sigh of relief. Feeding two to three thousand people is a big problem. Only then did he realize that the clan leader and the others had already been prepared. But no one expected that there was not even an ordinary warrior left in Chen Mu's group. Weah is a soldier, but he usually does guard work and has never been involved in growing gray radish.

In addition to the soldiers planting gray radish, others are working hard to mine. Alfonso has discovered that this place contains rich mineral deposits, not only metal mines, but also energy mines! This news boosted everyone's morale. There was an energy mine, which meant that they did not need to go back to the primitive era.

Production has already begun in Alfonso's humble laboratory. Instead of making tools, he made some necessary parts to upgrade his laboratory. Chen Mu did not interfere with Alfonso's progress. He felt that he did not have much say in this aspect.

Soon, there will be a bumper harvest of gray radish! The thick trunk is covered with bunches of bright purple fruits. Each fruit is as big as a walnut, has a smooth skin, and exudes a unique fragrance. There is no danger in the harvest of gray berries, so many children came to participate. It was their first time to see such a strange fruit. The children's cheerful laughter echoed in the forest.

Approaching the small hole dug by the soldiers earlier, Chen Mu found that the root system of the gray radish was extremely developed, and they penetrated deeply into the thick trunk.

"What an amazing thing." Chen Mu couldn't help but murmured in admiration.

Siwede on the side smiled and said: "Yes, the Gray Lobster is indeed a terrifying creature. But fortunately, it requires energy stones to activate. Otherwise, they will be the only ones left in the entire jungle."

Holding a gray radish fruit in his hand, he applied gentle pressure with his fingers, and with a soft popping sound, the gray radish fruit burst open, revealing the white and tender flesh inside.

"It can be eaten raw. It tastes good. It would be nice if it could be sweeter." Siwede motioned for Chen Mu to try it, and then said: "But if you eat it every day, you will soon get tired of it." He revealed a bit. Reminiscence: "When I went out to complete tasks, I would sometimes bring one or two ash seeds. Once, I was trapped in a valley, and this thing saved my life."

"Now it wants to save all of our lives." Chen Mu said.

"Haha!" Sivid laughed: "Yes, this shows that it is a good thing!"

"What about this tree?"

"It's dead! Its nutrients have been emptied out, and there is nothing inside except loose wood fibers. These wood fibers are as loose as thatch and have no use. In a day or two, you will see Until this big tree collapsed." Sived showed a slightly regretful expression. They live in the jungle, and their feelings for plants are different from those of the people in the Tianyou Federation.

The number of gray radish fruits received that day was astonishing. It was not until he saw the mountains of gray radish fruits that Chen Mu understood the power of this creature. Sived also deliberately left a small part of the gray grape berries unharvested, and they will gradually turn into gray grape seeds.

The harvest is indeed gratifying, but because the gray radish seeds require energy to activate, the last planting consumed almost all the energy in their supplies. Fortunately, there are energy mines nearby, otherwise, they would only be able to eat their fill.

Since Chen Mu taught these children gymnastics, they have continued to practice every day. The effect of this set of aerobics is gradually becoming apparent, and the physical fitness of these children has made amazing progress. Weah was a little surprised by this situation, so he could only increase the amount of training for these children. Being able to surprise Weah, Chen Mu felt quite accomplished.

Sived was very surprised that Weah was willing to teach these children skills. In the village, anyone who wanted to learn skills from Weah would be turned away. Although he was surprised, he was overjoyed. Weah's skills are unparalleled in the entire village. If these children can learn skills from him, their future will definitely be more powerful than the current warriors! The Wanqi lineage will definitely be stronger than it is now!

In addition to studying with Weah, Li Duhong also had an additional training component, which was to train his perception. Along with him, there were dozens of children, all of whom were students in Chen Mu's previous laboratory.

Alfonso's laboratory completed three upgrades in a very short period of time. For safety, the laboratory was moved to a cave in the deepest part of the valley, and all the resources of the entire camp were unconditionally supplied to Alfonso's laboratory these days. But the rewards are also huge. The upgraded laboratory has been able to produce many laser tools, which immediately increased the camp's production efficiency by more than ten times.

The camp has entered a period of rapid development. Almost every two or three days, the camp changes its appearance.

Everyone believed that it would not be long before the camp could catch up with the level of the previous village again. Everyone is working enthusiastically, and their hearts are filled with joy that a new life is about to begin.

Suddenly, a soldier rushed towards Chen Mu with an expression that could not hide his excitement.

"Sir! Look, I found this!"

He handed the thing in his hand to Chen Mu, a broken piece of sheet-like object. Several people around him saw this and immediately came over.

Chen Mu took what the soldier handed over and his expression suddenly changed! At the same time, Bowen Chengying's face also changed color at the same time!

"What is this?" Sivid couldn't help but ask. There were obvious traces of artificial production on this item.

"It's a card fragment!" Chen Mu explained, with a serious look on his face as he carefully examined the card fragment.

Card fragments? The surrounding crowd immediately began to buzz with discussion. They had seen the magic of the card before, but the item in front of them was too different from the card used by Chen Mu and the others! There were spots on it, and some places were moldy and rotten.

The more Chen Mu looked at it, the more shocked he became. This card was very old and had begun to corrode, but the texture on it was still vaguely discernible. However, what made him so nervous was that he was surprised to find that he had never seen the pattern on this half-broken card!

If you haven't seen it before, it is a normal thing. But now, Chen Mu is able to make three-star cards very freely, and can even make a few four-star cards. He didn't recognize the structure at all. Generally speaking, it was at least a four-star card, or even a higher-level card.

Four-star cards are not considered low-level cards in the entire card system anyway. What's more, this card is very old. As we all know, the card theory in the past was far from as developed as it is now, and the average card level in ancient times cannot be compared with today. Four-star cards were already very high-end cards in ancient times.

Could it be a relic left by the ancient card cultivators after they entered the jungle?

But the soldier's next words made Chen Mu's expression change again and again!

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