
Chapter 174 What is this?

"It's all over the place."

Everyone around looked at each other, everywhere? If this is really a card, is it everywhere? Is this a garbage dump for discarded cards? Chen Mu shook his head and rejected this ridiculous idea. He has also seen places where discarded cards are recycled, and cards are indeed everywhere in those places. But this is in a jungle, a deserted jungle, where wild beasts are rampant. How can there be a garbage recycling station here? What's more, judging from the era shown by this half-card fragment, there was no card recycling station at that time. Cards in ancient times were far less developed than today. The cards at that time were only used by a very small number of people.

This news is undoubtedly sensational to Chen Mu and others.

Chen Mu immediately said: "You lead the way."

The soldier let out an excited sigh and led Chen Mu and others towards the place where he found them. Even Alfonso set off with everyone after hearing the news.

The group soon arrived at the place the soldier mentioned.

Chen Mu stopped and looked around. There is a very obvious difference between the vegetation in this area and the surrounding areas. There is not a single towering tree that can be seen everywhere along the road. Everywhere you look, there are knee-high weeds. This somewhat makes everyone be careful. In the jungle, any place with obvious features often means unusual danger.

Without Chen Mu's instructions, Siweide waved his hand gently, and the soldiers behind him immediately dispersed to both sides and entered the knee-high grass. Their expressions were full of vigilance. Weah followed Chen Mu with a calm expression, never leaving. Bowen and Cheng Ying activated their energy shields and looked wary.

"It's all down here!" The soldier pushed away the weeds on the ground. Chen Mu could clearly see that there were indeed many similar card fragments on the ground. They were mixed in the soil. If the weeds were not pushed away, there would be no trace of them. Unable to discover.

Picking up one at random, this card was not as well preserved as the one just now, but its fracture was not corroded. These cards are violently destroyed! Chen Mu immediately came to this conclusion. At the same time, Bowen took his eyes away from the card fragment in his hand, with an expression of surprise and confusion on his face. Cheng Ying was no exception. She never thought that she would see so many card fragments in the jungle.

Judging from the age of these cards, they have experienced countless changes over the years. What would this place look like in the distant ancient times?

Looking around, there are no other conspicuous objects except weeds or weeds. But this area with only weeds and no trees was huge, much larger than the largest training grounds Chen Mu had ever seen. Moreover, Chen Mu also discovered something special. This area was very flat, with no ups and downs visible.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "There is something here!"

Chen Mu woke up from his thoughts and saw a soldier standing in the middle of the area, waving his arms and shouting. Everyone's enthusiasm was immediately ignited, and they ran excitedly towards the warrior's place.

A slightly arched small earthen bag was covered with weeds. Following the soldier's fingers, one could clearly see a trace of a metal round edge exposed in the earth. Metal, this is the unique luster of metal! Everyone was excited by this discovery and started clearing away the dirt and weeds. Soon, more and more metal parts were exposed.

When all the soil and weeds were cleared away, the metal device finally revealed its full appearance in front of everyone.

This is a round table-shaped metal device, a thick metal disk with a diameter of three meters, which is supported by an equally thick metal cylinder. The metal cylinder at the bottom has been submerged in the soil. No one knows how long the metal cylinder is that is half submerged in the soil. The entire metal device has a dull metallic luster, which is not conspicuous, but reveals a kind of hardness that can last through the years.

Everyone is attracted to this unique piece of metal. Everything here is so incompatible with its surroundings, the unique terrain, the unique vegetation, the card fragments scattered everywhere in the soil, and this well-made metal device.

"Very good production level." Alfonso commented. Chen Mu couldn't help but look up at Alfonso. It was not easy to get Alfonso to praise him. When it comes to cards, Alfonso is humble and eager to learn, but when it comes to metal production, he can only be described as arrogant. He often dismisses other people's works. Even Chen Mu has been ridiculed by him. However, his skills in metal manufacturing are indeed proportional to his temper. He is the most skilled person Chen Mu has ever seen.

"This is an alloy, it should be cold phase tri-alloy." Alfonso said in a very professional tone, but no one except him understood what he was talking about.

Chen Mu's eyes fell on the surface of the disk. The surface of the disk is engraved with many lines, which are crisscrossed and seemingly chaotic but seem to contain some rules. If such a metal round table appears here, it must have a special purpose. And the engraved lines on it must also have their purpose.

Chen Mu suddenly noticed the edge of the disk, and the pattern structure composed of lines there felt familiar to him. No, it doesn’t just look familiar, it’s a zigzag structure! This discovery made Chen Mu suddenly excited!

The zigzag structure, one of the basic structures of card textures, appears in almost 90% of card textures. This is one of the structures that Chen Mu is most familiar with. When he was making the one-star energy card, it was one of the few things he could study. In fact, his research in this area is indeed somewhat different from others.

This zigzag structure was a variation that he had seen on a one-star energy card that was different from the standard structure. He once collected twelve kinds of one-star energy cards with different structures. In order to reduce the cost that seems negligible today, he did a lot of research on these loop structures. This meandering structure is a relatively efficient structure, and he has learned from this structure. Although what he later came into contact with were much more advanced knowledge and more difficult structures, the card structure he was most familiar with was the most basic zigzag structure, so basic that almost no one has studied it!

Soon, he found several zigzag structures from the line patterns carved on the disk, which further convinced him that this round table-shaped metal device should be an object similar to a jamb. If there is only one zigzag structure, it may be a coincidence, but if there are several at the same time, it must not be a coincidence.

But apart from these zigzag structures, the other lines look extremely messy, without any trace of the graceful smoothness of the card texture pattern. Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, the texture on the card is just a strange pattern composed of lines, but in the eyes of card makers, they can judge at a glance whether the pattern in front of them is the texture of the card, even if they may not I don't recognize these textures. Long-term production experience will allow card makers to develop a unique feeling, just like a sense of language and painting.

Chen Mu feels this way! In this era of rising card production costs, there are not many card makers with rich production experience, but Chen Mu is undoubtedly one of them.

But the line patterns on the metal disk in front of him made Chen Mu confused, because he couldn't tell whether these patterns were card textures. This was the first time he encountered this situation!

Everyone else's eyes are focused on Chen Mu. Who here is most likely to solve the mystery of this disk, and it is undoubtedly Chen Mu.

Chen Mu, who was focused on his expression, was completely unaware of the attention of everyone. The lines on the round table seemed so messy and messy that it was dizzying. Chen Mu is not impatient. He is quite patient. In the process of learning cards, this is one of the few advantages he considers himself.

He simply used a stupid method.

As we all know, all card textures have starting and ending strokes. The so-called starting point is the first point of putting down the pen, and the finishing touch is the last stroke before completion. A skilled card maker can perfectly integrate the starting and ending of a card. This is especially true for the more advanced cards. As for some card makers' exclusive cards, they are even more difficult to distinguish. This protects the cards they produce from being copied.

If the line pattern on this disk is really textured, then there must be a starting and finishing of writing.

Chen Mu is not arrogant enough to think that he can find the beginning and end of the pen from these messy line patterns. Perhaps in the eyes of Cheng Ying and Bowen, the card maker with a contribution of A was already very powerful, but in Chen Mu's own eyes, he was just a half-assed card maker with relatively good luck.

Of course, except for the one-star energy card, he has enough confidence in this aspect.

Chen Mu can't, but he believes someone can


Alfonso's card knowledge was appalling, but his metal skills were unrivaled. These may be textured lines, engraved on the metal plate. If it is carving, then the starting and finishing of the pen will definitely leave different traces. If you can't find it yourself, Alfonso should be able to find it. Chen Mu is now grateful that these lines are engraved on a metal disc. If they were drawn on a card, then he would have nothing to do.

Chen Mu explained his thoughts to Alfonso in detail.

Alfonso pondered for a moment, then nodded: "I'll give it a try."

With everyone watching, Alfonso inserted his fingers into these lines and moved them slowly against the inner walls of the lines. The others, including Chen Mu, all held their breath, widened their eyes, and did not dare to breathe.

In the air, there was only the rustling sound of the wind blowing the grass.


Make up for yesterday's.

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