
Chapter 190 The boss’s fantasy card

call! Suddenly the surroundings darkened, and countless light spots suddenly floated up. These light spots may be large or small, floating and moving.

It was like they were among the stars. Boundless darkness, countless stars, either bright or dark, are scattered in the universe like river sand, or attract each other to form clusters of strange-shaped galaxies, and those mist-like nebulae of various colors are even more dreamlike. .

The rotation of galaxies, the creation and destruction of stars, the spread and gradual demise of nebulae, the scenes before our eyes are extremely mysterious, and they seem to contain certain laws.

"Oh my God! So beautiful!" Some female employees couldn't help but scream.

"Did the boss really do this? This is simply a miracle!" Some employees muttered absently. This statement was almost unanimously agreed by the surrounding colleagues. There is no doubt that this is a masterpiece among the finest. Astronomy has always been full of mystery in people's eyes. They have never seen such realistic and magnificent interstellar images.

When a person is in it, the first thought that comes to his mind is his insignificance, his own insignificance in the starry sky.

If you are not proficient in astronomy, you will never be able to create such realistic interstellar images. This suddenly made the employees who were already in awe feel even more awe-struck. If they were in awe of Chen Mu's power before, this time, it was Chen Mu's knowledge that they were in awe of. And as professionals, they understand that this card is extremely difficult, and absolutely no one in Tianyi can make it.

These stars are not dead objects, but move according to certain rules, and there are more than tens of millions of stars in the image. In addition, the galaxy composed of stars and the changes in nebulae all make this fantasy card difficult to reach. To an outrageous extent.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe that there was such a complicated one-star magic card in this world. Well, maybe Rosenberg or Heiner-Vencent could do it, they thought.

Chen Mu used his strength to establish his authority and completely conquered these low-level card makers with a fantasy card. Chen Mu's image in the minds of these employees suddenly became taller, and his face, which was originally regarded as cold and distant by everyone, seemed to suddenly become unpredictable and profound. Speaking of which, Chen Mu also needs to thank the low-level fantasy card club for these star images. If he hadn't seen it there, Chen Mu wouldn't have been able to do it.

Next, the scene changes to the growth of plants. And that flourishing process from childhood to adulthood is infecting everyone. On the side, the explanation slowly unfolded, but because the sound card did not have a sound card, there was only text. Just as everyone was immersed in this charming world, someone suddenly said: "Are we going to make this card?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone woke up immediately and started making noises.

"Yeah, should we make this card?"

"It's impossible. It's probably impossible for us except the boss to do it."

"I can't do it anyway."

You said something to me, and the scene suddenly became a little chaotic. When Bu Qiangdong saw this situation, he suddenly had a headache. He took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Shut up!"

The surrounding area suddenly became quiet. Bu Qiangdong looked at the crowd slowly with a cold face. Everyone closed their mouths and looked at Bu Qiangdong.

"Who doesn't want to do it? Well, don't you want this job?" Bu Qiangdong's voice sounded quite oppressive, and everyone around him shook his head quickly. Just kidding, where can I find a job with good pay like Tianyi?

Seeing everyone shaking their heads, Bu Qiangdong's expression softened: "To be honest, I also think it's difficult to do it. But the boss's temper, hehe." Bu Qiangdong sneered twice, and some of the people even shrank subconsciously. Shrinking their necks, they remembered that the young new boss didn't seem to have a very good temper.

All of a sudden, everyone was silent.

Bu Qiangdong said calmly: "So, brothers, if you don't want to lose this job, we all have to work hard."

In the office, Weah said to Chen Mu, "It seems that you have a good subordinate."

Chen Mu continued to do the work he was doing without raising his head: "Well, he's not bad. But if you want to make money, you still have to rely on yourself." He was making cards. For a card maker, what makes money? The fastest, of course, is to make cards. And now Chen Mu can make three-star cards, which is already at the level of an intermediate card maker. If we just talk about life, an intermediate card maker can already live a pretty good life.

But coupled with research, the income of mid-level card makers is really quite limited, which is why so many card makers join a certain camp so that they can get a lot of funds, so that they can go on this road. farther.

The biggest reason why Chen Mu likes to study is because of the mysterious card full of mysteries, but if he loses his freedom because of research, this is something he is not willing to accept.

Tianyi's warehouse is full of low-grade materials, but for Chen Mu, this is not a big problem. Although high-level cards sell for more money, they consume more perception, cost more, and the market demand is much smaller. For someone like Chen Mu who once made a living by making one-star energy cards, he would not mind the meager profits. What could be slimmer than the profit on a one-star energy card?

As for what Tianbu Qiangdong and the others were doing, Chen Mu didn't care at all. He is more accustomed to achieving his goals through methods he is familiar with.

Chen Mu and Weah came to the same store as last time, but this time he brought a few cards. Since the materials on hand were very common, Chen Mu couldn't make any excellent cards. He could only make some of the most common cards, such as the Flame Dragon card.

Speaking of the Blazing Dragon Card, this is probably the most sold Samsung energy card on the market. Of course, the most fundamental reason is its low price, 100,000 odi each. Compared with other Samsung cards that cost hundreds of thousands or even millions of odi, this value is really too cheap. And although its power is not excellent, it is passable. It is a very cost-effective Samsung magic card, and it is also an entry-level Samsung magic card that card repairers almost must choose.

However, few masters use this extremely popular card. The reason is also very simple. The energy consumption of the Flame Dragon Card is very high, and its power is limited. In addition, its controllability is not high. For experts, these points are all fatal.

The high energy consumption means that once you get into a protracted battle, you will immediately become very passive. It goes without saying in terms of power, but the controllability is also very demanding for those master card repairmen. In this era of proliferation of long-range card repairs, how to maintain precise strikes is a problem that every card repairer must face.

Therefore, although the Flame Dragon Card has the highest popularity in the card repair world, there has never been a famous card repairer using the Flame Dragon Card.

The Flame Dragon card made by Chen Mu has been improved. He used a chip structure in a key place, which reduced the energy consumption rate of this card by fifteen percent. And most importantly, he changed the internal structure of the energy body released by the card. In other words, this is actually a brand new card. Except that the energy body it releases is very similar to that of the Flame Dragon, the internal structure of the Flame Dragon-shaped energy body formed by the two is completely different.

In the lower right corner of each card, Chen Mu carved a letter "C".

Chen Mu made ten Blazing Dragon Cards in one breath, and the price of each was set at 80,000 Oudi. When the card sales lady saw that the cards Chen Mu was selling were only Blazing Dragon cards, her expression was cold. Chen Mu didn't take it seriously. He put it in the automatic consignment machine and entered the number of his new money card. In this way, once these cards are sold, the merchant's fees will be deducted, and the remaining money will be automatically transferred to his money card. After doing all this, Chen Mu and Weah left.

They still have many things to do, such as buying some daily necessities. Chen Mu believed that he was different from non-human beings like Weah, and that he was within the category of normal people.

However, the only thing that surprised Chen Mu was that Weah seemed to be very interested in the big light screens that played various programs in the business district. When Chen Mu saw this, he simply bought a set of measuring instruments and a fantasy rating card for Weah.

About thirty kilometers away from Luoyou City, there is a leisure town called Dongxing. Dongxing Town does not have a good reputation among the small towns around Luoyou City, but this town has seven or eight hot springs, and it is relatively far away from Luoyou City. Many people will go here for vacation during holidays.

An ancient wooden house in Dongxing Town. There are many houses of this style here. They are often rented by their owners to tourists who want to stay for a period of time.

A girl dressed in purple stood in front of the door of the mansion and knocked on the door. She has lavender hair tied into a small ponytail, a lavender jacket, and a tight black sweater underneath. She is about 1.7 meters tall and has a slender figure, which makes passersby cast their eyes on her from time to time. A pair of huge sunglasses revealed a pointed chin. The most eye-catching thing was the travel bag on her back that was almost as tall as her.

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