
Chapter 191 Xiaoman

The door to the yard was opened, revealing a boy about twelve years old. When he saw the girl in purple, he shouted in surprise: "Sister Xiaoman!" Then he turned around and shouted to the yard: "Mom, Miss Xiaoman is here. !”

The young lady in purple clothes, known as Sister Xiaoman, bent down, pinched the boy's childish face with both hands, pulled it back and forth, and said with a smile: "Ha, Xiao An is still so tender! This skin is really enviable to my sister. !” Xiao An whined, probably knowing that resisting was useless, and helplessly allowed the purple-clothed girl to ravage her.

Not long after, I heard rapid footsteps, and a woman about forty years old, wearing an apron, rushed out of the house. When the woman saw the girl in purple, her voice was full of surprise: "Xiao Man!"

Xiaoman let go of Xiaoan, stood up straight, took off his sunglasses, and looked at the woman with a smile: "Sister Mei!" Her eyes were as clear as gems, her face was delicate, she was about twenty-five or six years old, but between her eyebrows, there was With a mature and sassy temperament.

I don't know what she thought of, but Sister Mei's eyes were slightly red, but she immediately said happily: "Come in, come in. It's just in time for dinner." Then she complained: "You wanted to come, but you didn't know to say hello earlier."

"Well, I just happened to be here for something." Xiaoman said with a smile.

"How long do you plan to stay this time?" Sister Mei asked with concern as she walked inside.

"I guess it will take a while." Xiaoman's expression was a little helpless.

Xiao An on the side suddenly jumped up for joy: "Great! Sister Xiaoman can guide me in the courses I am taking."

"This kid knows Ka Xiu." Sister Mei was obviously dissatisfied with her son being so obsessed with Ka Xiu.

At the dinner table, when she watched Xiao Man sweep away all the food on the plate without any grace, Sister Mei's eyes were filled with pity: "Eat slowly, don't be in a hurry, no one will compete with you, and the kitchen is still open." Yes. How many days have you not eaten? Why are you so hungry? "

"Three days." Xiaoman said vaguely.

"Three days?" Sister Mei was startled and raised her eyebrows: "You mean, you flew for three days?"

Xiao Man wolfed down his food while nodding. Xiao An on the side looked at Xiaoman with admiration, and his eyes almost said: I admire him so much! Being able to fly continuously for three days is not something ordinary card repairmen can do.

Sister Mei immediately put down the chopsticks in her hands and said displeasedly: "How can you not care for your body so much? It's very convenient to take the long-distance shuttle train now. If you continue like this, you will get sick when you get old."

Xiaoman nodded frequently while stuffing food into his mouth desperately. Seeing how embarrassed she was, Sister Mei couldn't help but pick up her chopsticks and pick up food for Xiaoman again and again.

After eating, Xiaoman stroked his half-distended belly and lay half-ly on the floor without any image. Xiao An climbed to the side and asked strangely: "Sister Xiaoman, why did you fly for so long?"

Xiaoman raised his pointed chin with satisfaction and said lazily, "I don't have any money."

Xiao An was puzzled: "Sister Xiaoman, aren't you very powerful? How come you have no money?"

"Impulse is the devil. I accidentally bought this outfit and spent all my money." Xiao Man said nonchalantly, and then added: "Well, I also brought you a gift."

Xiao An immediately became excited: "I knew Sister Xiaoman was the best! What gift?"

"I heard that your perception intensity has reached the lower level of the second level?" Xiao Man asked leisurely.

"That's right, Xiao An has been working very hard." Xiao An puffed up his chest, but he soon discovered to his dismay that his chest was too thin. At the age of twelve, the perceptual intensity can reach the second lower level, which is a pretty good result.

"This is the Flame Dragon card for you." Xiaoman took out a Flame Dragon card from her pocket, which she bought at an ordinary card shop in Luoyou city. She only had 100,000 euros left with her. In order to buy a gift for her nephew, she flew for three days and three nights. Unexpectedly, she randomly entered a card store and found a Flame Dragon card worth 80,000 euros. She bought it immediately. Come down.

Xiao An was overjoyed to receive the Flame Dragon Card. He thought it would take a long time before he could get his own battle card, but he received an unexpected surprise. Overjoyed, Xiao Anzi hugged Xiaoman, kissed her, and said happily: "Ha, I knew that Sister Xiaoman was the best to me!"

"Hey, you know how to eat your sister's tofu at a young age!" Xiaoman hit Xiaoan's head, pretending to be slightly annoyed. Seeing the excited Xiao An, Xiaoman felt warm in his heart, knowing that the hardships he had endured for the past three days were indeed not in vain. However, she still quite arrogantly held Xiao An's collar with one hand, and brought Xiao An in front of her who was about to rush out.

"Where do you want to go to the wild again?" Xiaoman raised his eyebrows: "Your perception strength is only at the second lower level now, so it is a bit reluctant to use the flame card. But after your perception strength rises to the third upper level, you will be able to compare Be calm. Let me tell you, if you bully others outside with the help of the Flame Dragon Card and make your mother angry, be careful I spank you."

Xiao An said with a smile: "Sister Xiaoman, don't scare me, I'm the best behaved." But he immediately shook Xiaoman's arm: "Sister Xiaoman, can you teach me how to use the Flame Dragon Card?"

After thinking about it, Xiaoman nodded: "That's fine, lest something happens to you, a naughty boy, and your mother will punish you by kneeling down again." Then she shouted to the kitchen: "Sister Mei, I'll take Xiaoan out. Let’s play.”

Xiao An's mother's voice came from the kitchen: "Go, pay attention to safety, don't come back too late."

Xiaoman responded while lifting Xiaoan into the air and flying towards a remote place. The population of Dongxing Town is not large to begin with, so there are naturally many remote places. After taking a quick look and seeing that there were no other eyesores, Xiaoman and Xiaoan landed in a wilderness.

"The use of the Flame Dragon Card is the simplest. You only need to use perception to guide the energy to the Flame Dragon Card, and then release it. It's so simple, so I won't talk nonsense." Xiao Man sat down irresponsibly. On the side, he was lying half lazily with a piece of grass in his mouth.

"Oh." Xiao An responded with a vague understanding, and then pressed the activation button of the degree meter. His perception is strong enough that he can activate the speed meter using his perception. Xiao An's young face was full of seriousness, just like a little adult. He closed his eyes and carefully adjusted his perception.

Xiao Man glanced at Xiao An appreciatively. He was twelve years old and was a second-level junior. Although he could not be considered a genius, he could still be considered excellent. Moreover, the dignity shown by Xiao An at this time made Xiao Man appreciate him very much. After just one glance, Xiao Man withdrew her gaze. The Flame Dragon Card was the easiest to operate. She believed that Xiao An would be able to release energy attacks easily.

Chewing the grass stems in her mouth, the unique green taste of grass gradually melted in her mouth.

Thinking of her mission this time, she couldn't help but feel worried. The enemy they need to face this time is stronger than all the enemies they have encountered before. His eyes fell on the measuring instrument on his wrist. The buckle had been severely worn, and there was a clear mark on the right wrist where the measuring instrument was worn.

Time has still left its mark on me, and before I know it, I am no longer young. However, when she thought about the beliefs she insisted on, her spirit couldn't help but become excited. At least, she had a clear goal to strive for.

No matter what, he had to complete this mission, and a trace of determination flashed across his delicate face.

"Sister Xiaoman!" Xiaoan's crying voice interrupted her thoughts. Slightly startled, Xiaoman raised her head and asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

Xiao An looked like he was about to cry without tears: "It still doesn't work. When my sensory control energy reaches the flame dragon card, it is strange. It will suddenly lose control and then disappear without a trace."

"It's impossible." Xiaoman was stunned and said subconsciously, but when she saw Xiao An's deeply shocked look, she immediately changed her mind: "Xiao An, don't be anxious. Let Sister Xiaoman see if the Flame Dragon card is broken. "It stands to reason that it is indeed difficult for people with low-level perception intensity to control the Flame Dragon Card, but completing the simplest attack should not be a problem.

Taking the flame dragon card from Xiao An, she inserted it into her meter. The scene when she was practicing using the Flame Dragon Card suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, very distant and blurry. This card seemed to suddenly touch some memories deep in her heart, and she fell into a very brief trance.

What happened today? He seemed to be sentimental all of a sudden, Xiaoman smiled bitterly, but the movements of his hands were not slow, they were extremely skillful. Xiao An had already swept away the gloom just now, and instead looked at his little sister expectantly. Since he was very young, Miss Xiaoman has been his idol. That was also the first time Sister Xiaoman met him and his mother. That time, he witnessed with his own eyes that Miss Xiaoman was so powerful that he killed five bad guys by himself and saved him and his mother. From then on, he determined to become a card repairman as powerful as Sister Xiaoman.

Sister Xiaoman's attack left a shocking trace in his mind. However, since then, he has never seen Sister Xiaoman take action again.

I can see Sister Xiaoman taking action today! This made his little heart immediately excited.

Xiaoman's strength was naturally not comparable to Xiaoan's. As soon as her perception touched the Flame Dragon Card, she realized something was wrong.

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