
Chapter 195 A bold idea

Pushing open the office door, Bu Qiangdong has been waiting inside for a long time. Seeing Chen Mu come in, he quickly stood up.

"What's the matter?" Chen Mu asked directly without being verbose.

After taking a careful look at the expression on the boss's face, Bu Qiangdong immediately saw that the boss was not in good spirits. Bu Qiangdong is the best at observing faces and knows that he should keep his story short at this time.

"Boss, all the things we have completed have been handed over. According to your instructions, all the works are marked with our Tianyi logo." Bu Qiangdong said very carefully. Although he tried to restrain his words, his expression was still hard to conceal. excited.

He now admired the young new boss with great admiration. In fact, it's not just him. Who in today's Tianyi doesn't respect and fear the boss? If it weren't for the boss's example, they would never be able to make such a masterpiece based on their own strength. Even if they imitate, they have spent countless efforts, and it is precisely because of this that they feel the boss's unfathomable ability more deeply.

Initially, they didn't understand what the boss wanted to do, but it wasn't until Chen Mu asked them to not only put the Tianyi logo on each fantasy card, but also add the Tianyi logo in the corner of the released image, that they suddenly realized it.

Originally, the boss wanted to build the Tianyi brand in this way!

Everyone admired and marveled at the same time. What they admired was the boss's long-term vision, and what amazed them was the boss's strength. Probably only someone with Ruyin's profound skills could have the confidence to adopt such a strategy. Think about those public service billboards. They have been erected for several years. How many advertisements have been invisibly given to Tianyi? And those student textbooks are an excellent selling point. Bu Qiangdong is considering whether to sell teaching materials. He believes that this set of teaching materials must be very marketable.

Chen Mu didn't know that in a short period of time, everyone's views on him had changed drastically.

How does he know any strategy? The reason why he asked Bu Qiangdong to take on charity business was because this kind of business was very easy to handle. He wanted to see the level of these employees as soon as possible. If they were good, he might as well give it a try. If not, he would definitely disband Tianyi. As for the logo issue, he learned it from Lei Zi.

I think back then, how popular Ka Ying was in Dongwei Academy signed by "Mu Lei".

Chen Mu was completely unlucky, so when he saw Bu Qiangdong's hot eyes, he felt slightly puzzled, but he didn't bother to pay attention. After listening to Bu Qiangdong's report, Chen Mu had no reaction.

Well, is this an important thing?

However, Chen Mu did not intend to dampen Bu Qiangdong's enthusiasm, but nodded: "Well, this is well done." Chen Mu has been a leader for a short period of time, and he still knows the most basic knowledge.

Bu Qiangdong's expression became even more excited: "Boss, we have received a few pieces of business just now. Although they are not big, your strategy is really brilliant!" The boss was indeed the boss. Seeing Chen Mu's calm face, he was not surprised. Favorite, Bu Qiangdong simply adores him beyond measure.

This news cheered up Chen Mu, who was quite tired. As long as he had business, he would not be dissatisfied. What’s less profitable than a one-star energy card? He can make a one-star energy card for three full years, so naturally he won't stop doing it because of the lack of money. Besides, these people have to pay for their free time.

"Well, do these businesses well." Chen Mu encouraged Bu Qiangdong.

Chen Mu, who returned to the training room upstairs, did not go to rest. Interrupted by Bu Qiangdong, he seemed to feel that his physical strength had regained some strength.

He sat there, lost in thought, looking at the sink. The water in the water tank is calm and calm. From a distance, it looks like a huge crystal, crystal clear, without any of the turbulent rapids just now. Chen Mu smiled bitterly. Before this, he had always felt that he knew a lot about water, but now he realized that he was still far from it. But if you think about it seriously, it's normal. No matter how realistic the fantasy card is, no matter how brilliant it is, and no matter how real or illusory it is, it is not real after all.

I was just practicing my senses and breaking off water plants in a simple water world, so I naively thought that I was already very familiar with water. In the past few days, he has been feeling very deeply. Moving forward in the water is easy to say, but it contains profound knowledge. Weah once demonstrated to him that this guy was moving at high speed like a cheetah in the water, which made Chen Mu stunned.

The turbulent water seemed to have no impact on Weah, which made Chen Mu envious.

Sitting on the ground and looking at the transparent sink in front of him, Chen Mu was in a daze. In his mind, he was subconsciously thinking about his experiences these days. His biggest feeling was that there was a big difference between the feeling of real water and the water in the simple water world.

Suddenly, an idea popped out of his mind.

What would be the effect if I practiced my perception in real water?

Yes, what will be the results if you exercise your senses in real water? The extreme perception training method he is practicing now uses the water environment to stimulate a rapid increase in perception.

This thought struck Chen Mu's mind like lightning. A strong impulse suddenly arose in his heart, and he wanted to try his idea immediately. But he quickly calmed down and stared at the transparent water tank, his brain running at high speed. The problem involved perception, and he didn't dare to be rash in the slightest.

He soon realized the crux of the problem. If it could be practiced in water, why would the creator of the mysterious card specifically create a simple water world?

But after thinking for a long time, he couldn't find an answer to this question, so he simply changed his perspective: What is the difference between a simple water world and real water?

After comparing it, Chen Mu immediately discovered the problem. The simple water world and the real water are very similar in other aspects. Although there are differences, they are not very different. The only fundamental difference is breathing. In a simple water world, you can breathe freely, but in the real world underwater, you cannot do this.

The more Chen Mu thought about it, the more excited he became. He was quite sure that this must be the most critical point. But he still has many questions in his mind. How did the founder of this exercise method come up with this method? Does he also have a simple water world fantasy card? If not, how did he solve the problem?

In the training room, Chen Mu sat there quietly alone, frowning and thinking hard.

You can't breathe in the water, it's a very deadly place. Perceptual training often takes several hours, or even longer. Without the help of other tools, Chen Mu could only last about ten minutes at the bottom of the water. This was already his limit. Ten minutes is too short for training perception.

However, there are currently no tools that allow people to breathe freely underwater. After all, exercising perception requires full concentration. It is a wonderful state. People will enter a subconscious state and are both sensitive and slow to react to the surroundings. Sensitivity is because the six senses become more sensitive, but slowness is manifested in actions. In that state, people cannot effectively control their bodies at all.

After thinking for a long time, Chen Mu felt that it was necessary to experiment. After thinking for a while, he knocked on the closed door of the quiet room. A few seconds later, Weah opened the door, revealing his rock-like face: "What's the matter?"

"I need your help with something." Chen Mu said.

Weah walked straight out of the quiet room without asking what was going on.

Seeing Weah looking at him, Chen Mu considered it for a moment and said: "I will enter the water tank for a while. You should pay attention to my condition. If you find that there is something wrong with my breathing, fish me out. Well, that's it."

Weah didn't ask why and simply said: "Okay."

With Weah's protection, Chen Mu felt much relieved. This way you don't have to worry about anything happening during practice.

Climbing up to the water tank, Chen Mu glanced at Weah, carried the usual weight on his back, and jumped into the water tank.

After so many days of training in this water tank, Chen Mu was already very familiar with it. As usual, the water just reached his chin. Standing in the water, Chen Mu spent five minutes to stabilize his emotions. At this time, Chen Mu was highly concentrated and all distracting thoughts were dismissed from his mind.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Mu slowly sat into the water.

As soon as he entered the water, the whole world seemed to suddenly go away from him, and the noise in his ears suddenly became much quieter. When he first entered the water, the feeling of water filling his ears and nose made him slightly uncomfortable, but he quickly adapted to it. The water was like a barrier, separating himself from the outside world. Chen Mu felt surprisingly peaceful.

Knowing that his breath could not last for too long, he did not dare to waste it. He immediately gathered his mind and started training according to the familiar routine.

He got into the zone very quickly, thanks to his constant practice no matter what the circumstances, so he was able to eliminate interference so quickly.

Perception rippled like water waves, and the sensory coil spring in the body began to rotate regularly.

A completely different feeling.

The sensing filaments emitted by the sensing coil spring in the body are extremely difficult to control in the water. As long as the water waves ripple a little, those sensing filaments can't help but flutter with the fluctuations of the water flow, completely uncontrollable. Chen Mu never expected that this would be the case. These sensory filaments were usually like obedient children, but in the water, they suddenly became naughty.

Chen Mu had to spend all his energy on controlling the sensory filaments. However, the difficulty was far beyond his imagination. In just a moment, half of the dense sensory filaments disappeared. Due to interference from the undercurrent in the water, these perceptions lost contact with Chen Mu and dissipated in the water.

Chen Mu immediately became confused, focusing on one thing and the other, but he still couldn't stop the thin threads of perception emanating from him from disappearing. The real water situation is much more complicated than that in the simple water world. If there is gentle breeze and drizzle in the simple water world, the real water is like a violent storm.

And Chen Mu was the little sampan swaying in the wind and rain.


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