
Chapter 196 Murderous Intent

The tiny, imperceptible currents stirred endlessly at the bottom of the water. Chen Mu's originally strong perception was as fragile as paper in real water. If he was not careful, it would be torn to pieces by these small rapids. The complexity of the trickle in the water far exceeded Chen Mu's current level of control, putting him in an extremely embarrassing situation.

This is actually hundreds of times more complex than a simple water world. Chen Mu somewhat understood why it was called Simple Water World. Probably the card maker of the mysterious card also knew how far the card he made was from the real water world, so he named it Simple Water World.

But this did not make Chen Mu flinch. On the contrary, he felt a faint excitement. He has been stuck in the slow-growing stage of perception for a long time. The increase in perception is like hair, one by one. Although Chen Mu was not anxious about this, now he suddenly discovered a shortcut that could increase the speed of his perception.

The fundamental point of the extreme training method is the high-intensity pressure brought to him by the simple water world. The constant pressure sharpens his perception, and his perception ability increases so rapidly. As his perception continued to increase, he became more and more accustomed to the simple water world, and the difference between the two became smaller and smaller. Chen Mu felt less and less oppression, and the increase in perception also reached a bottleneck.

And now, he has found this sense of oppression again! This ubiquitous, pervasive, tearing little torrent drove him almost crazy. However, compared to the simple water world, the real water world is much crueler. In the simple water world, the pressure he faced was always just a little stronger than his perception, leaving him in a state that was both bearable and unbearable. But in the real water world, these small and extremely complex rapids tear apart like crazy, regardless of whether you can bear it or not. This sense of oppression is more direct and more violent.

The perception in Chen Mu's body is getting weaker and weaker, and the surrounding situation is getting blurry in his mind. This is a manifestation of the massive consumption of perception. In water, the range of perception is much smaller than in air, and perception, if used, is consumed much faster.

Being mentally high is not enough to cause a person's body to react in the same way. Chen Mu focused all his attention on how to control the few remaining sensory filaments, and did not notice the passage of time. Unknowingly, the oxygen in the blood in the body gradually decreases.

The reduction of oxygen in the blood in the body will cause people to feel dizzy.

Chen Mu didn't pay attention to this detail. He only thought it was the impact of his too fast consumption of perception.

Through the glass, you can clearly see a trace of pain on Chen Mu's face.

Weah had already stood on the high platform next to the sink, ready to fish Chen Mu up at any time.

The surrounding scene became increasingly blurry, and his perception was torn apart by the trickle of water, leaving only a very small amount. Due to the lack of oxygen in his body and the rapid consumption of his senses, Chen Mu's consciousness began to gradually blur. Sounds and sights were all leaving him.

His mind went blank.

Weah, who was on the high platform next to the sink, stared at Chen Mu in the water. Chen Mu had reached his limit, his face was so pale that there was no trace of blood, and water had begun to pour into his mouth. Gudong, gudong, blisters popping up one by one.

At this moment, Weah's eyes suddenly shrank, he turned his head and looked towards the window. A powerful murderous aura spurted out from where Weah was standing. The temperature in the training room seemed to suddenly drop a few degrees, and even the white light seemed to have a chill.

In the water, Chen Mu, who was dazed, suddenly felt a chill envelope him. Aroused by this chill, he suddenly woke up from his unconscious state! Chen Mu, who had just regained some sanity, was immediately shocked by this extremely powerful murderous aura. He had never felt such a cold and powerful murderous aura! He felt like an ant in the winter snow, without any room for resistance. The blood coagulated, the body stiffened, and fear emerged from the deepest part of my heart irresistibly.

At this moment, he subconsciously organized the only sense in his body to resist this extremely powerful murderous intention. And it was also at this moment that he forgot about time and the small rapids in the water. After the overwhelming fear, the desire to survive is as tenacious as the spring after winter. Under the threat and stimulation of death, Chen Mu's mind became calmer and clearer than ever before. Suddenly, the sensations in his body were clearer than ever before, and he knew every detail. And the perception that just now seemed uncontrollable also seemed to be frightened, and suddenly became extremely docile. No matter how Chen Mu controlled it, he had never experienced that feeling of ease.

However, this murderous intent was too powerful. In the face of this murderous intent, Chen Mu's resistance was like an ant turning into a mantis in the ice and snow. The essence of the contest between the two sides remained unchanged. Chen Mu in the water was so cold that his teeth chattered and his body shivered slightly. Chen Mu, who was resisting this murderous aura with all his strength, did not notice that the perception in his body was increasing at an alarming rate.

Outside the window, a black shadow quickly disappeared into the distance like a frightened bird.

Weah did not chase after him, but prepared to bend down and pick up the exhausted Chen Mu. He just bent down and his eyes touched Chen Mu in the water. A ball of light suddenly burst out in his eyes. He stopped what he was doing and stood up.

Xiaoman unceremoniously opened the short-bearded middle-aged man's wine cabinet, took out a bottle of red wine, circled the mouth of the bottle with his right hand, and turned it gently. After whistling, she took off half of the mouth of the wine bottle. She had just inadvertently cut off the entire mouth of the red wine bottle, and the cut surface was as smooth as a mirror.

"Can't you use a more normal method?" The middle-aged man with a short beard was obviously very dissatisfied with Xiaoman's actions. He looked at his bottle of red wine with distress, which was a good wine that he bought at a high price.

Xiaoman said indifferently: "How convenient this is!" She was about to pour the wine when she suddenly raised her head.

The expression on her face seemed to freeze for a moment, suddenly becoming extremely serious, and she looked toward the houses not far away.

"What a strong murderous aura!" This sentence contains seven parts of admiration, two parts of surprise, and one part of awe.

"What's wrong?" The short-bearded middle-aged man didn't notice and looked at Xiaoman strangely. However, his expression became serious. He had full confidence in Xiaoman's strength. In the organization, there are only a handful of card repairmen who are more powerful than Xiaoman. Xiaoman must have discovered something, Ka Xiu's perception is very sensitive.

"There is a very terrifying master there. He just released a very powerful murderous intent. Tsk tsk, I really didn't expect that there is such a master in Luoyou City." Xiaoman looked at the rows of buildings through the glass, still thinking. : "The most important thing is this murderous intent! There is such a bone-chilling murderous intent in this world. I guess that master is also ruthless."

"Is there such a master in Luoyou City? How come I haven't heard of it?" The curiosity on the face of the short-bearded middle-aged man became a little heavier. He knew Xiaoman's temper very well. She always kept her eyes on her head, but this time she actually used words like "horrible" to describe a person. This shocked him a little, and his curiosity naturally increased.

At this moment, Xiaoman suddenly focused his eyes on the dark night sky.

"Interesting!" An elusive smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "It seems that this is the little bug that angered the lion just now. Hey, I'll go meet him." I don't know where she took out a picture. He put the mask on his face, opened the window, and flew away without saying hello.

The short-bearded middle-aged man disappeared without a trace before he could speak. He shook his head regretfully, then took the red wine and poured himself a glass: "What a waste!"

One side flees in a panic, while the other side comes prepared. Naturally, there is a huge difference.

The man in black was covered in black clothes and had a mask on his face. It was a pitch-black mask without any patterns or special features. With his black mask and black clothes, he looked like a ghost in the dark.

Xiaoman was wearing a red and black mask, which gave off a somewhat sad and strange feeling. Looking at the black figure in front of her, her surprise became more and more serious. The black-clothed card repairman in front of her was much more skilled than she expected. A series of difficult tactical moves almost threw her away. Originally, she had a bit of contempt for this "little reptile", but now she has paid more attention to it. Even if the opponent's skill is not as good as hers, the difference is negligible. Moreover, she believed that her actions were hidden and the other party should not notice her. However, from the set of difficult technical moves that the opponent suddenly used just now, it was obvious that the opponent had discovered her.

The opponent is very vigilant and very powerful, not an ordinary character! Thinking about the person who unleashed the murderous aura just now, she felt even more horrified. The strength of the man in black in front of her made him flee hastily in the face of that murderous aura. How long could she hold on?

The more she thought about it, the more shocked she became. When did so many masters appear in Luoyou City?

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