
Chapter 204 Transformation [Small explosion, please vote for me, thank you]

Chen Mu huddled in the dark corner, motionless. Squinting his eyes slightly, he watched the woman carefully. He did not dare to relax at all, and always maintained the vibration frequency of the spiral sensing spring. Only in this way can you ensure that you are not discovered. Chen Mu didn't have any contempt for the other party because he was a woman. In fact, he even felt that he could not be considered a card repairer. Of course, the card repair he mentioned was a professional card repair. He always felt that no matter what level his skills reached, he currently did not have the psychological quality of a professional card repair.

Chen Mu huddled in the corner and watched the other person quietly. It has to be said that the hiding techniques learned from the Devil Girl and taught by Weah are very practical. Even though the distance between the two parties is so close, the other party still hasn't noticed him.

But, what is that little ball?

Chen Mu was a little confused. He didn't understand why the woman showed an ecstatic expression as soon as she took out the ball. The red light on the ball kept flashing. Sixteen meters away, Chen Mu could still clearly see it vibrating.

What exactly is it?

The red light looked familiar to Chen Mu. When he was at the [Lower City] base, Chen Mu often saw similar red lights. Red lights like this usually mean reminders and warnings.

However, the age of the [Lower City] base cannot be determined. Anyway, it is a very ancient thing. The habits at that time have changed to this day. Who knows how much changes will occur? So Chen Mu wasn't sure.

From here we can see the difference in mentality between Chen Mu and professional card repairmen, or in other words, the difference between real combatants. If Weah were here, he would definitely take action without hesitation, and it would definitely be a fatal blow. There is no difference between possible danger and danger in Weah's eyes.

But Chen Mu doesn't know how, at least he doesn't know how to do it now.

Lu Xiaoru gently raised her bangs in front of her forehead, her beautiful eyes moving. The signal ball in his hand is still flashing, indicating that the target has not left, and the target must be hiding somewhere. But, how to find this guy?

The area with a radius of fifty meters may not be large, but it is also not small even if it is small. Moreover, the surrounding environment is complicated, with broken walls everywhere, and piles of cement blocks can be seen everywhere on the ground. The only thing she is worried about now is that if the target is buried and killed by these cement blocks falling from the sky, then her reward will be greatly reduced.

She suddenly frowned, a look of pain flashing across her face. She looked down at her right foot, which seemed to be pricked by something. She bent down to check her right foot. As she did this, the torn red dress she was wearing had already been overwhelmed and suddenly slipped from her left shoulder.

Her skin was like snow, and spring suddenly appeared. She exclaimed, as if she wanted to stop the dress from sliding down. Who would have thought that her action caused the dress strap on her right shoulder to break with a snap, and the entire dress fell straight down with a crash. .

She immediately hurriedly covered her chest with the clothes, but the red dress was already thin and smooth. Her back was completely exposed to the air, and her snow-white round shoulders were also exposed. The most terrible thing was that the hem of her dress hissed and the split almost reached her waist.

In the dark corner, Chen Mu saw it clearly. The young and energetic man only felt a surge of blood and his breath suddenly suffocated.

But he quickly realized that the woman was still covering her chest with her hands, but she could still see the slightest bit of panic in her expression, and her beautiful eyes were looking here with a half-smile.

Fell into a trap!

Chen Mu's heart suddenly sank. Could it be that he was the target of the other party?

Not seeing how the soles of his feet moved, he quickly slid to one side. He ran with all his strength along the shadow of the wall without looking back. This was the first time Chen Mu encountered the other party actually using this method to determine his position.

She didn't expect the target to have such good skills, which was a bit beyond her expectation. Lu Xiaoru took a lot of time to arrange her clothes. She even leisurely tied the broken shoulder strap into a bow. Those beautiful eyes never left Chen Mu, with an expression of interest on his face.

Feeling the gaze behind him, Chen Mu felt that his body seemed a little stiff, but he soon overcame this discomfort. Because the pressure the other party put on him was much less than that of Weah.

Chen Mu, who was running at full speed, was incredibly fast, and he never ran in a straight line. This was a habit he developed after sparring with Weah. He found that if he ran in a straight line, it meant that the battle would be over in one second. Therefore, under the pressure of Weah, Chen Mu's movements became more and more erratic. Sometimes his body's reaction was faster than his brain's, and it almost became his instinct.

Lu Xiaoru's eyes became solemn, and a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes. It was the first time she encountered such a strange opponent. The opponent's figure was always hidden in the shadows, his figure was looming, and his running route was extremely erratic and impossible to predict.

Generally speaking, the best way to deal with this kind of opponent is to use range attacks, but she doesn't have any range attacks.

Moreover, since it was mentioned above that she must live, she suddenly felt that the problem was a bit difficult. The strength shown by her opponent surprised her. Gradually, her face became more and more solemn, and the more she looked at him, the colder her heart became.

She still hasn't seen clearly what the target looks like. His figure is always perfectly hidden in the shadows, and he never leaves the shadows and darkness. This couldn't help but remind her of a type of people, those Kaxiu who walked in the darkness and kept darkness as their companions.

Could it be that the target in front of me is this kind of card repairman? Lu Xiaoru felt her throat was a little dry.

She had heard a long time ago that a very small number of Kaxiu people took this route. Most of these card cultivators are engaged in assassination and intelligence gathering. They are good at using darkness, move quickly, and their grasp of timing is unparalleled. They are one of the most terrifying card cultivators. These card repairmen often receive very cruel training from childhood, so their mentality is completely different from ordinary people. Most of them are bloodthirsty and ruthless.

In the previous era when genres were rampant, there were some very famous similar genres. And with the passing of the genre era and the advent of the academy era, they disappeared for a time. But Lu Xiaoru knew that they were just hiding in the darkness, and their active shadows could often be seen in many sensational events.

Those really wealthy families or large groups will secretly support this kind of card repairmen to perform some special tasks. Today's Kaxiu assassins rarely just survive. There are often shadows of large groups behind them. Some assassins Kaxiu even serve several forces at the same time.

You won't be so unlucky! Lu Xiaoru hesitated.

But she has enough confidence in her own strength. Although Assassins Kaxiu are powerful, they are not without their weaknesses. Their training content is completely different from that of ordinary card cultivators. The most important thing is that they invest much less time in perception than ordinary card cultivators, which results in their perception being often not strong enough. So in the event of a head-on collision, they have no advantage.

What made her hesitate was another factor, the possible background behind the other party.

One side is the high reward, the other side is the possible terrifying background. Should I do it or not?

Seeing that the target was about to leave the range of the signal ball, Lu Xiaoru made up her mind! After finishing the ticket, I took the money and ran away. It was so far away that it was not easy to find me.

After she figured it out, she immediately took off into the air without any hesitation and chased after Chen Mu.

Without looking back, Chen Mu knew that the woman was chasing him. If he was still unsure just now, now he has concluded that this woman's target is him. Although Chen Mu didn't understand why, he no longer thought about this issue.

He only has one idea in his mind now, escape or kill the other party.

Chen Mu didn't take action just now because he was not yet sure that the other party was an enemy. But now, he has determined that the woman behind him is his enemy. Although he cannot be as ruthless as Weah, he will not hold back against his enemies.

[Big Loach] Ka's excellent ability to change direction, coupled with his physical strength, is full of explosive power in short distances.

Once he entered the battle, Chen Mu immediately became very focused, his eyes were resolute and resolute, completely different from before. He quickly shuttled between the broken walls of the house, holding the communication matrix in his left hand. The tail-free shuttle in his right hand had taken shape, and the perception he radiated accurately captured the opponent's figure.

Lu Xiaoru's expression changed in mid-air.

Damn it, I was cheated! This guy's perception is almost the same as mine!

She felt chills in her heart when she thought of an assassin, Ka Xiu, whose perception intensity was almost different from her own. Perception is the weakest aspect of Assassin Ka Xiu, but now the weakest aspect of others is almost the same as his own. Doesn't that mean that the other party's strength has surpassed his own?

As if a basin of ice water was poured down from head to toe, Lu Xiaoru's hot greed was immediately extinguished without a trace.

No matter how much money you have, you still need the life to spend it.

She was about to evacuate when suddenly her face changed and she almost subconsciously released the energy shield.

The bright purple energy shield is like a purple egg of light, floating in the air, which is extremely eye-catching.

Ping! Like the sound of shattering glass, her energy shield was shattered in an instant, and the tailless shuttle shot into her left shoulder.

Alas, the accuracy is still a bit off. In the darkness, Chen Mu looked at Lu Xiaoru flying backwards with some regret, and thought to himself, it seems that there is indeed a difference between training and actual combat.

Lu Xiaoru's heart was filled with panic, and there was no trace of color on her face. She had raised the energy shield just now, but she didn't expect that she couldn't even block the opponent's blow. This blow also completely eliminated all her thoughts. Now she just wants to stay away from this damn place.

The roles changed so quickly that Chen Mu found it incredible. It surprised him that the first battle was so successful.

He did not turn around and leave, but chased after Lu Xiaoru. He wanted to understand why the other party would attack him? Especially that little ball, what does it do? If these issues are not clarified, Chen Mu feels that he will have trouble sleeping and eating. The feeling of being targeted for no reason, honestly, sucks.

Chen Mu walked through the shadows in the corner of the wall, but he never escaped from the shadows. Against the backdrop of the shadows, Chen Mu's figure became increasingly weird and erratic. He was like a ghost whose feet never touched the ground, which was chilling. Chen Mu was completely unaware of this, he was highly focused. This is also a habit developed during sparring with Weah. Once he enters a fighting state, he will be very energetic. Every time when he was sparring with Weah, if he was even slightly distracted, he would be defeated in an instant.

Weah never held back when sparring with him, and always fought quickly. At the beginning of sparring with him, Chen Mu was mostly knocked down within ten seconds. Weah knew the structure of the human body very well. Every time he knocked down Chen Mu, Chen Mu would often feel numb and then fall on his back. It would take five or six minutes for him to return to normal.

In the beginning, an hour of sparring will never take more than a minute of actual fighting. For the remaining fifty-nine minutes, he could only stare at the ceiling and get used to the paralysis.

This was a kind of terrifying pressure, and Weah felt as unfathomable as the sea. Faced with such pressure from time to time, Chen Mu quickly showed good adaptability after experiencing the initial panic and bewilderment when he met other card cultivators.

Without Weah's ubiquitous pressure, Chen Mu felt as if his steps were much lighter. An unprecedented sense of pleasure arose spontaneously. Although the female card cultivator in front was still some distance away from him, Chen Mu was full of confidence at this moment.

His mind was extremely clear, and everything around him seemed to be under his control. This feeling was amazing. [Big Loach] The switching between cards and steps is extremely smooth, without any obstruction. Chen Mu took out the Grimace Flower fruit from his arms with his free hand and stuffed it into his mouth. I feel the grimace flower fruit expand rapidly in my mouth, and feel a cool feeling on my face. Within a few seconds, the grimacing flower had completely covered his face. Among the few things he got from the Devil Woman, only the Grimace Flower Fruit and Elastic Grass were still in his hands, and the other things had been lost.

With a strange and twisted natural mask, combined with the same strange and erratic footsteps, Chen Mu looked like a ghostly soul floating in the dark night, exuding a chilling feeling.

Chen Mu didn't feel the slightest chill, but he was in a strange state and felt peaceful in his heart. Perception, energy, environment, pace, everything is so clear and so easy. This was the first time he felt such a wonderful feeling outside of the state of concentrating his breath. Compared to the state of concentrating his breath, Chen Mu preferred his current state.

The second tailless shuttle quickly formed on his right index finger, and in the next second, he could deliver a fatal blow. He was sure that he wouldn't miss this time. The opponent's vital points were firmly locked by him, just like he felt during shooting training.

However, at this moment, two card cultivators suddenly flew toward Lu Xiaoru. These two card cultivators were extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, they were within Lu Xiaoru's attack range.

This sudden change interrupted Chen Mu's attack rhythm, and he abruptly stopped the urge to launch the tail-free shuttle that had been formed on his handle.

Hiding behind a half-broken wall, he carefully watched the situation ahead. He is not so arrogant that he thinks he can fight one-on-three. He needs to sort out the situation first before making next plans.

Leave or continue? Chen Mu was hesitant. If he left at this time, he could easily leave. However, if the cause is not found out this time, who knows what will happen next time?

At this moment, the three of them were already fighting together.

Chen Mu was a little surprised by Lu Xiaoru's strength. He couldn't tell what kind of card she used, which surprised him. You know, he is no longer the rookie who didn't know anything before. Although he is still far from being a professional card repairer, he has enough say in playing cards.

No one knows cards better than the card maker. He has used only a handful of cards, but although the cards he has studied are not countless, they basically cover most common card types.

However, the cards used by Lu Xiaoru released attacks that he had never seen before. This made him somewhat interested.

Every time Lu Xiaoru made a move, Chen Mu did not see any energy body, but the energy shields of the other two card cultivators would vibrate violently at the same time. This vibration was so intense that it could even interfere with the card cultivators inside the energy shields from launching attacks.

Then, a strange scene appeared. Lu Xiaoru was seen standing there leisurely, while her enemies were trapped in their own energy shield. Chen Mu could even see the pain and confusion on the two Kaxiu's faces in the energy shield. But the blood hole on her snow-white left shoulder was shocking. It was the mark left by Chen Mu's blow just now.

As soon as they met, Lu Xiaoru was sure of her advantage, an overwhelming advantage. Her two opponents were completely powerless to fight back.

Lu Xiaoru must have taken action, Chen Mu was sure of this, because he felt the energy fluctuations. The problem should be with the energy body! Is it an invisible and qualityless energy body? Chen Mu pondered while remaining vigilant. His brain was spinning at high speed, but he still couldn't figure out what kind of card she was using.

What puzzled him was that Lu Xiaoru clearly had an absolute advantage, so why didn't he just kill his opponent? Judging from her behavior just now, this woman is not a soft-hearted person.

Little did he know that the reason Lu Xiaoru didn't kill immediately was all because of his presence.

Chen Mu always kept himself hidden in the shadows, making it difficult to catch with the naked eye. Chen Mu's "pseudo breath concentration method" made it impossible for Lu Xiaoru to accurately judge his position. In addition, the energy fluctuations generated by the tailless shuttle were very small. , and in this area, countless intense energy fluctuations provide it with the best cover.

At least half of Lu Xiaoru's attention was on Chen Mu.

The signal ball in the bag is still vibrating, which shows that the opponent is not far away, but is ambushing around him. Her hands kept moving, but those beautiful eyes kept scanning the surroundings. Every dark shadow made her feel nervous, and the chill in her heart rose uncontrollably.

She was filled with regret, why did she want to provoke such a terrible enemy?

Hao Yi was strictly protected by his companions. Seeing that there was no chance, Xiao Man simply wandered around. Her strength is much higher than that of the card cultivators who came to support her. Her demeanor is calm and she appears to be at ease. She was like a cunning fox, constantly wandering around the outside, waiting for an opportunity to take a bite of the other person every time he wasn't paying attention.

Her flying skills are outstanding and her combat experience is much richer than these card cultivators. Soon, she was able to hold down nearly twenty card cultivators by herself, and she would take action from time to time. Every time she took action, one or two card cultivators would be killed.

She found that these card repairmen were generally very young, like students who had just left school, and were complete novices. In normal times, she would not embarrass these novice card repairmen. However, this time, she was extremely ruthless.

Her eyes were always fixed on Hao Yi, who was almost unconscious. It was this guy! If it hadn't been for him, his companions wouldn't have died, and this battle wouldn't have happened. The companions around her kept dying, but she was unable to stop them. This feeling was really exquisite. In a large-scale melee, the power of an individual is really limited.

In her eyes, Hao is also the culprit of this melee.

She stared at Hao Yi, wanting to kill this hateful guy.

A girl hugged Hao Yi and cried with tears in her eyes: "Hao Yi, wake up quickly, wake up quickly!"

I don't know if it was the result of her hard work, but Hao Yi finally woke up and slowly opened his eyes. After a while, his eyes finally regained some clarity. At this time, he looked extremely horrifying, with blood dripping down from his body, looking like a bloody man. He grinned, as if he wanted to smile, but the severe pain on his face forced him to keep a stiff expression.

Well, this time the appearance was disfigured. At this time, he couldn't help but sigh.

Twisting his neck with difficulty and scanning the entire battlefield, he immediately discovered that they were in danger. One person on the other side actually held back almost all of them.

Hao Yi, who has experienced life and death, seems to have matured a lot all of a sudden.

His throat was extremely dry, and he opened his mouth with difficulty and said: "Senior Brother Lian, organize everyone to use synchronized attacks!"

One of the people in the crowd immediately responded: "Okay! Hey, why didn't I think of that?" Then he raised his voice: "Attention, everyone, attack in synchrony accurately!" Senior Brother Lian was older than them, so he was among the group. Quite prestigious.

The so-called synchronized attack means that everyone attacks at the same time. However, this attack method does not pursue accuracy, but rather the uniformity and frequency of attacks. This tactic is only suitable for group combat. They have all learned it before, but no one thought of using it.

Xiaoman also heard Hao Yi's words, and she understood that her tactics were about to fail. But taking advantage of this moment, she suddenly took action, and then, without looking at the result, she immediately escaped at high speed without any hesitation. Suddenly, a bloody hole appeared in the throats of the two card repairmen on the periphery, and they fell headlong from mid-air.

Seeing the other party's cruelty made Hao Yi feel cold in his heart. The gap between the two sides was really too big.

This gap is not only reflected in personal strength, but also in tactical literacy. Glancing at his companions, Hao Yi smiled bitterly. How could he, including himself, have ever experienced such a scene in his daily life? They are absolute novices. After secretly counting the number of people, twelve of their companions died in just a moment, accounting for almost a quarter of their total number.

And this was only caused by the other party alone, and the bitter smile on Hao Yi's face became even heavier.

Uncle Zheng was having a fierce battle with a card repairman wearing a black trench coat. With his level, it was difficult to tell who was better and who was worse. He sighed secretly in his heart, but he reminded: "Everyone, cheer up. Once someone gets close, use synchronized attacks. Don't worry about energy cards. Everyone, follow the command of Senior Brother Lian."

"Okay!" "No problem!" "Hao Yi, you are really good!"...

The uneven sounds echoed together, but Hao Yi felt no joy at all. He knew very well that the possibility of surviving this time was not high. Their side is the weakest among the three parties. The reason why so many people are still alive is because the other two strong parties have not decided the winner. Once the situation becomes clear, they will be in danger.

Seeing the card cultivators fighting fiercely in the sky, Hao Yi was horrified. The strength of these card cultivators was unexpected.

Everyone attacked without any scruples, and this place became a true battlefield in heaven. The place below them had turned into a pile of ruins. I was afraid that no one knew how many people would die this time, and Hao Yi felt a little chilled.

But he calmed down quickly. The reason why they were so passive this time was because they were not prepared enough. Looking at the entire federation, there are only a handful of people who can compare with them in terms of combat prowess. I believe this battle will definitely attract the attention of the above.

By then, you will know how awesome it is! Hao Yi's eyes were gloomy and his face was distorted.

After Xiaoman left Hao Yi's group of card cultivators, he saw Lu Xiaoru and his two companions.

Lu Xiaoru's skill surprised her, but soon, her eyes were ready to spit fire. Seeing Lu Xiaoru ravaging his companions like a cat and mouse, Xiaoman's face suddenly darkened. It was not surprising that his companion was killed. This was the gap in strength, but the other party's playful insult made Xiaoman feel completely angry.

She did not lose her mind because of her anger. She suppressed her urge to rush over and quietly approached Lu Xiaoru.

Hey, who is this person? Her eyes suddenly fell on the shadow formed by a broken wall, and a vague figure was vaguely visible.

PS: I have been in good condition recently. I have a small explosion. Please vote for me. Thank you.

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