
Chapter 205 Looking up in the dark

At the same time that Xiaoman discovered him, Chen Mu also discovered the other party. He was in surprisingly good condition today, and his perception was much sharper than before.

In the shadows, he raised his head and narrowed his eyes slightly. He recognized Xiaoman. When he was watching the battle just now, he discovered how powerful this female card cultivator was. Her understanding of energy and control of perception are beyond her reach now.

If he didn't know that his perception had increased significantly during this period, he would probably be far inferior to the other party's perception. After a calm comparison, Chen Mu suddenly realized that he was no match for her. Yet, strangely enough, he didn't feel any fear. His current state of mind was completely different from when he met Lu Xiaoru just now, and there was no hint of panic that was typical of a novice.

Now Chen Mu is like a seasoned hunter, calm and without a trace of panic. He hides in the shadows and watches the other party. He probably didn't even know that his squinting action was somewhat similar to Weah's.

The two sides looked at each other for a few seconds. In this ever-changing battlefield, seconds are a long time. However, the air between the two seemed to have solidified, and neither party made any sound.

Suddenly Chen Mu moved. Like an agile civet cat, he suddenly shot out from the shadows. With his feet exerting force, he also used the [Big Loach] card to the extreme. He made several extremely erratic folds in a row. Disappeared among the broken walls.

Xiaoman's face turned a little pale.

She was so shocked that she watched the other person leave calmly without making any reaction. Such a reaction is a fatal and stupid mistake for an experienced professional card repairman. However, she had no intention of thinking about this. Thinking back to the scene just now, she felt a little cold.

In the shadows, when the other person raised his face to look at her, that blurry but eerie face and those slightly narrowed eyes seemed to be burned into her mind suddenly. She also knew that the face should be a mask, but whenever she thought of that image - the slightly raised, blurry and strangely twisted face and eyes in the dark shadow, a chill instantly passed through her bones. The tail vertebrae exploded upward!

The calmness and calmness shown by the other party also left a deep impression on her. Another thing that surprised her was his movements, or rather the way he walked. Xiaoman had never seen such a strange way of walking, it felt like gliding against the ground.

If he had used his body's strength, he would have bounced up and landed, but he didn't. If the air flow card was used, Xiaoman happened to see him using the power of his legs. Moreover, the opponent's movements are erratic and difficult to predict. Xiaoman was a little unsure whether he could complete the lock if the other party moved.

Dangerous guy!

Xiaoman looked at the place where Chen Mu disappeared with lingering fear. I don’t know what this guy is doing here. I hope he is not an enemy, Xiaoman thought a little absentmindedly.

But she quickly regained her composure. Her companions in front still needed to be rescued by herself. This was not the time to think wildly. She composed herself and continued to quietly approach Lu Xiaoru.

A few seconds later, she saw Lu Xiaoru.

Lu Xiaoru's face looked a little ugly, and her left shoulder was bright red. It seemed that she was injured. Xiaoman was a little curious, who hurt her? After just a few glances, she judged that Lu Xiaoru's skill should be at the same level as hers. The only person who could hurt her on this battlefield was herself, and everyone else was fighting fiercely. As for ordinary card cultivators, if they wanted to hurt her, they would have to work together as a group, but in that case, she should be completely injured.

Could it be him? Xiaoman's heart was shocked!

The strange slightly raised mask in the shadow flashed in her mind involuntarily, and she seemed to see a cold light flashing through the eyes under the mask just now!

Thinking about the position where he had just ambushed, where he could see Lu Xiaoru, she felt more and more right.

She was not as fussy as Lu Xiaoru about the assassin Ka Xiu. There is a special thorn department in the organization, and the people in it are all such people. It is said that even their residence is dark and gloomy. Those people walked quietly. When you are in the Sanbu, you don't even know how many Sanbu personnel passed by you during the time you were there.

Everyone who has been to Sashimi never wants to go there again. Although Xiaoman has never been to the Thorns Department, he has heard a lot of rumors in this regard. She once asked Brother Yu Guo for advice on this issue, and then she realized that the path to advancement for assassin card cultivators like this was much more difficult than for ordinary card cultivators. The things they learn are too complicated, which limits their later development. This is why there are only a handful of truly top assassin Ka Xiu.

Brother Yu Guo said that even if she was a stabber, there weren't many Kaxiu who could hurt her.

Because of what Brother Yu Guo said, she had no fear of the assassin Ka Xiu. But when she actually faced a card cultivator with this style, she realized that the powerful sense of oppression they had was something that ordinary card cultivators could not possess.

Does Assassin Ka Xiu give people such a strong sense of oppression?

These thoughts flashed through her mind like lightning. I have had distracting thoughts during the battle. I haven't had this situation for a long time. It seems that the impact brought by the card repairman just now was really strong enough. Xiaoman smiled bitterly in his heart. But at this time, she finally showed the good psychological quality of an outstanding card repairer. She quickly put aside all distracting thoughts and focused all her attention on the battle that was about to begin in front of her.

She did not rush out, but quietly released a tadpole-shaped energy body at an extremely slow speed. Her battle card was called [Tadpole], and it was a three-star battle fantasy card. Once these energy bodies are released, they are like tadpoles entering the water, lively and agile. But since each energy body is very small, the energy fluctuations generated are also very small.

In order to increase the suddenness of the attack, Xiaoman deliberately slowed down the speed of releasing energy bodies. After the energy bodies were released, they did not actively attack the target as usual, but swam around Xiaoman's body.

She spent countless hours on this card. Ever since she was able to use the three-star card, she started using [Tadpole]. But as her strength continues to increase, this card is actually no longer suitable for her. The boss even came to her specifically for this matter, but she still insisted on using [Tadpole].

The power of the [Tadpole] card is not very powerful for her now, but it is due to the long time it is used. She is so familiar with this card that she cannot be more familiar with it. From these energy bodies that are not far away from her, it can be seen how powerful her control over this card is. Moreover, she also realized several new energy structures, which not only greatly increased the power of [Tadpole], but also greatly enhanced its tactical diversity.

Brother Yu Guo said that Ka Xiu actually only needs one card in his life. For any card, if you can delve into its energy structure to the extreme, you can also maximize its power. And all cards, once they reach their extreme, have no difference in power.

The middle-aged man I saw today who used the [Blue Snake Line] card was very powerful. The [Blue Line Snake Line] card is a very common card, but in the hands of that middle-aged man, it is not only amazingly powerful, but also endlessly versatile and breathtaking.

During the entire battle, the moment Ka Xiu released his energy body, the energy fluctuation was the largest. Once the energy body is released, its energy fluctuations will gradually become smaller, making it difficult to detect. Dozens of tadpole-shaped energy bodies gathered around Xiaoman, as if they were firmly attracted by something.

Lu Xiaoru's spirit was tense and she did not dare to relax. Through the belt bag, she could still feel the vibration of the signal ball very clearly.

This shows that the person is still nearby!

where is he? Lu Xiaoru felt like she was going crazy. Where was the assassin Ka Xiu hiding in the shadows? Every shadow and darkness seemed to have an eerie chill to it.

Instead of enduring such suffering here, it would be better to go to the melee in the sky. The melee in the sky was unbearable, but in her eyes, it was better than this place where shadows were everywhere and dangers were hidden everywhere. The invisible yet pervasive pressure made her almost breathless. It was like there were a pair of eyes in the darkness, always staring at her, making her scalp numb.

Suddenly her eyes lit up, why didn't she just fly into the sky?

She couldn't wait to fly to the area where the battle was fiercest in the sky. Although it was dangerous there, she could get rid of the guy hiding in the darkness.

Glancing at the two card repairmen not far away, she revealed a cold smile, "I won't play with you anymore!"

Just when Lu Xiaoru was accurately dealing with the two of them, a sudden change occurred and her expression changed!

This guy finally took action! At the same time, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. That's how people are. When the other party doesn't take action, that's when the pressure is greatest. But once the other party does, the pressure will be greatly reduced. At this time, Lu Xiaoru focused all her attention on the sudden attack behind her, instead putting aside her fear.

Although the opponent's attack was powerful, she had been prepared for it, so she was not embarrassed. And what made her most ecstatic was that she sensed the other person's position. The scariest thing about fighting against Assassin Ka Xiu is that you can't always pinpoint them accurately, or even know where they are hiding. And once their location is determined, they are not even as good as ordinary card repairers.

Her perception is firmly locked on the other party, and she believes that the other party will not be able to escape this time!

But before killing the opponent to satisfy her hatred, the first thing she had to do was dodge this wave of attacks. Her senses filled the surroundings of her body like mist. The small energy bodies rushing towards her were incredibly fast and extremely flexible.

This was the first time she had seen such a small energy body, but she admired in her heart that the other party's methods were indeed extraordinary. Generally speaking, the volume of energy bodies is often proportional to their power. The more energy they contain, the greater their volume. Of course, there are some exceptions, such as wave blade cards. Although the wave blade with stronger penetrating power may not be smaller, it is often thinner.

This is due to its special structure. The wave edge is formed by energy oscillating at the same frequency, so the energy tends to collapse in the middle. The higher the vibration frequency, the thinner it will be, and the more amazing its power will be. Moreover, they are always vibrating at a slight high frequency and can easily cut through extremely hard alloys.

Lu Xiaoru did not despise these energy bodies at all because they were small. The opponent was the assassin Ka Xiu. In this era, there is no room for survival for an assassin Ka Xiu who is not good enough. The other party must have extraordinary means.

Sure enough, these small energy bodies were about three meters away from her, and suddenly they suddenly gathered towards a point in front of her like sharks smelling fishy smell. The sudden change caught her off guard, and she was a little confused. What was the purpose of these energy bodies?

A sense of danger instantly made the hairs on Lu Xiaoru's body stand up.

Almost subconsciously, she subconsciously released the energy shield she had prepared long ago. The assassin Ka Xiu's attack was extremely fierce, and the energy shield had a very limited effect. But if the energy shield hadn't blocked her just now, I'm afraid she would have died!

The opponent's thrust targeted her throat. Being blocked by the energy shield, although it shattered the energy shield, its direction was inevitably affected, and the original fatal blow turned into hitting her shoulder.

Lu Xiaoru had been preparing to release the energy shield just to guard against Chen Mu's sneak attack. However, she never expected that what she was waiting for was not Chen Mu's sneak attack, but Xiaoman's.


A ball of extremely hot flames suddenly rose up and enveloped Lu Xiaoru. The bright red flame was like a monster, showing its ferocious face, and its volume continued to expand and rise at an alarming rate. Even Xiaoman, who launched the attack, released an energy shield to protect himself from being burned by the high-temperature airflow.

This is a tactic created by Xiaoman. The tiny tadpole-shaped energy body has limited power alone. When encountering a slightly more powerful card repairer, it cannot even break through the opponent's energy shield. She came up with this method to control a large number of energy bodies in a very small range, and conduct intensive bombardment between energy bodies. As a result, the energy body will become extremely violent, triggering an incredibly powerful explosion! Another fatal thing about it is that it can create extremely high temperatures, which cannot be measured specifically. A weaker energy shield cannot stop such high temperatures at all.

This is Xiaoman’s [Hedging Rain Explosion]!

Its power even amazed Yu Guo, and because this was a sneak attack, Xiao Man only released twenty or thirty energy bodies. The most she released was nearly seventy energy bodies, and then she suddenly launched [Hedge Rain Explosion]. That explosion turned the training ground specially used for experimental explosions into rubble. And since then, the number of people pursuing Xiaoman has dropped sharply, and she has gone from being a good girl in the eyes of everyone to becoming a famous female tyrannosaurus in the organization.

Although there were only more than twenty small energy bodies this time, the power of the explosion was still astonishing and the momentum was spectacular. Xiaoman's two companions were also affected. They were overturned by the air wave and fell far away.

Chen Mu did not leave, but changed places again. He felt that he had a certain degree of confidence in taking down the female card cultivator in red, so he decided to stay.

This hiding was also very successful. The female card repairman who arrived later did not find him this time. Now that I think about it, I was discovered just because I happened to be in the other party's flight path.

Before he could finish his summary, he saw Xiaoman's [Hedge Rain Explosion]!

He was immediately stunned by such a violent explosion! Compared with the silent explosion caused by the beam of light released by the half-masked man before, this explosion undoubtedly had no visual impact. There were extremely bright crimson flames, a loud roar, and the ground shook violently. Moreover, the shock wave of this explosion not only carried the gravel with the strong airflow, but also had a high temperature! Chen Mu was about thirty meters away from the explosion site. From such a long distance, he could still feel the scorching temperature.

The explosion was indeed terrifying. Even the card repairmen who were fighting fiercely in the sky in the distance noticed the movement here, but none of them came over. No one dared to touch this female tyrannosaurus.

What surprised Chen Mu the most was Xiaoman's abnormal sensory control ability. Chen Mu didn't miss every detail of the battle between the two.

Although these energy bodies are small, it is not difficult to control them, but when their number reaches more than twenty, the difficulty increases exponentially. What's more, she controls not only the running directions of more than twenty energy bodies, but also the high-speed collisions between them, which requires very high precision.

My perception is similar to that of the other person, but in terms of perception control ability, it is far different. The two sides are not at the same level at all. Is this the strength of a real professional card repairer? Chen Mu could no longer maintain his composure and looked amazed.

Xiaoman's tactics made his eyes shine even more. Chen Mu could roughly guess the cards she used, but it was precisely because of this that he praised this unique and creative tactical attack. He also didn't expect that these inconspicuous energy bodies could release such huge power after such a collision.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel ashamed of himself. The tailless shuttle in his hand had not changed much. He was still using it in its original and simplest way. Chen Mu suddenly felt that he was wasting some of his natural resources.

Although he was amazed, Chen Mu still took care to remain hidden. While marveling, he couldn't help but feel regretful. What he felt sorry for was the female Ka Xiu in red, she was in a much worse situation this time.

Chen Mu didn't feel too sad when a life disappeared in front of him. He had been used to this kind of emotion many times. What he needs to consider now is that once this woman dies, there will be no way to know her purpose of attacking him.

Another thing that made him regretful was her card. Her attack method was very strange, something Chen Mu had never seen before. He speculated that the female card cultivator in red must have used a very unique card to achieve such an effect. Originally, he planned to find a way to capture her. In addition to interrogating the other party's purpose, he also wanted to see what kind of card it was.

He was full of curiosity about the card belonging to the female card repairman in red. This had nothing to do with need, and was entirely part of his research hobby.

Just when Chen Mu was secretly feeling sorry for himself, the situation on the court suddenly changed.

A hole suddenly appeared in the middle of the red flame, a hole about ten centimeters in diameter. In this hollow area, there was no trace of flame, and Chen Mu could clearly see a pair of hands, one with a measuring instrument. But whether it was due to high temperature or other reasons, the light seemed to be distorted.

The other side of the hole pointed directly at Xiaoman, who was shrouded in an energy shield. At the same time, Xiaoman's orange energy shield suddenly vibrated violently. Its vibration frequency was extremely high, and the materialized energy shield made a buzzing sound.

Chen Mu cheered up, the female card cultivator in red was not dead! Isn't this formless and insubstantial attack method something that I haven't been able to understand?

Through the orange energy shield, one could see the painful expression of the woman inside. She seemed to be enduring severe pain, but Chen Mu did not see any trace of her injury.

Could it be that she saw some terrible vision? Chen Mu shook his head secretly. The so-called illusion cards are mostly one-star or two-star illusion cards, but they are made too realistic, just like the real environment, and weak-minded people are often confused by the illusion. However, which one of these card repairers is not as determined as iron?

The other type of illusion card is rarer and much more advanced. For example, the mysterious card Chen Mu got was a very advanced illusion card. Once you enter the illusion it creates, all your sense of reality will be cut off. You cannot hear others speaking to you, nor can you hear what is close to you. Most of these illusion cards have been handed down from ancient times, and no one is known to make them now.

This type of fantasy card is very rare, and those used for combat are even more rare.

The most famous among them is the [Star] in the hands of the principal of the Star Academy. It was written by the master Heiner Vancente and is one of the most famous and powerful cards in the entire federation. This is also one of the reasons why Xingyuan can still be ranked among the six majors despite its decline.

However, if it is an illusion card, what about the hole in the flame?

If not an illusion card, what is it?

PS: I have something to do during the day today, so this post is a bit late, everyone has been waiting for a long time! Friends who have monthly tickets, please support us! Thanks!

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