
Chapter 206 Are you also mentioning someone?

Lu Xiaoru slowly walked out of the flames. She looked extremely embarrassed, with burn marks everywhere on her body. Her damaged red evening dress had long been reduced to ashes, but Lu Xiaoru didn't care and walked out of the flames naked.

Her face was distorted, and she looked at the orange energy shield with gritted teeth.

"You bastard, you've made me miserable! Now I'm going to let you taste what life is worse than death!"

Her voice was filled with resentment and triumph. The energy shield around her body also reached its limit. After a soft sound, it dissipated in the air.

Suddenly, a hand reached out from behind and gently grabbed her throat.

"Don't move." The voice was very soft, very flat, with a hint of coldness, and it seemed to sound a little immature that is unique to young people.

Before she could react, she only felt a light touch on her right wrist, and her instrument was taken down by the sneak attacker behind her. From heaven to hell, this feeling is perfect to describe Lu Xiaoru's mood at this time. The opponent's tactics are sophisticated and thoughtful, and he is an extremely difficult character to deal with.

It's him? Lu Xiaoru's heart sank. Could it be that the person behind him was the assassin Ka Xiu, but who was the one who was hit by him? Her eyes fell on the orange energy shield, and her face suddenly faded away.

The orange energy shield is extremely conspicuous in the dark. How could the assassin card repairers use such a thing? Why didn't I think of it just now?

Biting her lip, Lu Xiaoru had no time to feel upset, she was quickly thinking of a way to escape. She was completely naked, and the other person was clinging to her behind her. This action was ambiguous, just like a bold action between lovers.

Lu Xiaoru chuckled, her tight body suddenly became soft, and her smooth back and hips leaned back slightly. She was testing. She has experienced countless men, and she heard clearly just now that the man behind her was a man, and he was also a very young man.

A man would have desires, let alone a young man with strong blood?

Chen Mu frowned, the previous lesson still fresh in his mind. This woman is dishonest! He snorted coldly, clenched his left hand into a fist, and tapped her five centimeters above her tailbone. This technique was learned from Weah. When sparring with Weah, Weah was always able to produce a paralyzing effect. Chen Mu is naturally not as skilled as Weah, but he can still roughly master some basics.

Lu Xiaoru felt a sudden numbness all over her body. The strong paralysis made her lose any ability to move, and she could not even speak or blink.

Her heart continued to sink. It could be seen from the other party's reaction just now that although the other party was young, he had strong restraint. Coupled with careful thinking, he is undoubtedly an extremely difficult opponent. There was nothing she could do now. At the moment, all she could do was cooperate honestly and wait for the opportunity.

The fear in my heart was not as strong as before. No matter which force the other party belongs to, there is no need to kill him. There are many things you can do. A card cultivator with skills like his own is also a resource, not to mention his outstanding appearance. Changing camps is a common occurrence for her. The relationship with Zhongzhou Group is just a cooperative relationship, so there is no loyalty. She doesn't care if she sacrifices her beauty, as long as she can survive.

Although she couldn't twist her neck, her focus was entirely on the young man behind her. Some very small places often reveal some of the other person's habits and inner thoughts. She needs to understand the other person. The more she understands, the greater the possibility of her own survival.

Chen Mu suddenly raised his head, and Ka Xiu inside the orange energy shield seemed to be about to wake up.

His feet moved, and his figure seemed to be gliding on the ice, suddenly appearing in front of Xiaoman. He stretched out his right index finger, and the shuttle on his index finger rotated happily at high speed, but it did not break away from his index finger. Like a dragonfly touching water, his index finger lightly touched the orange energy shield.

The orange energy shield shook violently, and Chen Mu's index finger, wrapped around the tail shuttle, tapped the energy shield rhythmically, with brisk movements and a clear rhythm. With every knock, the shaking of the energy shield intensified.

Ping! After six consecutive knocks, the orange energy shield finally couldn't hold on and shattered into a pile of orange fragments.

At this moment, Xiaoman opened his eyes.

A face full of strange aura, with black wrinkles stacked on top of each other. Even the other person's neck has such black wrinkles. There are some red spots scattered on the folds of the face. These bright red spots are like blood drops. They form strange patterns and make the whole face look even more sinister.

The eyes exposed by the mask were calm, plain, and unruffled.

Then her vision went dark and she lost consciousness.

Chen Mu didn't take a second look at the fallen Xiaoman. This place was full of dangers and it was not advisable to stay too long. Chen Mu also doesn't like killing people, although sometimes he has no choice.

Just when Chen Mu was about to leave with Lu Xiaoru, he suddenly felt a wave of energy coming from behind him.

His feet suddenly exerted force, and his whole body suddenly slid backwards. Then with a little tip of the toe, the direction changed suddenly. After several consecutive twists and turns, he had already approached the awakened card repairer. And these consecutive changes of direction also caused him to turn from facing away from the other party to facing towards the other party.

The whole process was so fast that it was dizzying, and every turn and change of direction was extremely erratic, and the other party could not complete the lock at all.

He touched the frightened eyes of that card repairer and remained unmoved. The distance between the two sides is only a few meters. At such a close distance, perception is not as practical as close combat. The explosive power of the body can be maximized at this distance, which is also Weah's favorite distance.

Although his explosive power is not as exaggerated as Weah, after receiving training from the Devil Woman and Weah, he is also as fast as lightning. Before Ka Xiu could react, Chen Mu's strange face appeared in front of him, almost touching his face. He could even clearly see every scarlet spot on the grimace formed by the Grimace Flower.

A simple strangulation, Chen Mu's arms were as soft as two whips, locking the opponent's throat crosswise. Click, this Kaxiu's mind was drooped and he was breathless. The whole movement was clean and neat, with no trace of sloppiness.

Ka Xiu fell down softly like a pool of mud, his lusterless eyes were still so frightened, but could no longer see any life. The newly formed energy body in his hand lost control and veered in a direction, leaving a crater in the ground.

There was no need to be sure, Chen Mu knew that the other party was dead, but he had no complacency. For one thing, he doesn't like killing people. On the other hand, if it is Weah, it will be done more beautifully, or in other words, more efficiently. He only needed two fingers, and in about half the time it took him, to crush the other person's throat.

With Weah around, it was hard for Chen Mu to feel excited no matter what kind of things he accomplished. If you can't finish it, it means you haven't done enough. If you finish it, it's just a matter of course.

Lu Xiaoru's angle was just enough to see this scene. Her heart was filled with fear, and her eyes looking at Chen Mu were full of fear. It's not like she hasn't seen anyone kill someone before. Tian Tian's killings are more bloody and perverted, but that's not enough to scare her. She could even watch with admiration as Tian Tian used his butterfly wave blades to torture the opponent to death piece by piece.

But this time, she felt intimidated. The other party's behavior was too calm, and his emotions did not fluctuate at all before and after the murder, as if he had done an insignificant thing. She has also killed people, many people. Before and after the murder, people's psychology changes the most. Some people will feel scared, some will feel excited, and some will have a slight resistance, but she has never seen anyone so calm.

She didn't expect that this was related to Chen Mu's experience. He has seen a lot of death since he was a wanderer since he was a child, and since he was hunted down, he has experienced even more life and death situations. Especially in the jungle, people died every day. Later, children kept dying in front of him.

Death, in his eyes, has gradually become a very common thing.

Moreover, Chen Mu didn't realize that when fighting, he always subconsciously imitated Weah, including this calmness and indifference.

On a tall building in the distance, a man was watching. If Chen Mu could see him, he would be surprised to find that he was the man with the unibrow among the three people who attacked them last time.

"It doesn't look like it. Could it be that I had an illusion last time?" He muttered in a daze. He could clearly see Chen Mu's neat blow just now, but he didn't feel the slightest admiration. On the contrary, he seemed to be obviously disappointed.

From his perspective, he could see that Chen Mu was already carrying Lu Xiaoru and preparing to leave. This was about six or seven hundred meters away from Chen Mu, and he had been watching Chen Mu's every move closely.

Chen Mu carried Lu Xiaoru and began to leave the battlefield. Looking down from a high place, Chen Mu looked like a shadow, shuttling between the shadows in the corner at high speed. If he hadn't always been highly focused, it would have been difficult to notice that these shadows gave Chen Mu the best cover.

When it was time for him to leave, he didn't even look up at the melee in the sky.

At this moment, a warning sign suddenly occurred. Just as he was about to react, his neck went numb and he fell straight back.

Seeing the world tilting in his eyes, a rare hint of panic flashed in his pupils. when? When did the other party come? I didn't even notice it at all! He wanted to see what the other person looked like, but his body was as stiff as wood, unable to move at all.

He didn't see what the other person looked like until the end, because he was lifted up and his face was always facing the ground.

Unintentionally paying attention to the battlefield, he didn't think it had anything to do with him, so Chen Mu quietly left with Lu Xiaoru in hand. Lu Xiaoru was knocked unconscious by him, and then put on the clothes she took off from the body of the killed Kaxiu.

However, before he could get very far, Weah appeared. To his surprise, Weah was also holding someone in his hand.

"Where did you find this guy?" Chen Mu couldn't help asking after recognizing the unibrowed man on Weah's hand.

If the guess is correct, he should be from the Raven family and should belong to Moser. Could it be that the Raven family also got involved in this war? What surprised him the most was that Weah would bring him back. With Weah's character, he rarely cares about anyone so much. Or he prefers to directly kill the opponent to solve the problem, rather than knocking the opponent unconscious and bringing him back.

Weah said without any nonsense, "Follow me." After saying that, he led the way.

This place is still within the scope of the battlefield, and both of them are carrying people in their hands. It would be bad if they were discovered and fell into a melee. Chen Mu immediately followed Weah closely.

If Chen Mu's progress was erratic and strange, Weah's progress gave people a sense of fierceness, full of explosive power, like a cheetah. The amplitude of each step he took was not large, but each step was like power exploding under his feet, and his whole body was like a discharged cannonball, which was extremely impactful.

Chen Mu had to do his best to keep up with Weah. Probably only a pervert like Weah could reach this point purely by relying on physical strength. Although [Big Loach] is not known for its speed, it is still stuck in the airflow, and Chen Mu also knows that Weah did not try his best.

Weah carried a person and climbed up to the twenty-second floor with his bare hands without using any tools. Chen Mu, who was following him, found it quite difficult even if he had an airflow jam.

"Here." Weah cherished his words like gold and threw the unibrow on the ground casually, as if he was throwing an object instead of a person.

Compared to Weah's brutality, Chen Mu is much more civilized and knows that the items in his hands are fragile and need to be handled with care.

After looking around, Chen Mu asked curiously: "How did you find this place?" Here, the entire battlefield can be seen very clearly, but it is still relatively safe. And one-way glass prevents the outside from seeing inside. Unless luck is really bad, such as when the beam of light fired by the masked man hit this room at the beginning, the damage caused by ordinary energy attacks is very limited.

Moreover, there are many things used for observation in this room, such as far-sighted devices. A hyperopia is an instrument that uses a special card that can observe very far away places. And because its fluctuations are so small, it's extremely difficult to detect.

It's just that the price of this thing is very expensive, and it's not easy to get it. There is an army, but the control of military products has always been strict. It is not an easy thing for ordinary people to get.

Chen Mu turned on the telescope with great interest. This was the first real thing he saw. The hyperopia device is very small and looks no different from ordinary glasses, but after wearing it, you will find that you can see distant objects very clearly. Soon, he fell in love with this thing, it was so convenient.

Wearing a telescope and looking towards the battlefield, he was immediately attracted by this sight.

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