
Chapter 213 Card [Shu Yin]

Bu Qiangdong was overjoyed when he heard this. He admired Chen Mu's strength so much that he never believed there was anything his boss couldn't do. He is just afraid that the boss is unwilling to do it, so there is nothing he can do. He knew how important this opportunity was to Tianyi. As long as he could succeed this time, Tianyi's reputation would reach an unprecedented height.

Don't mention Luoyou City by then, I'm afraid it will also have a small reputation in the entire Mingzheng District. It is not easy for a Huanka advertising company to achieve this step. Even Shunfeng, the largest Huanka advertising company in Luoyou City, cannot reach this level.

Chen Mu, who turned off the instrument, turned around and asked Lu Xiaoru: "Tell me about the Zhongzhou Group."

Lu Xiaoru thought for a while and then said: "Zhongzhou Group was founded by the current president Ren Wenzhou when he was twenty years old. It is now the strongest group in Luoyou City. Ren Wenzhou has a strong local background. His father Ren Wensheng has been working locally for decades. Director of Security, very prestigious. I don’t know much about Zhongzhou Group, but I know that they are very strong. They have many laboratories. Over the years, Ren Wenzhou has invested quite a lot in the laboratories. They seem to be What important experiment to conduct.”

Chen Mu suddenly became interested: "Oh, how did you know?"

"Actually, Zhongzhou Group has been producing results over the years, but until now, it has not yet formed a relatively successful product. Some time ago, I met that old pervert Farley, who was the chief card maker of the group. He was very Excited, he told me that he had made a major breakthrough, and soon, the Zhongzhou Group would rule the world. I didn’t quite believe it at the time, as old man Farley always spoke with a heavy weight. Besides, where is the foundation of the group, how could Zhongzhou be the leader in this world? "

Lu Xiaoru said slowly while recalling.

"and after?"

"I haven't met old pervert Farley since then, but I have met Boss Qian a few times. Oh, Boss Qian is Qian Mingyi. He is the CEO's right-hand man and has been with the CEO for decades. We usually We are all dealing with Boss Qian, so we are familiar with him. Boss Qian is in a bad mood right now, and I feel he is under a lot of pressure. There are a lot of rumors in the group during this time, and everyone is agitated."

Chen Mu immediately showed attention: "What rumors?"

No matter how you look at it, Chen Mu doesn't look like a gossip. Lu Xiaoru glanced at Chen Mu in surprise, but continued: "It seems that a large group is preparing to acquire Zhongzhou, and it is said that the other party is one of the few in the Federation. power, so people in the group are panicked. But because it has little to do with us, I don’t care about this issue."

Chen Mu nodded in understanding, indeed he had nothing to do with Lu Xiaoru and the others. No force would not win over a card cultivator of Lu Xiaoru's level.

Lu Xiaoru then spread her hands: "Then we received an order, and the group sent each of us a signal ball, saying that the signal's transmitting place was in the northwest district of Luoyou City. Our mission is to find the signal's transmitter, and All his related equipment." She glanced at Chen Mu carefully and said timidly: "Boss Qian said that people can be injured, but they have to breathe and don't pull down one thing."

Chen Mu was silent, the expression on his face unchanged. However, in my heart, anger is like a gradually forming storm. Although Qian Mingyi's request was not too unexpected, he still felt angry. Maybe he is just an ordinary person, but he doesn't think that his destiny and life can be manipulated at will by others.

He didn't feel it yet, but unconsciously, he was already quite different from before.

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the rising anger in his heart and regained his composure. The current Zhongzhou Group is far from what I can fight against, but...

Chen Mu clenched his fists subconsciously, and his eyes suddenly became dark.

Chen Mu's gaze startled Lu Xiaoru, and she regretted the sentence she added later. Provoking the other person's anger will not do you any good.

To her surprise, Chen Mu did not get angry at her, but waved his hand very coldly and calmly: "Okay, I'm going to work." Lu Xiaoru felt a chill in her heart when she touched Chen Mu's deep and calm gaze. The young man in front of him looks only about seventeen or eighteen years old, but he has already controlled his emotions to such an extent that there is no trace of the restlessness unique to young people in his body. He is experienced and mature, and his future achievements will probably be limitless. Thinking about the other person's young age and the intensity of perception being at the same level as hers, she became more and more certain of this conjecture in her heart.

Chen Mu didn't have as many thoughts as Lu Xiaoru had guessed. His life since childhood has taught him what reality is, and he knows very well that what he encounters now is only a part of reality. And he also knows that there is actually another side to this reality, but if you want to push reality from one side to the other, you need strength.

Chen Mu's so-called job is to study [Shu Yin] cards. This unique card not only opened his eyes to his eyes, but also taught him a lot.

Watching Chen Mu study his cards, Lu Xiaoru was helpless. Ordinary card repairmen will practice some fist and kick fighting, but no one will take this seriously, and the same goes for Lu Xiaoru. So once Kaxiu doesn't have a measuring instrument, he is no different from ordinary people. Lu Xiaoru didn't expect her little fists and kicks to gain anything in front of these two people, especially when she saw Weah easily and casually split the teak chair into heavy teak strips with one hand, she gave up the idea. .

She was also curious about what tricks Chen Mu could use to study her card. After she got the [Shu Yin] card, she has been thinking hard about it, but her gains are quite limited. What she knows now is only a few basic methods.

[Shu Yin] Although it is not the most unusual card Chen Mu has ever seen, it is still very unique. This card is probably quite old, and you can feel it from the touch. It must have had more than one owner. [Shu Yin] is a three-star card. The main body of the card is tanned from the skin of thorn branches and has a slightly rough feel. Mineral thorn is a very common gray shrub. They can be found everywhere, and the mineral veins are especially dense. There are often patches of mineral thorns growing there, which is why they are named. In the past, they were a very important indicator for prospectors to determine whether there were veins underground.

Of course, now that prospecting methods are more advanced, few people pay attention to it anymore.

When Chen Mu judged that the main body of the [Shu Yin] card was tanned on the surface of mineral thorns, he was quite surprised. What surprised him was not that the mineral thorn was a very common plant, but that the mineral thorn had a very special characteristic. Although there is an introduction to mineral thorns in the "Material Illustrated Book", in fact, few people use mineral thorns to make cards. Because mineral spines often grow on mineral veins, and mineral spines growing on different mineral veins have different nuances, this is the fundamental reason why card makers rarely use them.

Although these differences are subtle, their existence indicates that there are too many uncertainties in the field of card making that pays attention to precision. Because of this, Chen Mu was surprised by its material. As for the textured card ink, he had no way to guess what exactly they contained.

Chen Mu has no intention of trying to imitate [Shu Yin]. It is very difficult to imitate such a strange card. The most difficult part is the identification of the components of the stuck ink. Although there are now instruments that can perform component analysis, these analyzes will cause a certain degree of damage to the card itself. You know, the most delicate thing about a card is the texture on its surface. If there is any damage to the texture, the card will most likely be destroyed. And even if you know its ingredients, the specific proportions are even more troublesome.

Generally, when a card maker encounters a novel card, the first thing they do is analyze its principle, then analyze its texture, then analyze the material, speculate on its possible combinations, and finally experiment. But once you encounter a truly advanced card, this method is simply not feasible. For example, the [Star] in the hands of the Principal of the Star Academy is by Heiner Vincent. Why is there no imitation? On the one hand, its principle is difficult and mysterious, and on the other hand, its material is rare. Not to mention experiments, Heiner-Vencent is still alive and wants to make the second [Stars], but he is also faced with the problem of not being able to do it. The situation of getting off the pot.

The principle of [Shu Yin] was not difficult for Chen Mu. With the help of the theory, he quickly found the pattern among the chaotic threads. The card maker who made the [Beaming Sound] card had a very strange idea. To generate power from the sound wave, it would take too much energy. On the one hand, it was not powerful enough, and on the other hand, it could attack without distinguishing between friend and foe. But this card maker came up with the idea of ​​compressing sound waves.

His idea is very strange. Two reeds composed of energy can vibrate at high frequency by gently touching them with perception, thus producing strong sound waves. The sound produced will then enter an energy channel. This energy pipe is composed of two layers of energy pipe walls. There is a vacuum between the pipe walls, which can effectively prevent sound waves from spreading in other directions.

The sound wave is compressed and strengthened in the energy pipe, and its power is immediately increased several times, which greatly reduces the loss of energy and increases the power of the sound wave. What surprised Chen Mu the most was that the energy pipe formed by the [Shu Yin] card was only twenty centimeters long. However, its flight speed is exactly the same as the speed of the sound wave. On the way to the enemy, the sound wave continuously collides and compresses within the tube wall. This also prevents the sound wave from becoming divergent and reducing its power before it attacks the enemy.

What a great idea!

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