
Chapter 214 Fantasy Card Advertisement (Part 1)

And this is only the most basic attack method. Chen Mu was like a very hungry wolf. When he saw the delicious food, his eyes glowed with heat, which was very different from his usual calm demeanor. Lu Xiaoru who was watching next to him was in a panic, thinking that his card was out. what is the problem.

[Suyin] is a very powerful card, but its attack form is relatively simple, which is determined by its principle. Chen Mu guessed that there were two keys to the [Beaming Sound] card. One was to use perception to toggle the two energy reeds. This seemingly simple toggle should contain many changes. Another key should be the shape, size, thickness, etc. of the energy reed.

However, Chen Mu was a complete layman when it came to music and the like. Even if he knew the key, he would not be able to interpret the changes.

However, he also has his own methods. Summoning all the senses in his body, Chen Mu fiercely flicked the two energy reeds. The two energy reeds seemed to be pulled apart by two big hands to an exaggerated extent, and then suddenly let go.


The chair in front of him exploded violently, the table behind the chair exploded violently, and sawdust flew across the living room! The wall behind the table was shattered with rubble, and a hole as big as a fist was blown out. The hole was surrounded by spiderweb-like cracks. Through the hole in the wall, you can see that a hole was blown out of the closet behind the wall. The velvet quilt on the big bed behind the closet suddenly exploded, and soft down was flying freely in the room.

Lu Xiaoru was stunned.

[Shu Yin] It has been in her hands for many years. No one knows the power of this card better than her. In her opinion, this card can only be used to win by surprise, and its power itself is not insignificant. Once the enemy is on guard or has seen this card, she will have to rely on other means to win.

But it is very different, and few people can fail to understand it for the first time.

In his own hands, [Shu Yin] has never exerted such great power. How did he do it? The look she looked at Chen Mu suddenly became extremely hot.

Weah only glanced at it and then looked away, not knowing what he was thinking.

Chen Mu shook his head secretly, his perception was still not strong enough after all. Just now, he mobilized all his senses to move the two energy reeds, but he still did not touch the limits of these two energy reeds. In other words, this is far from the greatest power of [Shu Yin]. His approach did not have much technical content. No one would mobilize all the senses in the body so unreservedly to launch an attack in a battle.

But this was enough to make Lu Xiaoru excited. From the time she got this card until now, she knew very little about it. She was not like Chen Mu who could deduce the principles of the cards. She can only keep making various attempts, but so far, her gains have been pitiful.

Turning off the meter, Chen Mu took out [Shu Yin]. This card was not suitable for him. If you want to specialize in it, it means you must first learn the rhythm and find the rules of vocalization. [Beaming Sound] falls into the hands of a card repairer who is proficient in music, and the power it can exert must be astonishing. But among the Kaxiu people, how many people are proficient in music? This also destined it to become an out-of-the-way card.

He had no intention of relearning a piece of knowledge just because of a card. His current time is extremely tight, where can he find time to learn a subject from scratch?

Lu Xiaoru looked at Chen Mu longingly, she was like a docile and well-behaved cat.

Chen Mu saw Lu Xiaoru's longing eyes, thought for a moment, and said to her, "Come here."

Lu Xiaoru was overjoyed and quickly moved to Chen Mu's side. However, she did not sit casually on the carpet like Chen Mu and Weah. Instead, she sat half-kneeling, with her hands folded on her thighs and her upper body straight.

The curve formed by the straight back and the buttocks sitting on the bent calves is thrilling.

"There are two key points about this card..."

Lu Xiaoru sat upright like a student, and she listened with great concentration. Chen Mu was willing to tell her the secret of [Shu Yin], which was beyond her expectation. Not to mention the positions of both parties, even close friends, no one would tell the other party so frankly as Chen Mu did. For Ka Xiu, his understanding of his own cards is the foundation and foundation of his strength. If you don't understand his cards, it's impossible to unleash their power. Not to mention the energy body released by the card can be optimized and adjusted.

She was used to seeing all kinds of people and sophistication, and knew how rare such an opportunity was. She listened very carefully, fearing that she would miss a detail.

After Chen Mu finished speaking, he saw Lu Xiaoru lowering her head and thinking, so he didn't bother her and walked aside. Although [Suyin] is not suitable for him, it still has a lot of inspiration for him. Before, he had never thought that sound waves could also be used as a weapon. This time he gained a lot and opened his eyes.

At this time, Bu Qiangdong called Chen Mu again.

The terms have been finalized, seven million. But the conditions are also very harsh. It must be completed within two days. The seven million includes twenty sets of finished products. For each additional set, an additional five hundred thousand will be given. There are no other requirements for the advertisement, except that it must have a sense of impact, a very strong sense of impact.

When Chen Mu received the details of the advertisement, he suddenly felt a little dumbfounded. What the other party wants to advertise is actually cards and instruments that can communicate in the jungle. Speaking of which, when Zhongzhou aimed at himself, didn't he just want to get the communication matrix and [Thousand Miles] card in his hand?

But he quickly regained his composure. He was now short of money, or should be said to be extremely short of money! Seven million is very important to him now, so he accepted this business without hesitation, even though the other party was Zhongzhou Group.

Apart from these, the other party has no other rigid conditions. In other words, they only want to see the final effect of the magic card advertisement, and they don't mind what kind of creativity is used in this magic card advertisement.

It’s just that two days are tight enough!

In these two days, Chen Mu was actually given only one day. Another day, they also needed to prepare a special sound card, and time was extremely short.

Chen Mu and the others immediately returned to Tianyi Building, where Bu Qiangdong was already waiting for them.

When they arrived, Bu Qiangdong looked up at the building in despair, muttering: "How could this happen... How could this happen..." This place brought him hope for the future, and he finally developed a sense of belonging here. , who would have thought that in the blink of an eye the building would be completely unrecognizable, with half of the upper floors cut off. He could clearly see the broken wall exposed in the air, which made him extremely heartbroken.

Now he felt scared because his boss usually lived up there...

It’s a miracle that the boss is still alive now!

When Bu Qiangdong saw Chen Mu, a stone fell to the ground in his heart, as if he had suddenly found his backbone: "Boss, it's great that you are okay!" His tone was sincere, and you could tell that he was sincerely happy. . Chen Mu was quite moved and nodded.

Bu Qiangdong's eyes immediately fell on Lu Xiaoru next to Chen Mu. Lu Xiaoru's appearance had changed at this time. She just raised her eyebrows again and used some tricks to make her look like a completely different person. What was most incredible to Chen Mu was that her temperament had also changed completely. At this time, Lu Xiaoru was wearing a pair of slender glasses, a white shirt with a classic flower knot on the chest on her upper body, and a pair of narrow trousers on her lower body, which made her legs look even longer and straight.

This is not the charming, sexy and enchanting Lu Xiaoru that Chen Mu has seen. She is completely another intellectual professional woman. She followed Chen Mu, looking like a secretary. Even a veteran in the workplace like Bu Qiangdong was deceived by Lu Xiaoru. He thought that the boss had hired a secretary at some point, and secretly praised the boss in his heart for being really discerning.

However, he knew his duty as a subordinate, so he kept his eyes straight and didn't ask any questions. But seeing this beautiful secretary getting very close to her boss, she couldn't help but secretly speculate on the relationship between the two.

Lu Xiaoru was experienced in this area, and she suddenly understood. Her face was still cold and solemn, but her feet moved a little closer to Chen Mu without leaving any trace.

Chen Mu did not introduce Lu Xiaoru to Bu Qiangdong because he felt it was unnecessary. A group of people entered the Tianyi Building. As soon as Bu Qiangdong entered the door, he ran to the magic card advertisements in the exhibition hall with excitement on his face: "Oh my God! Great, these things are all here!"

Seeing Bu Qiangdong's excitement, Chen Mu couldn't understand. Is there anything here worthy of such excitement? Those fantasy card advertisements were just the most ordinary cards, nothing too outstanding. He didn't understand why Bu Qiangdong cared so much about these gadgets.

Weah's face was expressionless, and Lu Xiaoru wouldn't speak until she understood the situation. She consciously followed Chen Mu, writing a secretary's letter.

"Call them all."

Chen Mu left these words and went to the underground warehouse of Tianyi Building.

There are many raw materials stored in Tianyi's warehouse, all of which are the most basic raw materials such as sparkling stones. These raw materials are not valuable, but they are consumed very quickly, and it is too troublesome to keep buying them. Therefore, companies generally accumulate some inventory when the site allows.

Chen Mu picked it up in the warehouse on his own. On the other hand, Bu Qiangdong was desperately trying to contact other employees. Chen Mu alone could not complete twenty sets of fantasy card advertisements.

Making one-star and two-star fantasy cards is a very simple and familiar thing for Chen Mu. Back then, he and Lei Zi were making video clips, and he had to make them over and over again every day, so naturally he was very familiar with them.

But even when he was making one-star and two-star fantasy cards, Chen Mu was extremely focused and did not become casual at all because of their low level. This was a habit left over from when he was making one-star energy cards. For him at that time, any mistake meant a loss of money.

Watching the color of the ink in the container change attentively, Chen Mu carefully and accurately put in the various required materials. Bu Qiangdong was very excited to see his boss doing it himself. He was originally a card maker, and he admired Chen Mu's skills so much that he wished he could record his boss's every step.

His movements are skillful and calm, precise and meticulous. Every move of the boss is like the most standard model. Even he, a veteran card maker, can't help but feel amazed.

He couldn't help but feel very emotional. The boss doesn’t know who trained him, but his basic skills are surprisingly solid. No one in Tianyi except the boss can do such a standard action.

To a certain extent, the boss can be regarded as a different kind of weirdo among card makers.

Which card maker nowadays would practice penmanship? The effect of penmanship on cards is quite limited, and it requires a lot of time to practice. Most card makers are not willing to waste time on it. As a result, you can often see poor textures drawn by some senior card makers. However, the boss's writing skills are definitely the most beautiful he has ever seen. How much time will it take to practice?

No matter what, the boss is always so unpredictable.

However, Bu Qiangdong quickly dismissed the distracting thoughts in his mind and watched every step of his boss with wide eyes, fearing that he would miss a detail.

The last material was put in, and within fifteen seconds, the color of the ink in the container changed from dark yellow to slightly purple, exuding a strange smell. Of course, this is only for Weah and Lu Xiaoru. Bu Qiangdong is a card maker himself and is very familiar with this smell.

Lu Xiaoru's eyes widened, and she looked at Chen Mu who was completely in the state with some surprise. Is he a card maker? This made her feel a little confused. An assassin card repairman was actually a card maker? Chen Mu's expression was extremely focused and completely selfless. She had only seen this state in some extremely outstanding card makers.

What kind of person is he?

Jungle, communication, impact... these words kept echoing in Chen Mu's mind. To be honest, he is not good at writing scripts. This was Lei Zi's job before, but this time he just did it reluctantly.

Fortunately, Chen Mu had real jungle experience, which brought him a lot of help.

If, if we could communicate in the jungle...

A picture of himself and his children trudging through the jungle suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and a picture of Colin leading the soldiers to lure away the white-spotted ants...

He suddenly lowered his head, and without hesitation took out a slant-edged pen from the [Weak Water] pen set, dipped it in the card ink, and started drawing on the blank card.

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