
Chapter 223 Inspection

When Su Liu Cherou met Chen Mu for the first time, he and Lu Xiaoru were rescuing the little girl. She witnessed the entire process of Chen Mu's rescue. It was hard to imagine that someone could lift such a heavy metal beam with their own strength. She was surprised at the time. It was rare to see someone with such strength. She is a medical card repairman, so naturally she pays more attention to this aspect.

The actions of Chen Mu and his team to rescue the injured also made this kind-hearted medical card repairman very fond of them.

She was very surprised when Chen Mu and Lu Xiaoru came to see her. That day she asked Chen Mu for communication methods, but was rejected for the first time. At that time, she understood what kind of person Chen Mu was. This was the first time she asked someone for communication methods and was rejected.

Then Chen Mu said she had a physical problem, which further confirmed what she was thinking. She was curious, what was wrong with Chen Mu's health? Her medical experience is very rich, and her perception is extremely sensitive. She can often tell at a glance what disease the patient is suffering from. But during the short conversation with Chen Mu just now, she didn't find any problem.

What surprised her was that as soon as her perception came close to Chen Mu, she would be repulsed. For her, this is a very rare phenomenon. Her perception cannot make her an excellent card repairer, but she is quite famous in the medical community. All this is due to the fact that her perception has a very special quality, which is gentleness, extremely gentle, and it will not cause rejection by other people's perceptions.

Ka Xiu is extremely sensitive to perception, whether it is his own perception or that of others. Therefore, once Ka Xiu is injured, it will be quite troublesome. The more powerful the card repairer is, the more trouble they have. They always involuntarily reject the perception released by the medical card repairer, which also makes their treatment more difficult. Fortunately, real masters can control their perceptions very freely.

Su Liu Cherou's perception is extremely gentle and will not cause rejection from other types of perception, which is of great help to her work. It is precisely for this reason that she rarely restrains her perceptions, which is why she is in a situation like this today.

She was shocked when she noticed that Chen Mu's perception was rejecting the perception she released. However, she didn't want to cause misunderstanding, so she immediately restrained her perception, but she was still full of curiosity in her heart.

The nature of the other person's perception is really special!

Seeing Chen Mu lying on the bed, Su Liu's soft mouth showed a slightly cunning smile. She could now conduct a comprehensive inspection of Chen Mu's body openly and without any scruples.

The data on the light screen was constantly being refreshed, and the expression on her face suddenly became a little stunned. Her eyes were fixed on the light screen that popped up from the instrument in front of her.

This, this is a human body?

Under this seemingly ordinary body, there are extremely abnormal data! It's unknown how strong he is, but his muscle fibers are four and two times stronger than ordinary people, almost like steel wires!

Not only that, his breathing, his heartbeat, his muscle distribution ratio, his cell activity...

Su Liu Cherou has been with the teacher since she was six years old. She started learning basic theory when she was eight years old, and by the age of twelve, she had clinical experience. Until now, she has examined more than a thousand people, but she has never seen such a perverted and perfect body!

Only then did she understand why he could lift such a heavy metal beam without using any tools.

This body is so perfect! Su Liu Cherou couldn't help but sigh again. She kept bringing the analysis data of various instruments in front of her as if she were discovering a new continent. Whenever she makes a new discovery, her eyes light up.

Even as she marveled, a question grew stronger and stronger in her mind. Judging from the results of her current examination, not only is there no problem with his body, but he is also extremely healthy. But she believed that he must not be a person who talks freely. Another reason is that the other party's performance last time also proved that this is definitely not a trick that the other party wants to play close to him.

Concentrating on operating various instruments and looking at the dense data on the light screen, Su Liu's Cherou eyes flashed with confusion.

She walked to Chen Mu with the final report, looked at Chen Mu carefully for a moment, and said with a strange expression: "Mr. Cao, there is nothing abnormal about your body, you are very healthy!"

Chen Mu couldn't help but have a flash of disappointment in his eyes. It seemed that the standard here was still not enough. It was not easy to find the devil woman's things, and he had already been mentally prepared for this.

The attentive Su Liu Cherou immediately caught the flash of disappointment in Chen Mu's eyes, and felt a little hesitant in her heart. Is there really a problem?

Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she said, "Maybe we can try another method."

"What can I do?" Chen Mu also became somewhat interested.

Su Liuche and Chen Mu sat on a chair respectively. The two chairs were so close that their legs almost touched each other. If anyone else came in at this time, they would be surprised by the intimacy between Su Liuche and Chen Mu. Su Liu Cherou is very popular in the Luoyou City Medical Card Repair Association, and her gentle and gentle personality is unanimously loved by everyone. Add to that her beauty and outstanding temperament, and her pursuers will naturally be like crucian carp crossing the river.

But Su Liu Cherou faced these, although she smiled, but she also refused them.

"Restrain your perception. I need to use perception to explore the situation inside your body." Su Liu Cherou reminded.

When Chen Mu heard this, he hesitated for a moment, and then compressed his perception to the extreme. He has become accustomed to having his perceptions spread over a small area around him, which greatly increases his sensitivity to his surroundings. The intensity of his perception is not what it used to be. It is powerful and powerful. After being compressed, it becomes even more sensitive, and he feels vaguely ready to move.

He discovered Su Liu Cherou's perception and immediately became interested. He has never seen such a gentle feeling, gentle and harmless, without any sharp breath. When it enters his body, it is like a gentle wind blowing into his heart without any discomfort. This made him marvel at how big the world is and how full of wonders it is.

He didn't know how surprised Su Liu Cherou was at this moment!

The distance between Chen Mu and her was too close. From this distance, she could understand every part of Chen Mu's body very clearly, like a perspective. In medicine, there is a professional term called "proximity perception". Even though it seems easy, it actually has very high requirements. On the one hand, it requires the medical card repairman to have a high intensity of perception, and on the other hand, it also requires the patient to have strong restraint on his own perception. Not every medical card cultivator's perception is as gentle as Su Liu Cherou's.

Perception is very sensitive, and the perception of medical card repairmen needs to be more sensitive. This will not only allow them to obtain more accurate information about the patient's body, but also allow them to complete more difficult operations. Su Liu Cherou's sensory sensitivity is also second to none in the entire Luoyou City Medical Card Repair Association.

What a powerful perception! Although Chen Mu's perception was restrained by him consciously, Su Liu Cherou could still detect the power of his perception! She was extremely surprised. The young man opposite him, who looked less than twenty years old, had a sensory intensity of at least level four!

Su Liu Cherou is not a woman who doesn't understand anything. Perception intensity level 4 may not be anything, but at this age it is surprising! This shows that he has great potential and his future is limitless.

Moreover, the other party's perception is not only powerful, but also extremely sensitive!

Su Liu Cherou closed her eyes with a natural expression. In fact, she had been careful from the beginning and did not dare to be careless at all.

The current situation is very strange. Chen Mu's body was like a battlefield, his own perception was like a guard, while Su Liu Cherou's perception was like another army. The defenders were all concentrated and huddled up, leaving most of the battlefield to the opponent.

Both of their perceptions are extremely sensitive, and they can detect even the smallest fluctuations in each other. Chen Mu's perception was about to move, and Su Liu Cherou could detect it effortlessly. Similarly, Su Liu Cherou's perception was cautious, and Chen Mu's perception also noticed it immediately.

Neither of them dared to be careless. One tried his best to restrain his perception, while the other carefully used his own perception to check Chen Mu's body without causing rejection from the other's perception.

The reaction of perception is sometimes more direct and faster than the reaction of the human brain, which is why the two of them are so careful.

Su Liu Cherou's face suddenly turned red.

At such a close distance, with the intensity of her perception and Chen Mu's deliberate cooperation, she was able to have an extremely subtle understanding of Chen Mu's body.

All the clothes on Chen Mu's body were useless.

This was the first time Su Liu Cherou encountered such a situation, and her aura, which had always been calm, suddenly became chaotic. Regardless of this disorder, her perception also fluctuated involuntarily.

Almost at the same time, Chen Mu tried his best to restrain his senses and immediately felt the fluctuation.

Chen Mu was slightly startled. He didn't know what happened to the other party. At the moment, he could only concentrate on restraining the sensations in his body that were about to move! His perception was developed in water full of pressure, and he is extremely sensitive to various pressures.

The sensing spring column is compressed to the extreme, and all the sensing filaments are received into the sensing spring, causing the sensing spring to become extremely thick.

The characteristic of a spring is that the harder it is pressed, the greater the force of rebound. With his control, it was quite difficult to compress the sensory spring column to this point. Now this wave of fluctuations suddenly caused the compressed sensory spring column to show signs of rebound.

Chen Mudun felt extremely overwhelmed!

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