
Chapter 224 Accident

In order to allow Su Liu Cherou to check more thoroughly, Chen Mu compressed his perception into an unimaginable small amount. Although his sensory control ability was much higher than before, the sudden fluctuations in his extremely compressed perception still made him almost lose control.

This was not the first time Chen Mu encountered a situation where his perception was out of control, so he was not panicked. In fact, he has not systematically learned how to control perception. Some of the methods he knows now are inferred based on the principles explained on the mysterious cards, while others are discovered by himself.

Even the structure of this sensing spring column was imagined by him out of thin air. Even if something strange happens to his perception, he won't be too surprised.

However, he knew very well that once he felt that he suddenly lost control, it would definitely hurt Su Liu Cherou. The other person's perception is mild in nature, while his perception is highly aggressive. Out of control, his senses suddenly hit, and no one could guarantee what would happen.

He wasn't sure whether it was good or bad, but one thing he was sure of was that nothing would happen.

There are only a handful of people in this world who can explain the mystery of perception clearly, and this does not include our classmate Chen Mu.

In comparison, Su Liu Cherou is more aware of the dangers of "close perception", which is why she has never used it. Nowadays, science and technology are developed, and there are countless various inspection instruments. And what she used was very advanced equipment. This was the first time she used "near range perception".

It was precisely because these instruments could not detect any abnormalities in Chen Mu's body that Su Liu Cherou came up with this method. I just didn't expect to encounter such an embarrassing thing. As a doctor, I am naturally very familiar with the human body, and I am no stranger to the male body. But seeing it so clearly and so close, and encountering it without any mental preparation, her reaction was naturally very strong.

However, Chen Mu didn't know this. He didn't even know why the other party's perception fluctuated. The biggest problem is that he doesn't have any good ideas on how to restrain the raging sensations in his body.

With his poor understanding of perception, he could only use all his energy.

This statement is not an exaggeration. Now Chen Mu, everyone's attention is focused on the senses that have been compressed into a ball. Without the medium of perception, coupled with the high concentration of attention, in a sense, he completely lost contact with the outside world.

If someone wanted to kill him at this time, it would be easy.

Su Liucherou was slightly surprised. The relationship between the two was very subtle, and any fluctuations in each other could be detected very clearly by the other party. This kind of understanding is directly understood through perception, which is far more direct, faster, and more real than other methods.

She couldn't help but admire Chen Mu in her heart. This appreciation is not due to Chen Mu's powerful sensory control ability. Although Chen Mu's sensory control ability is powerful, it is not too surprising compared to medical card repairmen who require higher accuracy.

What Su Liu Cherou was surprised and admired was the calmness and concentration shown by Chen Mu. Under such circumstances, cutting off contact with the outside world because of concentration requires not only courage, but also sufficient determination.

From this aspect, Chen Mu was not the most outstanding person she had ever encountered. But he is the first to have such determination at such a young age.

In this world, all geniuses have something unique about them. But if you want to develop further, you need to possess more qualities, and concentration is one of the very important qualities.

It can also be seen from this point that this card repairman named Cao Dong is really not a simple person, although she has never heard of it before.

Su Liu Cherou's face was solemn, and she carefully let her senses slowly penetrate into Chen Mu's body. This process is the most dangerous stage of "close perception". Everyone's body has a sense of self-protection, and Ka Xiu is particularly outstanding in this regard. When other people's perceptions enter your body, it can easily cause a physical reaction.

The process was slow, but under her control, the perception penetrated with determination. Since he said there is a problem and the instrument cannot detect it, it must be that it is hidden too deeply, or it is very concealed.

At this time, Su Liu Cherou had completely forgotten the embarrassment just now, and her concentration was not inferior to Chen Mu's.

Chen Mu's body was like a battlefield, and Su Liu Cherou's perception was like a slowly advancing army. They carefully searched for every possible problem and missed nothing.

A strong feeling of discomfort was transmitted to Chen Mu's brain center through the nerves. Although his attention was completely focused on the sensory spring column that was compressed into a ball, Chen Mu immediately realized that the other party's perception entered his body. He didn't panic, suppressed the imminent perceptions, and kept his mind calm and focused.

At the same time, Su Liu Cherou's expression became more solemn. Her beautiful face with her eyes closed could no longer see half of her usual warm smile. Instead, she was extremely solemn.

She discovered something unusual!

The perception started from Chen Mu's skin and slowly progressed to the depths. Chen Mu's body is now completely covered by Su Liu Cherou's sensory control. This method of full-line approximation may seem a bit stupid, but it is very effective.

As soon as something touched her senses, it penetrated deeper into Chen Mu's body.

While this refreshed her spirits, she was also shocked at the bottom of her heart.

what? Although she hadn't completely scanned it just now, she was sure that there must be something.

Her curiosity suddenly aroused. She is quite indifferent to power, power and wealth, but if she encounters any strange illness, she will immediately become excited.

Inspired, the speed of her sensory propulsion immediately increased greatly.

How big can Chen Mu's body be? It only takes a very short time to sense and explore the whole body inside and outside. Previously, Su Liu Cherou hoped to understand more deeply and tried his best to slow down the advancement. But this acceleration also caused the situation to suddenly change.

The thing was extremely flexible, slippery, and extremely alert. Su Liu Cherou suspected that it was a living creature. Maybe it's a parasite, she thought to herself. As a senior medical card repairman, she has seen countless strange things. Many parasites are quite terrifying. Once they enter the human body, it is extremely difficult to kill them or to get them out.

Su Liu Cherou was very cautious. If this was really an insect, it would be one of the most difficult insects she had ever seen.

Suddenly, it stopped!

Su Liu Cherou was overjoyed. Her senses were like light waves scanning the unknown object over and over again!

Oh my God! What's this? She was astonished and carefully "observed" every part of the unknown object. This unidentified object that is so flexible and alert is actually a green thread as thin as a hair!

Nematodes? Not like that. Although this green line is thin, its length is astonishing. It spreads all over Chen Mu's body, just like it causes capillaries. If it were red and motionless, Su Liu Cherou wasn't sure she would have discovered it.

Without such a long nematode, a nematode with this thinness would not be able to grow so long.

She finally understood Chen Mu's pain. There is a green thread in the body that will drill everywhere at any time, and it will definitely not be very enjoyable. And she has already felt the difficulty of this green thread. Because it was being chased by her perception, it was now tightly attached to Chen Mu's periosteum, like a grid of green thin lines covering Chen Mu's bones.

Su Liu Cherou couldn't help but frown, what on earth is this? She couldn't make an accurate judgment for the moment. For a senior medical card repairman, this situation is rare, but none of the information in her mind can correspond to the green line in front of her.

Su Liu Cherou, who was lost in thought, did not realize that the danger was approaching.

Perception gradually became unstable, like undercurrents rising at the bottom of a river, which began to continuously pull and impact each other.

When Su Liu Cherou realized something was wrong, the situation had become beyond her control. Just now she was busy studying the green line, but she didn't notice that her perception had been in contact with Chen Mu's. The sensory spring column that has been compressed to the extreme is like an extremely dangerous powder keg. A little spark is enough to make it explode!

Su Liu's soft perception just became that spark.


Chen Mu, who was struggling to suppress the spring pillar of perception, screamed secretly!

A storm formed in less than a tenth of a second. The compressed sensory spring column suddenly exploded, countless sensory filaments spread outwards, and the main body of the sensory spring column also suddenly expanded outward!

If Chen Mu was the only one, this wouldn't cause much of a problem. However, within the control range of his perception, there was another kind of perception.

Caught off guard, Su Liu Cherou had no time to react, and her perception was swallowed up by another wave of perception.

If purely measured in terms of quantity, although Chen Mu's perception is slightly stronger than Su Liu Cherou's, it is not much stronger. However, because the compression was too severe before, the sudden impact caused Su Liu Cherou to lose control of her perception.

What changes will occur when two different perceptions come together?

Chen Mu may not understand the danger involved, but Su Liu Cherou's face suddenly turned pale.

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There is another section in the evening, Merry Christmas everyone!

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