
Chapter 233 Banquet (2)

If everyone was still a little skeptical before, no one now doubts that this young man who looks very immature has superb skills. Representative Faya's admiration obviously has a close relationship with Master Su Liu Cherou. If this person said he was ordinary, no one here would believe him.

Some people are already speculating in their minds, what is the relationship between this boy and Master Su Liu Cherou?

Suddenly, a servant hurried forward. He was sweating profusely and looked nervous. Later, he even trotted up to Ren Wenzhou and whispered into Ren Wenzhou's ear.

Ren Wenzhou perked up and said loudly: "Everyone, I'll excuse you for a moment." Then he turned and walked out the door. Everyone looked at each other in confusion. Could it be that some great person had arrived again.

Chen Mu breathed a sigh of relief. With so many people looking at him, he felt a little scared. Now that everyone had finally shifted their attention, he felt much more relaxed. He found a corner again and was about to sit down when there was a sudden commotion at the door of the hall.

I saw Ren Wenzhou walking into the hall accompanied by a young man.

Ren Wenzhou's face was flushed, and the young man around him was smiling and polite.

Bang bang bang, Ren Wenzhou clapped his hands, feeling very satisfied when he saw that he had successfully attracted everyone's attention. At that moment, he said angrily: "Everyone, I would like to introduce the young master next to me to everyone. I think everyone has already guessed who this is, haha, now let me reveal the mystery for everyone."

Ren Wenzhou looked around and saw everyone holding their breath, waiting for the next step. He smiled slightly and dropped a bombshell lightly.

"The young master here is the outstanding master among the younger generation of the Federal Comprehensive School - Zu Ning!"

boom! The entire hall suddenly exploded, with women's excited screams everywhere. People squeezed forward desperately, trying to catch a glimpse of the master. The most distinctive thing about Zu Ning is probably his hair, which is like steel needles and stands straight up to the sky. His face was handsome, originally rather feminine, but with this hairstyle, he looked even more heroic.

Coupled with aristocratic elegance and reserve, he has all the ingredients to become a lover of the masses. Don't think that he only relies on his appearance to make a living. In fact, what he is really famous for is his superb strength.

He did not possess any of the arrogance and laziness of ordinary Kyoto residents. On the contrary, he was extremely diligent and studious. He was so talented that he was admitted to a federal comprehensive school at the age of thirteen, and became famous at the age of fifteen.

At that time, it was just his first experience in the wild. It was during that time that he rescued seven people from a group of ferocious saw-edge crocodiles, and he became famous ever since. His outstanding appearance, elegant temperament, and impressive strength immediately made him a very popular young master.

He was not lost because of this, but worked harder. Finally, at the age of sixteen, he was allowed to practice the famous sensory training method of the Federal Comprehensive University: the Festival Exercise Method. After that, his strength was like breaking bamboo, advancing at a high speed. When he was twenty-two years old, he passed the card-granting examination of a comprehensive school and was awarded the five-star card [Jie Shilian].

Listening to someone beside him chattering about Zu Ning's deeds, this person seemed to be a die-hard supporter of Zu Ning and knew very clearly about Zu Ning's affairs. Chen Mu finally had a general understanding of Zu Ning.

It is a pity that Chen Mu is not familiar with the six majors and does not understand the meaning contained in them. But from the proud tone of the man next to him, Zu Ning must be quite powerful.

Chen Mu was not too interested in Zu Ning himself. He secretly thought in his heart that it seemed that the Federal Comprehensive University was going to intervene in the affairs of the Central Continent Group. In the corner, Chen Mu sneered inwardly, things were getting more and more interesting. But this had nothing to do with him. He didn't want to and couldn't get involved, so he sat quietly in the corner.

The scene was a bit chaotic. Unexpectedly, the servant just came in again. This time the sweat on his face was heavier, his steps were fast, and he whispered in Ren Wenzhou's ear again.

An imperceptible smile flashed at the corner of Ren Wenzhou's mouth, and he immediately pretended to be surprised: "Ah, today is such a good day. I didn't expect that in addition to Mr. Zu's visit, people from Zhongda Bookstore also came. . Master Zu, how about we go together to greet him?"

Ren Wenzhou's words were neither big nor small, but in the ears of the people around him, they were no less than another bombshell. Now even the most stupid person could smell the unusual smell tonight, and everyone became quiet.

A smile appeared on Zu Ning's handsome face, and there was a hint of intimacy in Ren Wenzhou's words, so he certainly knew what was going on. Now he bowed slightly and made a gesture of invitation: "It's an honor, please."

Only a moment later, there was another commotion in the hall. The person coming from Zhongda Book Mansion is also a heavyweight, Xie Yanbai! This is also a young master with a remarkable reputation. Compared with Zu Ning who became famous when he was young, Xie Yanbai did not become famous until he was twenty-five years old. Interestingly, Zu Ning became famous after winning a battle, while Xie Yanbai became famous after losing a battle.

No one will underestimate him because he lost, because his opponent in that battle was Pavchako, the current president of the Federal Comprehensive School who has been famous for thirty years. No one knows why Pavchako accepted the challenge of such an unknown person. This is something that no one else, even the students of the Federal Comprehensive Institution, can understand.

Although Jie Yanbai was defeated in that battle, it was an honor. Afterwards, Pavchako even praised him as a leader among the younger generation. The principals of the six major universities are all the top beings in the federation. Being able to get their praise, Xie Yanbai's net worth suddenly doubled.

When Zu Ning saw it was Xie Yanbai, his handsome face suddenly became gloomy. For the students of the federal comprehensive university, Xie Yanbai is probably one of the most annoying people. Just like the students of Shuangyue Hanzhou hated the Geminis of Moying, it was just that the Geminis of Moying were now alone.

interesting! Zhongda Shufu, the Federal Comprehensive School, and the Faya Foundation are really lively! Chen Mu, who was sitting in the corner, couldn't help but secretly feel lucky that he had resisted the temptation last time. It was obvious that he couldn't wade through this troubled water.

Drinking juice leisurely, your mood will be different and your feelings will be different. The small desserts here tasted very good. Chen Mu, a poor man, had never tasted such delicious food before, so he simply opened his cheeks and ate it to his heart's content.

A big fat man, dripping with sweat, squeezed next to Chen Mu and sat down. As soon as the fat man sat down, he downed the glass of juice in his hand.

"Grandma, there are so many people here!" The fat man looked familiar and smiled at Chen Mu: "When I came here last time, there were not as many people here as half of them. Good guy, there are so many people here this time. There are so many, isn’t this a deliberate attempt to embarrass a fat man like me?”

After speaking, he chuckled and stretched out his plump right hand: "Yang'an, businessman."

Chen Mu glanced at him, stretched out his right hand, and said, "Cao Dong."

The fat man suddenly realized: "Who am I talking about? It turns out to be Mr. Cao of Tianyi! I have admired my name for a long time, I have admired my name for a long time!" Although the Tianyi boss is mysterious, for a boss like Yang An, the name Cao Dong has naturally been heard.

"I wonder if Mr. Cao is interested in making high-end cards?" The fat man showed a harmless smile, and the fat on his face was almost squeezed into a pile. He handed out a business card: "I run an auction house. A while ago, I just happened to have collected some good materials, including a few five-star blank cards. It’s really hard to tell whether they are genuine or not. I wonder if Mr. Cao can help me?”

The fat man felt quite uneasy. Cao Dong dared to refuse even Faya's people, but he couldn't force it.

Five star blank card! Chen Mu was stunned and moved.

He currently makes the most three-star cards, and can barely make a few four-star cards. He doesn't even have to think about five-star cards. But when he heard the five-star blank card, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Unlike three-star and four-level cards, the rarity of five-star and above cards makes each of them command a sky-high price! Even in places like the Big Six, five-star cards are not common. Like Zu Ning, he was awarded a five-star card only after passing the comprehensive college card-granting examination.

The difficulty of the card-granting examination is so high that it is difficult for students who are not students of a federal comprehensive institution to imagine it.

Most of the five-star or above cards in the Federation are concentrated in the hands of big forces like the Sixth and Faya, and are simply not available on the market. Only occasionally seen at some auctions, every one of them is worth a sky-high price! Most of the auction records of famous auction houses are from the auctions of these truly top-quality cards. Even for these sporadic five-star cards, most of the snappers are wealthy forces like the Big Six.

In fact, card makers in this world who can make five-star cards are not as rare as people think. But the reason why five-star cards are so rare is because of the materials. The materials required for five-star cards are all extremely precious and high-end materials, and among them, five-star blank cards account for a very important part.

There are a total of twenty-seven kinds of materials that are known to be able to make five-star blank cards. Some of these twenty-seven kinds are extinct, some have never been seen by anyone, and the remaining ones are all extremely rare. This is why five-star blank cards are so rare and expensive.

The value of one five-star blank card is far more than fifty four-star cards, and it is forty four-star cards with excellent performance! More importantly, it faces the same problem, price but no market.

This is one of the key reasons why five-star cards are so rare on the market. Card making, like anything else, has a problem with success rate. Being able to make five-star cards does not always lead to success. Five-star cards have extremely strict requirements on the fineness of perception control, and their structural complexity is several levels higher than four-star cards.

The materials are scarce and expensive, and the success rate is low, which roughly explains why five-star cards are so rare on the market. Many accomplished card makers may never have the opportunity to successfully create a five-star card in their lifetime. And many card repairmen who have the strength to use five-star cards can only use four-star cards throughout their lives.

A few five-star blank cards, the weights thrown by the fat man are really heavy! Chen Mu's heart was pounding, but the lesson he learned last time was still fresh in his mind. He did not agree immediately. Instead, he calmly thought for a while and then said, "I wonder what cooperation Mr. Yang An means?"

A flash of appreciation flashed in Yang An's eyes. Being able to show such calmness in the face of temptation was nothing to a veteran like him. But if it is placed on a young man who is only eighteen or nineteen years old, it will be very valuable. Thinking about the fact that the other party's Tianyi has now been completely transformed and has firmly secured the number one position in Luoyou City's fantasy card advertising industry, Yang An no longer dares to look down upon him in the slightest.

The fat man said happily: "I will provide the materials and Mr. Cao will make the cards. As for what kind of cards to make, Mr. Cao is free to do so. The cards produced will be auctioned at our auction house. From the auction proceeds, after deducting the material costs, we will make a profit of 46 Divided into four, me and Mr. Cao, six, how about it?"

In a moment, Chen Mu cleared his mind. This was a pretty good proposition for him. What he needs to put in is labor - making cards, and the benefits he gets include, on the one hand, profits, and on the other hand, he can practice a lot and gain a lot of experience. This aspect in particular made him quite concerned. The materials provided by Fatty must be materials for three-star and four-star cards. Although these materials are not as rare as five-star cards, they are not cheap either. And if you purchase the raw materials yourself, it will undoubtedly be an extremely cumbersome task.

And the fat man doesn't suffer even more. He and Chen Mu's share has been deducted from the cost of materials, so he only makes a profit without losing any money. He only needs to provide raw materials and he can get 40% of the profits. For him, this is naturally a very easy thing. In addition, he has another stable supply point. The richness of auction products is of great help in improving the reputation of the auction house.

And all of this is based on one foundation, that is, Chen Muzhen has extraordinary card-making ability. Although he didn't quite understand why the other party was so sure of this, he still admired the fat man's mind.

Seeing Chen Muruo's moved expression, Fatty added fire: "As a partner, if the auction house has the materials Mr. Cao needs, Mr. Cao has the right to buy them out at 1.2 times the purchase price. Of course, if Mr. Cao sells cards, our auction house has priority. Tianyi’s fantasy card advertisement is not an exception. How about our cooperation, signed every six months?"

Chen Mu no longer hesitated and nodded: "Okay!"

The fat man stretched out his palm, and Chen Mu high-fived it, signaling an agreement. This is a verbal commitment, and other details need to be signed in a contract.

Being able to win over a card maker who could impress the Faya representative, Fatty's mood immediately improved. The two high-fived and agreed, and their relationship immediately changed.

The fat man suddenly spoke more casually, his eyes drifted towards the center of the hall, and he smiled: "Zhongzhou is close to a big tree this time. But the three parties are not good friends, I am afraid that Luoyou City will be in chaos for a while. Well, it's just I wonder if I can see Zu Ning and Yan Bai’s exchange, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Tsk tsk, and Faya is watching eagerly from the side. I’m really curious as to what kind of master they will send. Interesting! So interesting!”

Master? The man wearing half of the silver mask flashed in his mind. Chen Mu said indifferently: "What does this have to do with us?"

Fatty obviously liked the word "we" that Chen Mu said. He took a sip of juice and laughed, "It really doesn't matter. We just want to make money!"

The fat man was still a little surprised. This Cao Dong was not as difficult to get in touch with as he thought. He didn't know what grudge he had with Faya, so he actually refused Faya's business.

How did he know how arrogant Xiaoman was that day? If Xiaoman threw away a few million euros, maybe our extremely poor classmate Chen Mu would take over the business right away.

Powerful people often like to treat the weak with a tough attitude. If they find that the other party is not weak, they will immediately adjust their smiles and cooperate softly. Maybe that's not the intention of the powerful, but they are used to being strong.

I have to say that habit is an extremely terrifying force.

However, it was obvious that Chen Mu did not want to give them a second chance. Whether it was Xiaoman or Faya, they were all blacklisted by him.

Fatty is a very interesting guy. He tells some inside information from time to time, which is so interesting that even Chen Mu can't help but smile.

They didn't care at all about the group of people gathered in the center of the hall, who seemed to be intimate but actually were quarreling with each other. According to Fatty, their tonnage is not enough.

Fatty's strength is not as low-key as he appears. Those who originally rushed over to find Chen Mu excitedly could not hide their disappointment when they saw the fat man. As for the fat man, he seemed as if nothing had happened, but he couldn't help but have a glint of pride flashing in his eyes. These disappointed people did not forget to salute Fatty Yang when they left. Fatty Yang had an indifferent expression on his face, and it seemed that he should have been used to it.

It seems that Fatty has a high status in this circle and is not a simple figure.

"Mr. Yang'an, Mr. Cao!" A young man in a tuxedo came to the two of them with a flattering and flattering expression on his face.

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