
Chapter 234 Weah returns

Unexpectedly, he met another acquaintance, Cleo, the second son of the Raven family. Cleo's attitude at this time was completely different from before.

The fat man was not interested in Cleo. He just raised the juice in his hand and said, "Master Cleo." He stopped talking. Chen Mu also nodded to him: "Master Cleo."

Cleo didn't seem to mind this kind of treatment, and faced the two of them with an eager face: "I didn't expect to see Mr. Cao here. It's really surprising. In a few days, it will be Cleo's coming-of-age ceremony. Can Mr. Yang'an and Mr. Cao come?"

Coming of age ceremony? Chen Mu didn't understand this, but he had no interest in Lei Wen's family. The eagerness in Cleo's eyes also made him feel a little uncomfortable. He shook his head: "I'm sorry, I have something to do." After that, he closed his mouth. The fat man's answer was even more direct: "I have something to do too. I'm sorry, Mr. Cleo."

Cleo couldn't hide the look of disappointment on his face, then he said a few words and then left sadly.

The fat man glanced at Cleo's leaving figure and said disdainfully: "The Raven family is getting more and more backward. The two sons only care about intrigues and don't even care about the family business. What stupid guys!"

Then the fat man saw the confused expression on Chen Mu's face and explained: "In aristocratic families like the Leiwen family, when the children of the family come of age, they will hold a banquet. They will also invite some well-known people at that time. Friends with strength can be regarded as a certain degree of support. Hey, very few families still retain this tradition. I didn’t expect that the Raven family still retains it.”

The fat man seemed to be quite disdainful of this tradition in his words.

Chen Mu understood somewhat, but he didn't have a good impression of Cleo, so he naturally didn't take it seriously. He saved Cleo, but not only did he not treat him sincerely, but he also kept playing tricks. Chen Mu stayed away from this kind of person.

Seeing Chen Mu's expression, the fat man showed a clear expression on his face, and lowered his voice and said: "Both sons of the Lei Wen family are useless, and their decline is a foregone conclusion. Doing business with them will be successful in the short term, but not in the long term."

"How do you say this?" Chen Mu was suddenly curious.

The fat man's expression was indifferent: "When our business reaches this stage, we are no longer just about things, but more about connections and channels. Business is not easy to do now. If you want to make it big with your own strength, it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky. With It is a trend for people to cooperate. No matter how huge profits are made in short-term things, they are very limited. Long-term stable income is more important. Only a partner who can cooperate for a long time is worth spending a lot of money. Only talents like Cao are worth that The price!”

Fatty's theory made Chen Mu stunned for a moment. He had little experience in business, but these words still made him realize something.

Chen Mu smiled: "You think too highly of me."

"No, no, no!" The fat man shook his head like a rattle, making people worried whether it would fall down: "Brother Cao, don't be too modest. Although the fat man is not perfect at seeing people, he is still inseparable. Brother Cao has a calm temperament and a clear gaze. He is steadfast and determined, and at first glance he is determined to do great things. He has a tenacious temperament and sticks to his word.”

Chen Mu was stunned again. He had never heard anyone praise him so much. At this moment, someone not far away said hello to the fat man. The fat man was very sharp-eyed. He quickly confessed to Chen Mu and stood up to greet him. It's hard to imagine that such a fat guy can move so quickly.

The fat man left, and Chen Mu stayed alone in the corner again. Very beautiful tunes were played in the hall, and waiters shuttled between the guests carrying red wine, juice and desserts from time to time. Here are the famous people in Luoyou City. They gather together in small groups, talking and laughing from time to time, and occasionally glancing at the center of the hall. And those ladies in exquisite evening gowns were whispering to each other, and their eyes were always burning towards Zu Ning and Xie Yan Bai in the middle. The young disciples stared at Xiaoman in the center with fiery eyes and a bit of greed.

The protagonists of this banquet are these two men and one woman.

As for myself, I am just a small person. No one knows me, which saves me trouble. He didn't notice that the guests who walked by him from time to time looked at him with the same surprise.

There are not many high-end card repairers at this kind of banquet. Although high-level card repairmen are the targets that every force strives to win over, it is even more difficult for them to enter the upper class society. Of course, except for students who graduated from the Sixth National University, once you enter the Sixth National University, it means that you have begun to enter the upper class society.

Like Zu Ning and Xie Yan Bai, the expressions on their faces are always indifferent and reserved. It was a condescending attitude that no one around thought was strange. On the contrary, they thought it was perfectly normal. Even Ren Wenzhou accepted it naturally.

There is a saying in the Federation that only the five major Chinese regions and Kyoto can have real nobles. In the eyes of many people in the five major Chinese regions and Kyoto, a powerful man like Ren Wenzhou is nothing more than a rich man. They are born with a sense of superiority, and for people with six major backgrounds, this sense of superiority is also more obvious.

In comparison, Xiaoman looks much more pleasing to the eye. But it was obvious that she was no match for these two people. She was not strong enough to compete with them in terms of momentum or strength. If the half-masked man comes, he might be able to compete with these two people.

But what does this have to do with myself? Chen Mu continued to drink juice comfortably. He drank seven or eight cups in one go, and each cup tasted different. In terms of taste, it tastes much better than drinking Qingyunliushui by myself before.

When Chen Mu thought of clear clouds and flowing water, he thought of Lei Zi who didn't know where he was now, and suddenly felt melancholy.

Just stay in the corner without anyone disturbing you. Many people who originally wanted to make friends with Chen Mu, saw the expression on Chen Mu's face that said he should not approach strangers, so they left wisely.

After the banquet, Chen Mu left quietly. As for the four people who seemed to be chatting happily, he didn't even look at them.

When he returned to his residence and opened the door, Chen Mu was stunned to see Weah sitting on the floor.

"When did you come back?" Chen Mu came to Wea's side and sat on the floor. When Lu Xiaoru saw Chen Mu coming back, she quickly went to prepare food and tea.

"Just now." Weah didn't even raise his eyelids. Only then did Chen Mu notice that there was a pure brown animal in his arms, and Weah was teasing it.

"What is this?" Chen Mu asked curiously. This little animal has thick brown hair all over its body. It looks a bit like a dog, but its body is much fatter. Some of the animals look like brown balls of flesh.

Weah shook his head: "I don't know."

"I don't know?" Chen Mu's expression suddenly felt strange: "Where did you get it?" With Weah's character, Chen Mu didn't believe that he would buy a small pet. If the only time he was likely to buy something was when he was hungry.

"Snatched." Weah still didn't raise his eyelids, teasing the little guy with pleasure. The little guy was dull enough. He curled up on Weah's lap and slept soundly.

"Snatched it?" Chen Mu suddenly became interested: "Where did you snatch it from?"

"Amedal City."

"Where is that?" Chen Mu was confused. Lu Xiaoru on the side quickly responded: "Amedal City is another commercial center in Mingzheng District. It is almost as prosperous as Luoyou City. It is far away from here."

"What are you doing in Amedal City?" Chen Mu asked strangely. The last time Weah asked him for money, he felt very incredible. It turned out that this guy went to Amedal City. There must be something going on when Weah went there. Chen Mu believed that it was definitely not because of this brown dog that was as big as a meatball.

"Grab it." Weah's answer almost petrified Chen Mu.

"It?" Chen Mu opened his mouth wide and pointed at the chubby brown dog with a stunned expression. Lu Xiaoru, who was pouring tea, almost spilled the tea.


"You came to Amedal City just to snatch it?" Chen Mu wondered if he was hearing hallucinations.


"Why did you grab it?"

Weah tilted his head and thought for a moment: "It looks familiar."

Chen Mu had black lines popping up on his forehead: "So, you robbed it? And you even went to Amedal City to rob it?"

"Yes." Weah then took out a money card and handed it to Chen Mu: "This thing is useless."

"It's useless?" Chen Mu was stunned. Is the money card useless? There were four million odi in this money card, and Weah actually said it was useless! Suspicion suddenly arose in his mind: "Then how did you get to Amedal City?"

"Take the long shuttle train."

"You need to buy a ticket for the long shuttle train. Didn't you check the ticket?" Chen Mu asked.

"What is that?" Weah asked.

Lu Xiaoru's hand shook again, and the tea spilled on the table.

Chen Mu gestured to describe: "It's a card-like thing called a ticket. You will be allowed to get on the bus only if you have a ticket. You didn't buy it?"

"No." Weah shook his head.

"Then how did you get up there?" Chen Mu asked curiously: "If you don't have a ticket at the ticket gate, you won't be allowed in."

"Oh, you're talking about the machine that screams? I patted it and it stopped screaming." Weah's expression was extremely natural.

Chen Mu suddenly broke into a cold sweat. Take a shot? Glancing at Weah's hand, Chen Mu couldn't help but imagine the scene at that time. With Weah's strength, he slapped the ticket gate machine. Not to mention the ticket gate machine, even the harder instruments were scrapped.

After swallowing his saliva, Chen Mu then asked, "You haven't eaten?"

"have eaten."

"How do you eat?" Chen Mu was curious.

"I saw cooked meat hanging in many places, so I took it off and ate it." Weah smacked his lips: "The taste is a bit bland, but it's better than what you made."

A scene immediately emerged in Chen Mu's mind: Weah walked to the door of a cooked meat store and saw a row of cooked meats hanging on it. He flashed at an astonishing speed, calmly picked a few skewers from the top, and then Walk away.

"You used the same method when you came back?" Chen Mu looked extremely speechless, but he still asked.


His eyes fell back on the sleeping dog in Weah's arms. Could this dog have anything to do with Weah? If it didn't matter, how could Weah run so far? But Weah said he didn't know, probably because he hadn't remembered it yet. Chen Mu suddenly thought of another question: "How did you know that this dog was in Amedal City?"

"Saw it from the ratings card."

Chen Mu suddenly realized. Suddenly, he realized what Weah had said before: "It was also stolen? Was it stolen?!"

"It was locked in a cage, and I broke the cage. Six people chased me, and I killed them." Weah's face remained unchanged, his expression was calm, and he told a rather bloody incident in a natural tone.

Lu Xiaoru's face turned pale, her hands trembled, and the tea spilled into a large puddle.

No matter what, Chen Mu finally felt relieved when Weah came back. With Weah's strength, there is actually no need for him to worry, but Weah is completely unfamiliar with the world outside the jungle. Things like what we did this time were actually quite dangerous. If the opponent is very strong, if he meets a truly strong person, or if he provokes public anger and is besieged, even with Weah's strength, Chen Mu is not sure whether he can survive.

Perhaps a master like the president of the six major universities could survive the simultaneous bombing of hundreds or even more card repairmen. But other card cultivators, even those famous masters, have only one way to escape when faced with hundreds of card cultivators.

However, Weah is not familiar with worldly affairs and can easily get into trouble. Chen Mu was not afraid of trouble, but he felt it was unnecessary to cause trouble.

Lu Xiaoru's face was always a little pale, as if she was being strongly stimulated. So much so that when Weah praised her cooking skills, her expression was extremely unnatural. This meat dog seems to be quite clever and will wake up as soon as it smells something to eat.

After the meal, Weah was still guarding his fantasy card as usual, only this time there was a ball of brown flesh at his feet.

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