
Chapter 244 Bold guess

Chen Mu is in trouble. Intermediate level two perceptual sensitivity training was much more difficult than he thought. For seven consecutive days, except for rest, he stayed here, and he didn't even practice aerobics. As for aerobics, he could clearly feel that its effect on improving his body was getting smaller and smaller.

The training was boring, but he didn't find it boring and was tortured consistently. This is much more interesting than making one-star energy cards. In the past, when he was making one-star energy cards, especially at the beginning, he encountered so much resistance that it was hard for others to imagine. He was only eleven years old at the time, and the card maker was just a down-and-out card maker who was about to starve to death, and he only had seven days to study.

In seven days, it is almost impossible for an eleven-year-old child with no previous knowledge to learn how to make a one-star energy card. But the dying card maker only thought of this method, and it was the only thing he could reward Chen Mu with. In order to teach Chen Mu, the card maker racked his brains, broke down each step step by step, and patiently explained the function of each step.

This was the first time he came into contact with these things. There were too many things that Chen Mu didn't understand. But at a young age, he was keenly aware that this could very well be an opportunity to change his destiny. So he worked very hard. Since he didn't understand, he would write it down first. The card maker is dead and Chen Mu hasn't figured it out yet, but he has written down all the steps and every detail.

With hope, Chen Mu began to work part-time jobs here and there, which lasted for a year.

And during this year, he finally figured out what the dead card maker taught him. Even though this is just the simplest and most common method of making a one-star energy card, for him, it is hope, the hope of survival. Every night, he would dip his hands in water and practice the pattern of the One Star Energy Card over and over again. In order to avoid forgetting, he would take time to recite all the details that needed attention in his mind every day. From beginning to end, not a single detail was missed.

When he started making one-star energy cards, his pressure did not ease at all. He had very little money on hand, and every time his production failed, his losses were huge. He is not qualified to fail!

So he developed the habit of concentration and thoroughness. Only in this way can he minimize the number of card-making failures.

Chen Mu's card making success rate is quite astonishing among card makers. For ordinary card makers, when making familiar cards, the failure rate is about 30%. But Chen Mu's failure rate was far less than this number, and Bilson was stunned that day.

Chen Mu has become accustomed to a boring and monotonous life. To him, this is just the most common and ordinary part of life, and there is nothing worth making a fuss about. He probably could not have imagined that it was precisely because of his attitude that he could achieve what he has achieved now.

People who live a good life always feel that life should be colorful, colorful, and full of the smell of cigars and red wine.

But in Chen Mu's eyes, this is not the case. Survival is not easy, it is difficult and walking on thin ice, and there are always all kinds of unimaginable troubles and troubles.

He's used to it.

Because of this, he never gave up hope. Even if this hope is just a thin one-star energy card. Because of this, when practicing the "extreme exercise method" in the mysterious card, he gritted his teeth and endured the inhuman pain.

To him, this is just a part of life, a very common and normal part, no big deal.

Even now, sensory sensitivity training tortures his nerves again and again. He didn't know how many times he had failed, too many to count. The model in front of him only had a shallow layer of the base completed, which was his pitiful achievement in the past seven days.

Chen Mu looked as usual, his attention was not distracted by constant failures, he was not discouraged, and he controlled his perception with consistent concentration. For others, concentration is quite energy-consuming, but for Chen Mu, this is a common occurrence. Making one-star energy cards taught him how to focus, a habit he has used in every part of his life.

He has found a little trick, or in other words, his sensitivity seems to have improved slightly.

The high-speed rotating turntable can no longer interfere with him. He can now easily find the energy block he needs from the high-speed rotating turntable and then lock it.

This was also his only achievement in the past seven days.

But it was still very difficult to remove it. He needed to try about one hundred and fifty times before he could successfully remove a piece. This required too much sensory control.

This is a ratio that can drive people crazy, but Chen Mu is not discouraged at all. Compared with when I first came into contact with the cards, I had no one to guide me and relied entirely on self-study. The current difficulty is just a matter of proficiency, even though it is a bit more difficult.

But his body has its limits after all, and concentration consumes physical and mental energy at an alarming rate. Three hours later, he withdrew from the mystery card. The result of his three hours was to remove two energy blocks, but he failed five hundred times.

These two energy blocks are much more difficult to remove than ordinary energy blocks, which is why they have such a desperate ratio.

Weah sat in front of the fantasy card and watched the programs inside with great interest. He held the brown dog in his arms and teased it with his other hand. This meat dog is very fat and has a heavy body. Every time Weah lifts it up, you can see extremely obvious waves of meat rolling. It has a big appetite and a very lazy temperament, and often sleeps all day long.

Surprisingly, Weah, who didn't care about anything, seemed to like this meat dog very much, which surprised Chen Mu.

At this moment, the measuring instrument in Chen Mu's hand rang. Chen Mu took a look and saw that it was Su Liu Cherou.

"Hello, Mr. Cao." Su Liu's soft and beautiful face appeared on the light screen that popped up in front of her.

"Hello, Miss Su Liu." Chen Mu nodded to her.

Su Liuche smiled softly and asked with a bit of concern: "Mr. Cao, how is your health lately? Is there anything going on?"

Chen Mu felt warm in his heart, and his tone naturally slowed down: "Everything has been going well recently. Thank you, Miss Su Liu." Su Liu Che softened him and just met him once. Not only did he check his body and diagnose the cause of the disease for free, but she also cared about his condition. , Chen Mu was moved.

Tucking her bangs in front of her forehead, Su Liuche's soft and fair face made people's hearts beat. She smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Cao, you're welcome. I'm a medical card repairman. This is just my job." Then she said in a tone of voice He straightened up and said, "I came to see Mr. Cao this time because I have a preliminary diagnosis result."

"Oh, please tell me." Chen Mu's attention immediately focused.

"To be honest, the teacher and I have never seen this kind of situation before. We didn't find any relevant records about the thread-like object in Mr. Cao's body." She paused for a moment, shining with the brilliance of knowledge, and the small cherry blossoms But Lip dropped a very powerful bomb: "Furthermore, based on the analysis of the known data, the teacher and I found that this green filament is very likely to be a living creature!"

"A living creature?" Chen Mu's heart jumped suddenly.

Like lightning, he recalled the scene of the Devil Woman using this green thread. This green thread easily killed several card repairmen. He suddenly remembered that when the devil girl put away the green thread at the end, the green thread turned into a card!

Yes, it’s a card! He still remembered how surprised he was at that time! He had never seen such a magical card, or in other words, he had never seen such a strange change.

The core of Tianyou Federation's cards is energy and structure. All cards revolve around these two points, without exception. Similarly, the changes in Tianyou Federation cards are changes in energy and structure.

This was Chen Mu's understanding of the card before meeting the Devil Woman. The card in the devil woman's hand completely broke Chen Mu's understanding of cards. It turns out that there is a card system in this world that is completely different from the Federation!

Somehow, when Chen Mu heard Su Liu Cherou say that the green silk was a living thing, the first thing that came to his mind was the green silk card!

"Yes, from the analysis of various characteristics, it should be a living creature, although neither the teacher nor I have seen such a strange creature." Su Liu Cherou looked solemn and solemn. When it comes to professional issues, the softness on Su Liu Cherou's face always disappears, replaced by a sharp look.

Chen Mu waited quietly for the next chapter.

Su Liu Cherou paused, looked at Chen Mu with an apologetic look, and said: "But so far, the teacher and I have not found a practical way. It is really entrenched too deep and spreads all over your body. If you want to take it out forcibly, you have to cut open all the muscle tissue in your body, but our technology is still far from that!"

Chen Mu felt a touch of disappointment in his heart. This result did not surprise him. He had a bad feeling the last time he checked.

But what Su Liu Cherou said next cheered him up: "But it's not that we didn't discover it." Su Liu Cherou pursed her lips and smiled: "Teacher and I have been studying together for a long time, and the teacher is also very interested in your situation. . We finally came up with two speculations that may be helpful."

"What speculation?" Chen Mu couldn't help but blurt out.

"There are two speculations. First, we speculate that the intensity of your perception can slow down the number of attacks. That is to say, the stronger your perception intensity, the less likely it is to attack. The pain and pain of each attack will be smaller. The time will be shorter. However, another problem is that the stronger your perception, the greater the pressure on it. This living creature is the most peculiar creature that my teacher and I have ever seen. Its vitality is very strong, and it needs It has very little energy, so you don’t need to worry about it absorbing nutrients in your body.

However, it is very sensitive to pressure, which is why the last time you were ready to take it out, it burrowed deep into your muscle. The pressure you feel getting stronger on it is likely to stimulate further growth. This is a very strange creature, the greater the pressure, the stronger its tendency to grow. At this time, it will absorb nutrients from your body, and we are not sure what kind of sequelae it will cause. "

"Another speculation was discovered by me accidentally. At that time, I made its various parameters into a standard data table for sexually transmitted diseases in preparation for searching for similar creatures. I wanted to see if I could find its close relatives, so maybe I could There are new discoveries. Unfortunately, I didn’t find its close relatives, but I accidentally discovered a creature that is completely opposite to its data!”

Chen Mu opened his ears and listened carefully, fearing that he would miss a word.

"In medicine, there is a very strange phenomenon called the Popovich phenomenon. This is a very strange phenomenon discovered by a medical doctor named Popovich a hundred years ago. He discovered that if two people The standard data tables of sexual diseases of these organisms are completely opposite, and they often have mutual understanding. The most typical ones are three palm grass and brown fern. Both plants are highly toxic, and the standard data tables of sexual diseases are completely opposite. . But the wonderful thing is that three palm grass can detoxify the poison of brown ground fern, and brown ground fern can also detoxify three palm grass poisoning!"

With his eyes wandering and a glance at Chen Mu, Su Liu Cherou continued: "However, there are too few such coincidences in nature. So far, a total of five pairs of completely opposite examples have been discovered. This kind of mutual understanding The phenomenon has no theoretical basis, and there is a lot of controversy about it in the medical community. But I personally think that this is also a breakthrough. Completely opposite to the standard data sheet of the filamentous biological disease in your body, the golden plaque soft Liquid bacteria.”

"Golden spot soft fungus?" Chen Mu asked, he had never heard of this kind of creature.

Su Liu Cherou smiled bitterly and said: "To be honest, I have never seen the real thing. This is a very rare fungus. Its texture is extremely soft, like meat jelly, with golden spots growing on it." At the same time, Su A very small light curtain popped up in a clear and soft manner, and above it was the image of the golden-spotted soft liquid fungus. Su Liu Cherou constantly adjusted the angle of the golden-spotted soft bacteria in the light curtain so that Chen Mu could see it more clearly.

"Golden Spot Molluscum is very rare and very expensive. It has a very important role, that is, it can extend human life. Moreover, Golden Spot Molluscium is not produced in the Federation. It is produced in Baiyuan Mansion. It is said that, It is also extremely rare and rare in Baiyuan Mansion." At this point, Su Liu Cherou seemed to feel that the hope was too slim, and said apologetically: "This speculation actually has little value, but I still tell you. I hope you Don’t lose hope, it doesn’t matter if there is no S. chrysanthemi. I will look for them and see if I can find any of their close relatives, which might be useful too.”

Chen Mu looked stunned.

Seeing Chen Mu's appearance, Su Liuche's soft eyes dimmed, and she sighed in her heart, but she didn't know how to comfort her. The guilt in her heart became even heavier, so she just hung up after saying a few words of comfort.

In fact, she didn't know that Chen Mu was stunned not because of the golden-spotted soft fungus, but because of the Baiyuan Mansion she just mentioned! Baiyuan Mansion, when he heard this term, his brain felt like it was struck by lightning. During the time he spent with the Devil Girl, he had suspected countless times that the Devil Girl came from the mysterious Baiyuan Mansion!

The Grimace Flower Fruit, Wall Lotus, Elastic Grass, and the fighting style of walking in the darkness made him make the same guess many times.

Now he was 90% sure that the devil girl came from Baiyuan Mansion. However, although Chen Mu didn't know much about Baiyuan Mansion, he still had some basic common sense.

It has been almost two hundred and seventy years since Baiyuan Mansion and the Federation established diplomatic relations, but Baiyuan Mansion is still extremely mysterious in the eyes of the people of the Federation. And although the two sides have established diplomatic relations, there are very few actual contacts. Originally, there were very frequent exchanges between Baiyuan Mansion and the Federation, but about a hundred years ago. A Kaxiu group with tens of thousands of people entered Baiyuan Mansion, causing extremely bad effects.

Baiyuan Mansion also strictly controlled the exchanges between the two parties after that incident. Now the communication between Baiyuan Mansion and the Federation is almost zero. If it weren't for the devil woman who was so different, it would be difficult for Chen Mu to remember this mysterious place.

Chen Mu suddenly remembered that the first time he met the devil woman was in the wild outside Dongshangweicheng. However, the link between Baiyuan Mansion and the Federation is not in the eastbound area! How did the devil woman get to the wilds of Dongshang Acropolis? Even though the devil woman was extremely tyrannical, Chen Mu didn't believe that she could cross most of the federation from the wild alone. And judging from the stiffness shown by the devil woman, she had never interacted with other federal residents before meeting him.

Chen Mu thought about the incident where Xingyuan came to Dongwei Academy for exchanges. There are many versions of speculation about this incident, but no matter which version, everyone believes that Xingyuan must have a clear purpose. Otherwise, how could Tangtang Xingyuan come to such an unknown little place?

Devil woman...Hoshiyuan...

Is there any connection between the two?

A bold guess suddenly emerged from Chen Mu's heart uncontrollably.

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